Sacrifice Fly [English], by Bakushishi AT

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

You see that amount of censorship? That's what I call proper censorship, yes!

In short, Sacrifice Fly combines orgasm denial, anal play, domination and blackmail, with a mindbreak culmination. Needless to waste lines telling if I enjoyed it, but I must reckon the story was done pretty well within its own niche, and the art was top notch, very little censorship, hardcore, with a rich variety of expressions on the girl’s face, as she pretends to be hard-boiled when she pushes away the boy she secretly likes (a baseball player with a bad past, his coach will ruin his future by leaking the information if she doesn’t become his bitch: typical), or as she gradually fails to resist the orgasms coming over and over.

So, well, I suppose it’s very good hentai, and my personal opinion doesn’t count, enjoy!
Thanks to Havoc28 and Seven, from Zero Translations! :jap:

By the same artist (you may call him “Gold Koman Sex”, “Baksheesh AT” or “Bakushishi AT”), I also share Tokunou Mama Milk (190 pictures), Health Angel Kango No Oshigoto (206 pictures), Ainyuubo Hanna, Romancing SagaBesshitsu Shidou + Tokubetsu Shidou, and the 6 volumes of the Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid series, split in 3 posts: Tensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! Baka ka!, followed by Daitensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid + Ganso! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid, and lastly Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius Kanketsuhen.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(25 MB, 27 pictures, English)

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6 years ago

At this point this is litterally becoming the Mc’Donalds of NTR work…same old reused plot worn down to the threads with an ugly old asshole at the helm…

at least art was pretty good. Still want Male MC with a deliquent past to find out about it and take an acetylene torch to the coach’s genitals

6 years ago

ok, how about this compromise: A drill, but with the bit ON FIRE!

6 years ago

Never thought I’d see cubist hentai.

6 years ago

coach reminds me of agent kay FSR