Tag Archives | Vanilla

Kaisha No Iki Okure BBA Haramaseta (“Tragic News I Knocked Up The Old Maid From My Office”) [English, 114 pictures, in Full colour], by Special G (circle Chinjao Girl)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Probably the panel bearing the smallest amount of censorship in the whole volume

Scenario-wise, it felt like a moral rollercoaster. The story is told from the point of view of the male MC, a frustrated guy who resents being under a successful female boss, and who privately gloats she’s now reached the age of 34 and is now (good old sexist Japan -_-) far too old to marry and find true happiness in life.
Of course, circumstances lead them into bed, and from there, there’ll be ups and downs, with the male MC torn between a girlfriend we’ll never see, on the one hand, and the best sex he’s ever had with his older female boss, on the other hand.
A minor spoiler, all things end well on a surprisingly vanilla note, fear not!

To my actual surprise, the story was pretty good yeah. And the art? Rather good good (114 full colour pages with a meaty mature lady, yummy!!), but I must strongly warn you, there is horrible blur mosaics censorship, so while the woman’s ripe body was enjoyable to behold, the actual sex bits were made to look gross T___T

It’s been released by Yad-Scans, thanks a lot! :jap:

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Kimi No Megane Ni Koishiteru (“I’m In Love With Your Glasses”) [English], by Satsuki Mikazu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

That was a funny expression she had on her face ^^

Okay, that story is cliché, but it’s pretty good nonetheless ^^

We’re with young adults, the male MC is always teased-slash-bullied by a female coworker, and they accidentally meet outside of works. She immediately resumes the teasing, but he successfully turns the tables on her and embarrasses her so strongly they end up in a love hotel.
… Look, I know, it sounds like I took a few shortcuts, but don’t fret the small details, it’s a 31 pages long release, bursting with cute adorable vanilla, that’s enough as it is ;)

The female MC is pretty sweet. Petite, busty, with thick eyebrows and glasses… And I’ll add there’s not a lot of censorship, it’s a miracle! :D

It’s been released by Nisor, many thanks! :jap:

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Gal Wa Pocchari Ni Koi O Suru (“Gyaru Falls In Love With A Chubby”) [English], by Shouji Nigou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Cute, right? And it felt slightly realistic, too, which was nice

TL;DR: cute vanilla between a chubby highschooler and his gyaru classmate ;)

I’m taking this chance to add a side note, a thought I have had in mind for a while…
Each genre will require of its viewers to accept untold rules, right? In hentai, we have to accept that *everything* can and will turn sexual, that steps will be skipped. For some, it will feel rushed (cause, yeah, it is rushed), but it’s unavoidable, the number of pages is limited, and the seggs has to be drawn ^^
Personally, I definitely don’t mind, but I imagine that, for some, it’s a different deal…

Anyway, yeah, that’s what we’ve got here. 40 pages well spent setting the stage (the typical romance manga trope, two highschoolers pleasantly chat for days until the mutual realization comes, hey, aren’t we in love?!?), nd, because it’s hentai, sexy time begins.

I have little more to add actually. Good sex, good art, a bearable amount of censorship, plenty of vanilla and love, it’s all good, I hope you’ll enjoy reading it! ^_^
Thanks a lot to Pzykosis666 and Anon, from Coffedrug translations, for this one!! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Teach Me, Onee-san, a pack of 2 works (Hirowareta Onnanoko To Oji-san No Hanashi + Onee-chan No Tomodachi [English], by Shouji Nigou) and Zangyou Lover.

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Kko To Yamioji Raku (“Lady K & The Sick Man – Paradise”) + Kko To Yamioji Bangaihen (“Lady K & The Sick Man – Extra Story”) [English], a pack of 2 works by Rororogi Mogera

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments

This veiny skin... How come it is hot? CAUSE IT IS!

I’m criminally late in sharing those two new volumes to the absolutely unique Kko To Yamioji Raku series. Better late than never, but, still, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry about that delay :)

So, coming after the first volume, Kko To Yamioji Raku, here is:
Kko To Yamioji Raku (“Lady K & The Sick Man – Paradise”)
Kko To Yamioji Bangaihen (“Lady K & The Sick Man – Extra Story”)

In case you missed the first volume when I shared it (fear not, I also share at the bottom of the present post a “repacked version” with all 3 volumes, the older volume 1 and the 2 newer ones), to sum this story up, I’ll copy-paste what I wrote before:
I am bursting with admiration for the male main character of this manga. What a man. What an admirable, virile, praiseworthy man.
He finds a dirt cheap apartment and is unsurprised there was a catch: a Sadako-lookalike shows up.

The two following volumes are direct sequels, two new characters are introduced (a strange kid, and a “cool once you know him” Buddhist monk), and we learn more about the female main character, what is important to her, how she becomes happier and enjoys “life” more than before :)

Graphically, man, this is unique. Never seen something like that before. Heavy dark contrasts, thick volumes, and a respect for the horror trope with the Sadako fundamentals like sunken eyes and visible blood vessels. And, man, against all odds, it was crazy hot :twisted:
That said, a honest warning, the volume 3 is destroyed by blur mosaics, what a sad waste T__T

Check it out! It’s absolutely worth it!
We owe those extraordinary releases to LunaticSeibah, V Rustl, Micicle and Summersrx, from LunaticSeibah, thank you so much :jap:

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Manga#Game To Kanojo [English, Uncensored], by Fujiyama

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

The font is in Arial, at least not it's not Comic Sans. Hey, don't laugh, I'm trying to see the good side of things here.

Here’s a very sweet story, about two youngsters who met playing an MMORPG, and eventually became lovers IRL :)

The story combines realistic and “purely hentai” (as in: one chance in a billion it would ever work in real life, you see the idea?) aspects.
– On the one hand, the male and female protagonists are perfectly made for each other, comfort each other, give confidence to each other. Vanilla.
– On the other hand, the girl faces realistic issues: just because she loves sex she’s regarded as a dirty slut, which is unfair, were it a man, it would be a shower of congratulations and praise. It’s hinted she actually also had that sex to protect her party and keep its members together, that much was obvious ^^

Graphically, it’s cute, the girl gradually becomes even more sexy as she regains faith in herself and her worth, it’s very well drawn, and it’s fully uncensored, WOOT!! :kickass:
That said, I must warn you, the English is pure garbage. We understand, but the person who filled in the bubbles should have asked for help from native English speakers, deal with it!

Thanks to whoever is behind this release, in my eyes, even with the bad English, it’s totally worth it :)

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Houkago (“After School”) [English, 222 pictures], by Iori Yuzuru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Yes, there is a bloomers scene!

Here’s an excellent vanilla hentai manga, made of an almost (save an unrelated last chapter) full-volume scenario, served with rather pleasant old-school art style :)

The main story features a highschool girl falling in love with her young male biology teacher. Of course they end up having sex on multiple occasions, but there was a slightly realistic note here, as they didn’t rush straight into marriage twenty minutes after their eyes met.
The male teacher had reservations about taking advantage of a teenage girl’s first feelings of love. She’ll lack self-confidence, she’ll be impressed by the adult’s figure of authority, she’ll be inexperienced with controlling her emotions, taking all that into account, it’s not so surprising he would push her back…
But fear not, it’s full vanilla, it’s just there’s a proper amount of character development (you know, growing into a better person) ^^

Graphically, it felt like reading a shoujo manga, or an hentai manga released in the early 2000s. You felt the mangaka’s love for the characters, each panel felt unique, I didn’t hate it :3

Well, I hope you’ll love the read, thanks a lot to SquigglesJP! :jap:

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Amaama Koakuma (“Sweet Sweet Little Devil”) [English, 223 pictures], by Rifuru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Marry her already, you bastard

Oh man, that was adorable. Here’s a rarity, a vanilla hentai manga made of a single full-volume storyline, and that allows itself the luxury of a slow start.

The setup is relatively simple, a teen girl is still in love with the same boy since primary school, so she does whatever is necessary to seduce him. The task wasn’t easy, the boy is super shy, and he tends to seclude himself in his shell, sheltered from relationships, so it takes a few chapters for their relationship to truly get going. But it gets rolling, and wonderfully at that :D

This slow start WILL be frustrating, at first you’ll have minor penis teasing, handjobbing, sumata, that kind of stuff. Deal with me, in exchange we have a full-volume vanilla story, to me it’s a worthy trade!

Graphically, hmm, it’s essentially good (the girl has a great hourglass figure, and is plenty cute, all along, especially in the chapter in which she cosplays as a bunny maid, oh gosh the cutenesssssss!!!), but I must warn you, the image quality is dull in the first hundred-or-so pages, with blurry images. I don’t know why it got better mid-chapter, but, eh, it got better. You’ll have kinda annoying thick black bar censorship, but it could have been worse.

All in all, for both the art and the story, it’s SO worth it ^_^
Thanks to whoever has released it! :jap:

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