Health Angel Kango No Oshigoto [English, 206 pictures], by Bakushishi AT

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

The best girl in the whole manga

You know, when I saw a complete tankoubon by Baksheesh AT had been released, I didn’t expect I would end up so disappointed. TL;DR: rare few good bits, plenty of disappointing or plain bad bits.

We’re with a manga made of, very roughly, 3 parts.
The first takes place in a weird hospital, the second focuses on a highschool succubus, and the third is random chapters. The hospital parts (ending on page 94) are a complete WTF, mixing perfectly happy sex, prostitution, occult mindbreak, impregnation, domination, and more WTF. The succubus JK part is okay and mostly funny, even if it’s a pity it still features rape. And the single chapters are average without being fucked up, at least it’s a relief.

Some chapters were already known before, I used to share them on Hentairules when they were scanlated with their magazine scans. They are also the best chapters: what is new to me is made of “meh” and “WTF is that shit” disappointment :-/

In terms of art, again, it’s kind of a mixed bag. Girls looking good, certainly, the charm of thick eyebrows is here, as is nurse fetish. I was also thrilled the chapters I knew with dreadful full whiteout censorship now feature fully drawn genitalia with only semi-transparent grey bars above them, it’s a net improvement.
But the image quality is poor, sometimes a bit blurry, the image resolution is sometimes too low, so it’s far from being optimal :-/

My apologies for the negative review, it’s still featuring plenty of juicy parts, eh.
It’s been released by BSN, thank you for the work! :jap:

By the same artist (you may call him “Gold Koman Sex”, “Baksheesh AT” or “Bakushishi AT”), I also share Tokunou Mama Milk (190 pictures), Ainyuubo Hanna, Romancing Saga, Sacrifice Fly, Besshitsu Shidou + Tokubetsu Shidou, and the 6 volumes of the Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid series, split in 3 posts: Tensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! Baka ka!, followed by Daitensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid + Ganso! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid, and lastly Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius Kanketsuhen.

Hentai collectors, here is the list of my past shares that have been made obsolete, now that they are available (additionally: in a better quality) inside the present manga:
– Seishori Care Tokubetsu Iryou Sougou Service
– Seishori Care Tokubetsu Iryou Sougou Service JK Nurse Kakizaki Fumika
– Devil Mako + Devil Mako Anapocalpyse
– Imojiru Mara

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(80 MB, 206 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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4 years ago

Good sex and a weird story; my interest is piqued.

4 years ago

Achievement unlocked: It’s the first mention of Covid in a doujin that I’ve come across. Apparently it causes incest indirectly.

Page 152, “Since we can’t go outside due to this virus, we’re all in kind of a bad mood.” There’s also a mask on page 168, but those are actually pretty common in Japan.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pavlov

Saw a chikan loli one posted last month on nhentai.

4 years ago

Zip Mirror #1 link seems blank…