Tag Archives | yandere

Seifuku Shijou Shugi – Fuyu (“Uniforms Supremacy – Winter”) [English, 227 pictures], by Takuma Harazaki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments


–Update: Uniform Supremacy’s now gotten a Summer version! ;)

An entire volume dedicated to schoolgirls in uniforms.
Dayum. Dayum. DAYUM!! :twisted:

Each chapter is a different story with different characters wearing different clothes, only one chapter isn’t fully consensual (a weird yandere female MC O_o), the girls are the ones initiating sex, you’ve got mostly vaginal sex plus a bit of anal and two DP scenes, with quite tolerable amounts of censorship. To sum it up ^^

Two things struck me as most enjoyable here:
– The girls aren’t shy or ashamed, they know what they fantasize about, what they’re going to love, and how they’re going to score the boy(s) of their choice. I love it so much more than the stereotypical “ashamed but horny” boring trope!
– The mangaka’s fetish for uniforms. Each aspect of the uniforms was carefully designed and drawn with love. Each girl had a different, unique and “convincing” uniform. Respect.

I hope you’ll love the read, guys, and I’ll express my deepest gratitude to Blitz and RyuugaTL :)

For more works by this artist, please see My Takuma Harazaki Redirection Page

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Houkago Initiation [English, the complete grayscale tank version, 208 pictures], by Arai Kei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

The front. How else can you bury your face between her amazing breasts while plowing with all your might?

When I shared the full-colour version of Houkago Initiation, a few days ago, I knew not everybody was OK with full-colour art (there’s no avoiding the loss of fine details and the impression volumes were flattened, isn’t there?), and I grieved the absolutely horrible censorship destroyed everything.

Well, no more! Here is, my dear filthy pervs, the grayscale, tank version of the same manga ^_^

Grayscale, as in: erm, well, the usual, right. Especially with a mangaka like Arai Kei who throws in the extra effort, the body volumes, the screentones, the fine visage details, that’s a lot more for the eye to enjoy than with coloured images.
Tank version: the various chapters the volume is made of were originally published in magazines, and it’s those magazine versions that were scanlated from Japanese to English, which implies lesser image quality, smaller image resolution, and usually more censorship. Fortunately, a kind soul, an ehentaier called Throwaway1245725, ported the scanlations onto the official tank scans. TL;DR: you’ll have the best possible image quality, and less censorship! \o/

There’s still plenty of censorship, but, hey, it was worse before ;)
Thanks a lot to Throwaway1245725 for the effort, to the scanlators, Noraneko, SNP, Hot Cocoa, Flammz, Desudesu, and StatisticallyNP, and whoever else was involved! :jap:

I realize I forgot to describe the manga, didn’t I? Just check the description I wrote for the full-colour version ^^

By the same artist, known as Arai Kei and as Kansai Orange, to this day, I also share Gunjo Gunzo (245 pictures), Houkago Initiation (206 pictures, the full colour version), Clover 1-4, HaPPY LIfe, and a MASSIVE pack with ALL my other English-translated works by Kansai Orange (20 volumes, no less, and I retouched/improved them whenever I could!)

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Houkago Initiation [English, 206 pictures, Full colour version], by Arai Kei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Do I really look someone who would deliberately pick an image with horrible censorship? DO I?

On the one hand… yep, it’s by a skilled mangaka, yep it’s a 206 pages long volume, yep plenty of people love full colour art (not a poor fan-made colourization, a genuine one as chosen by the artist), yep the girls look great.
Also, the art was original, I don’t think there are other mangakas like Arai Kei (you may know him as Kansai orange perhaps).

Even the story lines were worth it. Each story the manga is made of (the tank’s made of stories one or two chapters long, essentially) had a unique and original taste. There was light comedy, sometimes it was heavy on the drama side, sometimes casual adultery devolved into scary yandere, and there were more! You’re in for a few surprises.

All fair and good points. Yep.

You know what, I prefer full lightsaber whiteout censorship, to gross blur mosaics, the type which we have here in the manga. I believe it will encourage readers into fast browsing and only stopping to enjoy the panels in which no genitalia are “visible”.

Will you like it despite the censorship, I cannot tell, huhu, your call!
Thanks and cheers to whoever is behind this release! :jap:

EDIT: there’s now a grayscale version, with better art, and less censorship!!

By the same artist, known as Arai Kei and as Kansai Orange, to this day, I also share Gunjo Gunzo (245 pictures), Houkago Initiation (208 pictures, the full colour version), Clover 1-4 HaPPY LIfe, and a MASSIVE pack with ALL my other English-translated works by Kansai Orange (20 volumes, no less, and I retouched/improved them whenever I could!)

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Sister Hole (SisuAna) volumes 1-4 [English, 141 pictures, with the volume 4 Uncensored], by Nakano Sora

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

The twintailed one wins.

I gathered here the 4 volumes of the Sister Hole series, by Nakano sora.
Together, they make a puzzling and yet very erotic series, combining fully happy and consensual sex, with complete domination, and even a few creepy yandere+BSDM ingredients.

Addressing those different elements:
– A male highschool boy obediently allows his younger sister to (quoting) “manage” his penis, hiding pretty well her inner freak, he one day woke up wearing the male equivalent of a male chastity belt – I don’t even want to know if it has an actual name, I’ll call it a padlocked dick scabbard. And the pathetic buffoon just went “eh, OK”. Following this, the sister pleases him a lot, and a female classmate joins in until there’s no need for that padlocked dick scabbard anymore.
– And yet, yep, it IS consensual, the brother could walk out of this any moment past the volume 2, but he chooses not to, and by the volume 4, it’s a happy lasting threesome agreement without domination anymore.
– Graphically, that was god-tier art, no doubt. There’s black bar censorship in the volumes 1-2, hideous blurry mosaics in the volume 3, and, finally, gloriously decensored art in the final volume 4.

Well, see for yourselves, maybe you’ll like it ^^

Release credits are for Selcough, N04h and Kafka from White Symphony; Common Bird, Darkhellsing, A-Psy, Danky, NeVMiku, Ro, Rigg and Magikarp_guy from RedLantern TL; and finally Animium, Potato, Kotana, Phalodite and Andyee, from Hennojin. Thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, Nakano Sora, circle In The Sky, I also share Yes Sara Is Here, Aki To Matsuri To Urakaze To, Chotto Dake Ai Ga Omoi Dark Elf Ga Isekai Kara Oikakete Kita vol. 1 and vol. 2, Ice Cream Cherry Blossom, Kuroyuri No Hana, Hiizuru Taka, Shuuya Ni Omou, Hokusai X Okkii Summer Imagination, Omoi Tsuzuru, Bust Survivor, Hokusai-chan No Fudeoroshi (Uncensored!), Ai Kaze and a pack of 4 works (Beauty Summon + Futari Issho Ni + Hanairo Anmitsu + Onee-san Syndrome).

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Chotto Dake Ai Ga Omoi Dark Elf Ga Isekai Kara Oikakete Kita vol. 2 (“A Slightly Clingy Dark Elf Chased Me From Another World vol. 2”) [English], by Nakano Sora

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

It is possible I may have picked the picture with the smallest amount of censorship in the whole volume.

So, yeah, that dark elf from another world (we saw her before) is at it again, this time she follows the male main character to his school, using her magic to get registered as a student. And thus, they have sex at school, on the rooftop, in the nurse’s room, and in class.

I’m struggling to find good things to mention this time. Compared to the volume 1, the male MC lost all authority, the censorship remained gross and hideous, while the dark elf revealed a yandere side I wish I had not discovered.
But maybe you won’t share my opinion – and a sexy dark elf is that it is: a sexy dark elf :twisted:

Release credits are for Riggg, Anim, Harry, Danky, A-Psy, NeVMiku, RO, Shizuhaki, CellTF and Magikarp_Guy, from Red Lantern TL, thank you!

By the same artist, Nakano Sora, circle In The Sky, I also share Yes Sara Is Here, Aki To Matsuri To Urakaze To, Chotto Dake Ai Ga Omoi Dark Elf Ga Isekai Kara Oikakete Kita vol. 1, Sister Hole (SisuAna) volumes 1-4 (141 pictures), Ice Cream Cherry Blossom, Kuroyuri No Hana, Hiizuru Taka, Shuuya Ni Omou, Hokusai X Okkii Summer Imagination, Omoi Tsuzuru, Bust Survivor, Hokusai-chan No Fudeoroshi (Uncensored!), Ai Kaze and a pack of 4 works (Beauty Summon + Futari Issho Ni + Hanairo Anmitsu + Onee-san Syndrome).

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Imouto To Yatte Shimattashi, Imouto No Tomodachi To Mo Yatte Shimatta (“I Had Sex With My Sister, And Then I Had Sex With Her Friends”) [English, 203 pictures], by Itaba Hiroshi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

Don't look at the facemask. Too bad. You looked at the facemask.

Oh boy, that was great! Brains-free hentai, a super-simple scenario, and lots of sex :twisted:

The manga starts with a sister in highschool age complaining to her brother that her new boyfriend was a two-timing jerk, BUT she still wants to impress her female friends. So, what else to do, but share photos of her having sex with a man whose face remains hidden? ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
And that’s how everything begins, the sex feels awesome and it would be a pity to stop at just one time, the sister’s two female friends eventually want a piece of the D, until they’re all fuckbuddies fucking non-stop, the end =)

Okay, not *everything* was smooth, if you want to complain. There’s casual cheating and a scary chapter in which one of the girls has a dom-yandere phase (and then, poof, water under the bridge?!? /okay).
I may also mention the few panels in which Itaba Hiroshi experiments with ahegao faces – not my favourite.

But apart from that, there’s excellent art, with very little censorship (a few white bars), it’s totally enjoyable :)
The scanlation was done by KittyKatMan, thanks for all the effort! :jap:

For more, please Cf. the list of my Itaba Hiroshi shares.

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Futari De Issho Ni Tsukurimashou (“Let’s Make One Together”) [English, 61 pictures], by SeN

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Damn, pitch black story, and incredibly fappable, at the same time


Futari De Issho Ni Tsukurimashou is a one of a kind hentai manga.
To discover what life among humans is, a kind-hearted, pure female angel leaves her astral form behind, and becomes corporeal.
However… well… the input her perfectly ripe body gave was overwhelming; she lost control…

It’s got exceptional drawings, so hot and well drawn you risk to enter a [ . NEED . TO . FAP . NOW . ] state. The mangaka gave the female heroine an incredibly arousing and (this is a different aspect) compelling face, above a body made for fucking, with splendid tits.
I kid you not, to be blunt, this is masturbation gold, diamond, platinum, and more. A. Ma. Zing.

But it’s also got a twisted story. Yeah, I think “twisted” is the best word, “fucked up” wouldn’t be just quite like it. We’re with a case of self-corruption performed by someone with godlike abilities, and the bits that were left to our speculation are even more worrying than everything that took place along those 61 pages.

Would you see the idea? Yeah, the mangaka is SeN, but there’s a stifling atmosphere, we’re getting Fukuyama Naoto vibes (for a scary “lol my face, my brain is in the microwave” moment), yandere vibes, and saddened vibes (sad, because it felt like the path that was taken was inescapable, not to mention everything that was left to speculation grows excessively preoccupying).

I’d call that a fantastic read, that sticks with you a long time after you’ve finished reading (and fapping). Thanks LOT to Doujin-Moe! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Kiyohii No Hon 1, Kiyohii No Hon 2-3-4, Kanjite Somete, a pack of 2 mangas (Ame Ni Yadorite + Osananajimi No Gin No Hane), another pack of 2 works (Kiyohi No Hon – coming just before Kiyohii No Hon 1 + Unbalance Goddess), Futari De Issho Ni Tsukurimashou, Katakoi, The True Ending’s Other Side, Shiroi Doukyuusei, Kokoro Bakari Present and Please Hold Me.

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