Boku Dake No Yuuyami (“Only My Twilight”) [English, 205 pictures], by Igumox
– The good news: here is a complete manga. The tankoubon is called Boku Dake No Yuuyami, by Igumox.
– The bad news: this is actually a compilation, some chapters were scanlated using the tankoubon’s scans, some other chapters were made using magazine scans (you’ll recognize them at their smaller image resolution.)
– Combo time, good and bad news at once: it won’t matter much whether it’s made with magazine or tank scans, because the tank itself has abominable blur-mosaics censorship T___T
So, I may warn you that 4 or 5 chapters are made from magazine scans, you’ll still have super shitty censorship, the only difference being the image resolution T___T
Putting that aside, this is a solid manga, full of interesting chapters. The story lines will vary wildly, from vanilla to femdom, the only common denominator would be that women aren’t passive characters here, they initiate and lead the action, and have a naughty tendency to tease boys. That teasing side may develop into a simple personality trait (vanilla route), a refusal to be honest and confess liking (halfway route) or a sadistic femdom side (domination route).
The drawings are intense, generous, original, the girls have beautiful entranced faces (and sometimes thick eyebrows ), I think this should make a quite fine read
Here’s to hoping one day we have a fully “made with tank scans” version, until then, enjoy!
Release credits are for a fair number of people, plus some anons, namely: Samwais, Palaxius, Cadenza and Korosenai, from Team Koinaka, Red Vodka and Yuki, from XCX Scans, Red Vodka, Z6595 and Altereggo, from Little White Butterflies, LustyLady00, DaffyD Ap Morgen and BlackRussian, from the Lusty Lady Project, and Deviant, Youngfolk, Altereggo and Phantom Renegade, and finally Thank you very much!
By the same artist, I also share Muramata-san No Himitsu (223 pictures) and Atashi No Kachi.
Hentai collectors, if you want to update your collections, here are the previous shares I made on Hentairules that have become obsolete thanks to this release:
– Do… ga Suki Nandesu
– Boku Dake No Yuuyami chapters 1-3
– Perfect Girl
– Omocha-kun To Onee-san (“A Young Lady And Her Little Toy”)
– Senpai’s Sweet Archery Glove
– Superior Cake
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(332 MB, 205 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Smaller version incoming!
Out of the manga’s 205 pictures, there were 70 in 1600 or 1500 px resolution, those ones, I simply recompressed them. The other images were around 2900 px, and them, I shrank them to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 332 MB to 98 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Just a side note… I realize I wrote, yet again, a super long wall of text to introduce my hentai share, and… Well… I have a similar thing with a former job. I used to have a colleague who would effortlessly shit out small concise text excerps, while me it takes me forever, first I write something super too huge and I have every difficulty in the world making it small enough. I envy so much the people able to avoid producing wall of texts T___T
Thanks for your Work, Oliver !!
But you need to know that the 1st page of ch 8 “Senpai’s Sweet Archery Glove” is in fact the 4th page !!
I can deal with that, not a drama in my opinion. However, if in the future I must update the links, the updated version will be uploaded instead
Nice to see a complete volume of Igumox’s work. Great stories, but I agree on the censorship.
The women are smoking hot; but the sex is realistically clumsy.
It’s like someone drew amateur porn. No smooth transition into sex positions; just two people clumsily pulling off their clothing and grinding hips. It was kinda cool though; raw, animalistic sex.
Censorship is horrible, kept thinking on pages 15-17 that they forgot to censor the guy’s wiener-on-a-stick, would have been funny but consistent.
Well it’s ok for us . Great job you do with writings