Tag Archives | Vanilla

Suteneko Kanojo (“Abandoned Cat Girlfriend”) [English], by Danimaru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments

Wholesome hentai like that makes my soul feel at peace for a full day

Awww, that was adorable. The scenario was cliché, but it worked. Wonders :D

To sum it up, a teenage girl is at odds with her family, and a kind young adult man takes her under his wing, whenever she needs to stay at his place, she’s welcome, and there’s no sex involved. They chat, smile, he’s happy to show her all the good things in life her uncaring parents never showed her…
Eventually, something had to happen; eventually, something happened ;)

It kinda reminded me of that manga series, “I shaved, and then I brought a High School girl to my home”, except that it’s only 31 pages long, and there’s sex after they fall in love, huhu.

This lovely WAFF-based hentai release was brought to us by Hentai_Doctor, thanks a lot! ^_^

By the same artist, I also share Batsu Game De Onee-san To, Kono Koi Ni Kiduite + Kouhai Kanojo Tsujinaka-chan No Oshioki, Hajirai Change and Chikakute Tooi Anata.

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Yuuwaku Beast (“Temptation Beast”) [English], by Asano Yomichi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Not Caska level, but good enough =)

We’ve got a vanilla setup starring a girl with:
– short hair
– canines
– a tomboy character
– tanned skin with tanlines

Must I really write up a summary? An airhead highschool girl finally understands she’s got to act feminine around the boy she likes because there’s no reason to take him for granted, and of course, she goes overboard in her attempt ;)
Seriously, folks, go for it ^^;;

It’s been released by Nisor, many thanks!

By the same artist, I also share Bijin Gym Tore Wa Gaman Dekinai.

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Sakare Seishun!! Ragai Katsudou (“Prospering Youth!! Nude Outdoor Exercises”) [English, 218 pictures], by Shiden Hiro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Glasses: Check. Braids: check. Last of noticeable censorship: CHECK! WOOHOO!

[Happy degenerate noises]
Ho ho ho, that was fucking GREAT :D

This manga bested everything I was expecting from it :kickass:

– I was shily hoping good art, we had excellent, intense, generous and varied girls having plenty of non-repetitive sex, with very, very little censorship.
And the girls, oh, the girls!! From plain almost pettanko to tall dark-skinned gyaru, we had plenty of variations, I’ll add bonus erojoules for the multiple appearances of freckles, and also for the braids, thick eyebrows and tanlines, jebus that was awesome :twisted:

– I was bravely bracing myself for a combination of happy sex and unhappy sex and domination. Nope, nothing “dark” at all: we had 100% happy sex with lots of comedy! It was cheerful, enthusiastic, I felt compelled to cheer for the characters with a broad smile, and there was a decent deal of vanilla and love, woot!! :woot:
The final bonus, for me, was the “continuity”, as apparently almost all the characters are in the same area, and we switch from one to the other, that felt so pleasant!

My (insincere) apologies for the useless wall of text, guys: this manga is GOLD, go for it!!
And many thanks to Doujin-Moe of course :)

By the same artist, I also share Mitsugoto VR and Sister’s Wai Life.

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Panya No Adachi-san [English], by Tokiwa Midori

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments


When you think of it, sometimes, hentai manages to take human society’s flaws, and turn them into funny bits.
For instance, women can’t openly say “I love you, let’s bang!”, it’s inappropriate for them to make the first move, especially when they’re the older one. And thanks to this silly convention, we’ve got all these funny “teasing” situations in which, metaphorically, the girl is airport marshalling, sending every possible signal to finally get her point across ^^

Here, we’re in a bakery, there’s a young male adult employee and his slightly older female colleague (with a blouse nearly bursting at the seams, I pity its buttons), and the teasing eventually reaches its logical conclusion, that was both erotic (we can trust Tokiwa Midori for that) and touching (we also can trust the mangaka for that, huhu.)

Adorable vanilla with great art? Dig in, my fellow hentai lover :)
Thanks a LOT to Eke, Drowsy, Koizu, Frosty and Owen, from Insurrection! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share TsundeLayer, Hebereke Encounter, Kurumi Joucho, a pack of 2 works (Give And Take + Koisuru Usagi Wa Abare Chichi), Felakano (“Gi-Oralfriend”), Kanpai! Tsuyotsuyo Onee-chan, Sasoware Master 4, Iza Mankai! Kouhaku Yoridori Chichi Zakura, Tobikome! Seishun, Nepenthes and Haru O Maneku Suzu (“Ringing In Spring”).

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Niizuma Yuugi To Zukkon Bakkon Kozukuri Suru Hon (“Bam Bam Baby Making With My New Wife”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Touhou series, by 846gou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Now that I think, it's a pity, she wasn't pulled by the horn in crazy doggystyle. It should have happened :3

Why aren’t there more hentai doujinshi featuring Yuugi Hoshiguma?!? She’s cute as a fuck! :shock:
Well, here’s one, that’ll be a start ^^

In the present share, Yuugi Hoshiguma, an adorable oni woman, with an original star pattern on her horn, with a lively personality and an adorable cheeky smile, is married to a human, and they spend lots of time trying to have a baby – basically, that’s it!
Frankly, I didn’t find the drawings were top notch, but they had enough of a good feel to make it a worthy read, in my book :)

Thanks a lot to Thry Translations! :jap:

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Turning Point [English], by Tamabi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

That angle, that movement... it always brings a smile to my face =)

Who wants some sweet vanilla? ^^ We’ve got:
– a carefree gyaru, who tries a bit too hard to look unique and original (she’s into piercings, plural form), believing her airhead nature and cheerfulness are enough of a pass to succeed in highschool, and
– the “straight man” young male teacher who genuinely cares for her as a responsible adult, worrying she’s too much of a loner and will fail her year.
… yeah, it would be hard to make a better alchemy :twisted:

I’ll let you discover their own hooking up process, that’s what makes the story loveable, and more than that, touching, so, enjoy =)
Thanks to Nisor for this one!

Honest warnings, though, cute and moving as it may be, there’s also fucking GROSS blur mosaics censorship. If you’re just here for a quality fap, better not waste your time with this release T____T

By the same artist, I also share Bukiyou Na Shitagokoro, Koimichi, Besuto Kappuru No Jouken, Chiisakute Ookina Mune No Uchi, Gal To Inkya No Kousai Shuukan and Bousou Jealousy.

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Richelieu Mon Amour [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Kantai Collection game, by Osterei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Don't look at her nose. Don't.

I owe you guys an apology, I made a confusing mistake with one of my shares, giving it an incomplete name that would eventually (AKA: today) clash with the name of a newer release.

On the 24th of February, I shared “Richelieu Mon Amour Plat“, by Osterei.
– Except that I cut short the final part of the title (in French, it was bloody nonsensical), simply calling it “Richelieu Mon Amour“. That was a mistake. Because, now:
– Today the 26th of February, I’m sharing the genuine “Richelieu Mon Amour“, that takes place before “Richelieu Mon Amour Plat“.
Again, sorry, I know it’s confusing. At least, thanks to Kawaraita50 for telling me!

This doujinshi doesn’t look as good as its sequel, Amour Plat (FFS, why that title, it’s like saying “Richelieu My Flat Love”, or “Richelieu My Love Plate”, argh), but it’s still got the sweet vanilla and pleasant unique art style that soothed my eye before, I hope you guys will love it :)

Thanks to Darg777 and Lunaticseibah! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Nelson No Royal Milk Ga Tomaranaku Naru Hon, Kaigai Kanmusu À La Carte and Richelieu Mon Amour Plat.

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