Tag Archives | impregnation

Chotto Bijin De Mune Ga Dekakute Eroi dake No Baka Nee + Bangaihen bonus [English, 238 pictures], by Takatsu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments


Well, that one had flown under my radar, time to catch up, my bad. I should have shared it earlier, even then, but every petition I sent to have days lasting 28 hours instead of 24 was rejected with a “fuck you lol” quite rude response. So, I’m doing with what little free time I have ^^

To sum it up, save one unrelated chapter around the end, the entire volume is around a teenage brother and his slightly older stepsister with an alluring athletic figure (dark skin? Tanlines? CHECK!), becoming lovers, and then doing their best to find every possible opportunity to fuck whenever there’s a chance. They experience with “normal” sex with the occasional kinky time, such as setting up a live show (with anal, yiss!!) or letting a female friend join for a threesome.

All in all, even though the shota aspect was annoying (it’s not like the brother was too young, it’s that there was such a huge size discrepancy), the art was solid by Takatsu’s standards, the action was full of energy, and the censorship was mainly negligible it was nice :)

Release credits are for Kuma-pun, Innyinny, Maipantsu, Ero/ Robert, Halny, KitKat1901, Dynellen, Hentaicore.net and Hobohobo. Thank you very much, all of you! ^_^

For MORE, I recommend you The list of Takatsu/Takatu’s works on HentaiRules

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Issennen No Ai O Shinjite (“In Belief Of A Thousand Year Long Love”) [English, 160 pictures], by Shishikura Sendou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Hurry up and come back, dude

I wasn’t ready for this amount of feels. Although it’s not like in Believe Machine, I felt a similar tsunami of emotions, of sadness and joy.

In Issennen No Ai O Shinjite, an elf with an impossibly long lifespan and a human learn to trust and love each other. Basically.
They each had their own trauma to overcome, the elf lost all confidence and self-esteem, the human stopped believing a woman could keep on loving him even when he’s away for his mercenary work. And… let’s say they worked hard on deserving each other’s trust :)

This is a full-volume scenario, starting by exposing original drama, and ending in a harrowingly beautiful conclusion.
Graphically, it’s not amazing TBH, but it’s good enough, still.

Thanks to whoever is behind the release of this masterpiece, that was amazing. Really, thank you, and I wish you all, folks, a good read :)

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Ihou No Otome (“Monster Girls In Another World”) [English, 240 pictures], by Mizone

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Laying the dragon

Oh, wow!!

Thanks to the fine scanlation work of The People With No Name (whose names are @Legendrazgriz and @Zolgheim), here is a most excellent manga, I’m confident most of you guys should have a great time reading it.
Really, thanks for the release ^_^

Each chapter in Ihou No Otome is a separate story, in which the canvas changes, but not the gist: a man and a woman, belonging to different monster, human or demi-human species, fall in love, overcome the differences between their species, and have sex with lots of mutual love.
Sometimes you’ll have tsundere, sometimes pure WAFF, sometimes it will be cutely amusing…
As for the women, they’re of all kind of animal-based species: naga, harpy, centaur or weird beast (the only 2 chapters I couldn’t stand, I have something against four-legged monster girls apparently), dragon, demon, and dryad…

Must I even warn you, that these are monster girls? I mean, it’s kinda, erm, obvious, right? It’s Mizone, and it’s in the title ;)
Still, please, if the first and second chapters spooked the fuck out of you, try and endure, it gets so much better in the entire rest of the volume, with less spooky girls! And, graphically, it’s a treat. The men and women making entranced faces, full of love, sex with very little censorship, that was good. Hats off :)

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Aimitsu Carameliser [English, 228 pictures], by 212

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Fuck yeah, this is okay

Here’s an excellent release I am most pleased to share, the complete Aimutsu Carameliser, by 212 (an artist I also saw called “Niichini”), 228 pages full of excellent sex, mostly vanilla, drawn with great talent :)

Some chapters will be casual brains-free sex, most of them will be various shades of vanilla with lively female characters (my favourite quote: “Then it’s me who got fooled! Return my virginity, you stupid Haruki!:lol: ), the action never left me with a sour aftertaste, I loved those good vibes =)

Graphically, ah, it’s also the good stuff. The censorship remains bearable (a few semi-transparent bars here and there, and an uncensored chapter 2), the girls are really sweet (absolute victory for the tanned athlete with her sports bra and tanlines, HNNNNNG), there’ll be plenty to enjoy :twisted:

I hope you guys too will love this release. Thanks a LOT to CopyOf, N04H, Herzer and Alexey! :jap:

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Tokunou Mama Milk (“Specially Thick Mother’s Milk”) [English, 190 pictures], by Baksheesh AT

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Commentator: and, indeed, he moved.

Offline life was ruthless this week, at long frigging last I’m finding time to prepare this share I wanted to, erm, well, yeah, share :D
Here’s an excellent release, “Tokunou Mama Milk”, by an artist I’m fond of, Baksheesh AT.

Save a mini-arc (that I’ll summarize with this quote: “I guess we’re both mother fuckers now, huh:lol: ), each chapter is a different story with different characters. Approximately half of the chapters deal with shota, the rest is old enough men and women (the women being of early MILF age). The story canvases will wildly vary, I giggled with the “I fuck your mom, you fuck mine” mini series, otherwise it’s relatively bland but efficient in leading to plenty of sex.

And graphically… YISS! That’s the stuff! The women look great, meaty, with beautiful faces and thick lips, usually wearing glasses, with generous large breasts, shown in artful soft tones… It’s something I can’t quite properly describe, the drawings look like *art*, they look *drawn*, not the result of some soulless graphical tab usage…

Sorry for yet another wall of text, to make it shorter: ENJOY! And thanks a lot to BSN!! ^^

By the same artist (you may call him “Gold Koman Sex”, “Baksheesh AT” or “Bakushishi AT”), I also share Health Angel Kango No Oshigoto (206 pictures) Ainyuubo Hanna, Romancing Saga, Sacrifice Fly, Besshitsu Shidou + Tokubetsu Shidou, and the 6 volumes of the Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid series, split in 3 posts: Tensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! Baka ka!, followed by Daitensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid + Ganso! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid, and lastly Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius Kanketsuhen.

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Imouto Kansatsu Nikki (“The Record Of Sex With My Sister”) [English, 210 pictures], by Eba

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Take it! Take my facepalm!

This is a manga by Eba. Sooo…
Manipulate them, dominate them, force them, hypnotize them, blackmail them, the means don’t matter, as long as those sisters become obedient cum dumps for their fucking ugly despicable brothers.

I’ll mention the art is pretty good when the mangaka forgets to suck, but that’s not enough of a redeeming quality here, at least for me. If, you, you dig that stuff, hey, treat yourselves, why not.

Additionally, I must add this warning, the scanlation quality is horrible. Bland at best, otherwise there’s hardly a page without elements that are either weird or totally wrong (I turbo-facepalmed when one million yen became one million dollars, FFS at the moment 1 million yen is 7367 dollars).

Usually, I’ll add heartfelt thanks to the scanlator, but this time, even my weakest “thanks are an order” seems excessive, I’m not sure I want to thank anybody despite the time it must have taken :-/

By the same artist, I also share Noryoku Gakuen Gekokujo ~ Boku Ga Gakuen O Seisu Made (236 pictures), Datsu Imouto Sengen (“Sister Removal Declaration”, 196 pictures), Sister Island (198 pictures), Hitozuma Ga Ero Sugite Shigoto Ni Naranai! (194 pictures), Forbidden Fruit ~ Kindan no Kajitsu (180 pictures), La Paix Corpo No Yuuutsu (201 pages) and Aspiring Sex Slave (187 pictures)

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Seikou Senki Jewel Luminous Otome Futari Otsuru Toki (“Sacred Battle Princess Jewel Luminous – The Time Of 2 Maidens Falling To Pleasure”) [English, 198 pictures], by Shirisensha

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

The typesetting was done with love

I don’t really get the appeal of such a niche, but, eh, there will be plenty of people to love it, so let’s show some love to the freaks loving this stuff, shall we ;)

So here we are, with a full-volume scenario, about two magical girls, the man they’re in unrequited love with, tentacles monsters, a tentacle master with a keikaku to corrupt the mind of the two girls until they’ve turned to the dark side, betrayal of trust, etcetera. The whole package.
The story just had me sigh, shrug, and fast forward to see how things changed every ten pages or so, but I have to admit the art wasn’t half bad, it’s got to count.

This is a Doujin-Moe scanlation, thanks for this! :jap:

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