Tag Archives | femdom

Aural Ecstasy #14

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By HurpDurp on 12 comments

Konnichiwa~! Hurp here with your bi-weekly dose of erotic audios~!

This time we got a lesbian feminization hypnosis session! So if you’re into that, make sure you check it out~! Because sometimes the cake is not a lie, but a trap. Oh, and that one I was supposed to post last time about the Miko is finally on here.

Anyone else watching E3 tomorrow? Hang out in #HentaiRules @ Rizon.net and we can talk about it and/or making fun of it together~

In other news, I’ve run out of space on Uploaded.net. Not sure what do. Maybe some kind soul out there be a bro and help me invest in acquiring a 1TB upgrade to my account (80€ / ~$106… or at the very least, 100GBs:  10€ / ~$14)~ I actually had another files to post but couldn’t because of that ;_;

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Yoyogi Mademoiselle [English, New improved version], by Shimanto Shisakugata

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Nice job: ojou-sama sexual servant

Splendid. Amazing. The female heroine has the sharpest tongue I’ve ever seen in a hentai manga. She verbally flogs silly the poor male partner, this was HILARIOUS, please, PLEASE at least read it for the verbal whipping ^_^
As for the male hero, he’s the usual almost pathetic hentai boy – until he snaps out of it and proves his worth with his hands, tongue and penis :twisted:

This is not hentai rape, more like kinky happy sex, and I strongly recommend that one to everyone :)
Thanks to Woootskie for this splendid piece of work ^_^

–Update: a new version has been released, thanks to Hentai_Doctor and his commissioner, Aclouthunkier!

In addition to the changes a new scanlator necessarily implies, the improvements boil down to this:
– these is far less censorship than before. The previous version saw half of the genitalia censored in full white, whereas here these are semi-translucid rectangles, it’s a net improvement!!
– the image resolution went from 1600 px to 2048 px
– I took the liberty to make an addition, converting the images to grayscale, as there were occurences of an odd rainbow moiré here and there (beforeafter).

By the same artist, I also share Jikan O Tomerussu.

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My Sweet Neighbor [English], by Teri Terio

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments
You can't *really* go wrong with Teri Terio

Okay, this is decided. Just like I’ve been using the term “hentai rape” forever, to describe something vastly different from actual rape, I’ll start using a new term from now on.
Hentai-punished. That’s it.

And so, My Sweet Neighbour shows a boy stealing female underwear, getting caught by the owner of those undies, and being hentai-punished.
See ? That’s 101% self-explanatory :D

There are nice drawings, two pages of footjob and face sitting followed by the usual sex, not with the typical Teri Terio touch but with talent still : enjoy ! This isn’t the Teri Terio of the Glorious Days (just follow my redirection page, cf below), but it’s still decent dope ^_^ And thanks to LustyLady00 and Black Russian, from The Lusty lady Project :)

For MORE, please Cf The list of ALL Teri Terio’s works on Hentairules!
(hopefully my friend and helper HurpDurp will update it, shall he ? ^^)

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Love Gome [English, 224 pictures], by Pon Takahanada

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By oliver_the_admin on 6 comments


Haaa, that sweet feeling when I read a Pon Takahanada manga ^^
There are sweet caring feelings, the girl and boy (it’s always around a young adults couple’s circumstances) have their own realistic and interesting characters (something more rare than I’d like to reckon), and the drawings (the girl is the “candid slutty” type, there is regrettably white hole censorshipo) are a pleasure to the eye :)

In Love Gome, to my delightful surprise, it was the GIRL who was doing all the work, the sexual advances, the best initiatives, she was also bringing the most unexpected out-of-character comic relief attitudes. On the other hand, the guy was, well, playing the “straight guy” figure if you’re familiar with Japanese humour (and if you already know Gintama, have a good time re-reading their best straight man chapter ^^;;). This was unexpected, and pleasant !

Thanks a LOT to the admin of CowsRKool, helped by Kevadu ! GO COWS !!

By Pon Takahanada, I also share Niizuma Osenaka Nagashimasu volumes 1-2 (356 pictures), An Angel’s Marshmallow Volume 1 (167 pictures) + Volume 2 (169 pictures) + Volume 3 (169 pictures), Ayatsure! Sisters (196 pictures), Okonomi No Mama! – As You Like It (197 pictures), Shujin Ni Wa Naisho (194 pictures), Pythagoras Bitch chapters 1-2, Blind Love Susume, Like A Rat, and a Japanese mega pack (Oneesan Hitorijime + Rabu gome + Bon Appetit Sakura + Maid In Japan + Maniac Parade + Pie Heaven).

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Superior Cake [English], by Igumox (here written as “Igumo Kusu”)

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By oliver_the_admin on 6 comments
"sperm-is-coming.jpg". I named that pic sperm-is-coming.jpg. GAME OF THRONES HERE I COME FOR A NEW EPISOOOOODE !

The idea behind the concept of Tsundere is that this is super sexy when a girl hides her soft loving nature behind a rough and violent appearance. I think (did you know I had a glossary, incidentally ?).

In the present case, for the present share, we have a lot of tsun (the heroine’s mood looked close to murderous) and a slightly bit of dere (not enough panels of this, in my opinion :D).

Apart from that, since I don’t want to spoil you the little scenario there is, let’s just say that this is a nice woman apparently around 25 years old, having magazine-censored sex with a young male adult, neither complicated nor out of the norm, it’s pleasant as it is :)
Credits are for Deviant, Youngfolk, Altereggo and Phantom Renegade from my dear Little White Butterflies team :)

–Update: good news, this share has become obsolete, as it’s now part of a complete manga:
Boku Dake No Yuuyami (“Only My Twilight”, 205 pictures) :)

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