Romancing Saga [English], by Bakushishi AT (AKA Baksheesh AT)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments

Quit being a salaryman, dude, become an AV actor, there aren't enough males in the profession, in Japan

The cumshots look like gunshots in this manga :shock:

Other than that, it’s a rather good h-manga, in which an “average joe” salaryman has the wrong image of a female colleague, his mind crumbles when he catches her happily sucking on someone’s dick. The girl has to come to his place and aggressively take the lead to bring him back to Earth.
Her endeavour is only partly successful, the poor guy remains delusional (and creepy) till the end. But at least they had great vaginal and anal sex, it ought to count? ^^

Thanks to whoever is behind this release ^^

By the same artist (you may call him “Gold Koman Sex”, “Baksheesh AT” or “Bakushishi AT”), I also share Tokunou Mama Milk (190 pictures), Health Angel Kango No Oshigoto (206 pictures), Ainyuubo Hanna, Sacrifice Fly, Besshitsu Shidou + Tokubetsu Shidou, and the 6 volumes of the Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid series, split in 3 posts: Tensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid! Baka ka!, followed by Daitensai! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid + Ganso! Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid, and lastly Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius + Kasshoku Kokumaro Funnyuu Maid Stardust Genius Kanketsuhen.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(17 MB, 16 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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6 years ago

1) You left off the Anal Sex tag.
2) This one is just weird on so many levels. There were so many strange jumps in the flow I feel like we only saw every third page of the story.

6 years ago

The girl wasn’t any better. Her response to the early part of the scenario amounted to ‘and then sex’ for no apparent reason. It’s like the old underpants gnome joke.

1) Two characters, male and female.
2) ???
3) Sex!

6 years ago

The beast hungers…and it shall be fed.

6 years ago

Sorry, the folks faces; everyone went into beast mode and wouldn’t come out unless someone was fucked good and proper.

6 years ago

Looks like you’ve got a bit of Vanilla there as well. That last pic shows that the female MC had a pic of the main character as the wallpaper on her phone, just as the male MC had a pic of her as wallpaper. That’s the modern declaration of love in manga! I wasn’t sure at first who the last pic was of, but it has those ridiculous lamb-chop sideburns of his.

6 years ago

Well, she wasn’t exactly making me gush for her to be my ultimate waifu, either. Maybe that’s the norm in Japan, to suck off your boss when you’re out drinking, but that’s a bit too opportunistic to call romantic in my book!