Tag Archives | Toaru Majutsu No Index

Mimimi [English, Uncensored], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Toaru Kagaku No Railgun series, by Bad Mushrooms (a circle with the mangakas Chicke III and 4Why)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

What a lucky bastard indeed

Unsurprisingly, if you know this perv among pervs, this doujinshi was recommended to me by MHM: it features the gorgeous blonde, Shokuhou, and also the plain pettanko, Misaka, from the Railgun universe :)

As for a scenario, nope, there’s none, no pages were used on that, it’s just the two girls having fine sex with Touma, the male main character of the series.
And, man, it looked GLORIOUS! Well drawn, compelling, and fully uncensored to make it even more awesome :twisted:

It’s a Zaibatsu release, thank you so much! :jap:

By the same circle (Bad Mushroom) and artists (Chicke III and 4Why), I also share Kouma Kesshouroku, Nibun No Yuudou and Jishou Kishidou.

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Mousou Railgun [English, Full Color, and Uncensored], an hentai doujinshi parodying the To Aru Kagaku no Railgun series, by ReDrop

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Cute and all. BUT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER WITH A DICK. - and I don't mean futa

I prefer Redrop when the women have hourglass figures and large breasts, pettanko girls don’t do much for me. But, hey, this is *still* a Redrop release, and it’s drawn fairly well, in quality full colour, plus it’s decensored :)

The story: Misaka Mikoto, the flat heroine of the Railgun series (itself, a spinoff off Toaru Majutsu No Index) opens her friend Kuroko’s mail-order, and it looks like the frog she’s so found of, Gekota if I remember right. Except that it’s a gekota dildo.
One page later, Misaka is already using it, fantasizing about being caught by Kuroko and having lezzy time with her =)

So, yeah, flat girls are a waste of potential, but it looked great all in all, and it’s got to count, that it was decensored, right? We owe the release to Belldandy100, editing, translating, decensoring, thank you! :jap:

Next time, with Shokuhou instead, please, O dear ReDrop circle? :D

Fore more ReDrop, Cf. The List of ALL his works on Hentairules!

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Mousou Theater 42 [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Toaru No Jutsu No Index series, by Studio Big-X

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

No need to hypnotize me, I'd be raring to buttfuck her

Coming as a sequel to Mousou Theater 41, in this new volume, Shokuhou is once again hunting for men to hypnotize so that they gang up on her and believe they’re raping her hard. Change of plans: she meets Accelerator (one of the series’ MC, a self-centered superhuman with mental issues) and they have a sexual contest to find who’s the real dominant one. No change of plans actually: every man in the vicinity joins to fuck her holes anyway :roll:

I couldn’t get enough of those intense (hot faces, oral, vaginal, DP) quality drawings, the fap’n’go scenario is a no-brainer, so: enjoy! ^^ Thanks to whoever is behind this release :)

By the same artist, under the Arino Hiroshi and Studio Big-X names, I also share Mousou Theater 60Kaguya-sama Wa Ecchi Saretai, Mousou Theater 56, Mousou Theater 41, Mousou Theater 48, Lens No Uragawa, Happy Christmas, a pack of 5 works (Mousou Theater volumes 28, 31, 35, 37 and 43) and Mousou Theater 22.

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Mousou Theater 41 [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Toaru Majutsu No Index series, by Studio Big-X

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

As long as she wanted it, it's allright, I guess?

Allright, spoiler time. Shokuhou uses her mind-controlling ability to convince a bunch of men that they want to rape her hard. She felt like enjoying some tough hard sex once in a while.
Soooooo, it’s presented as rape all along, but it isn’t, somehow. Deal with it :D

The drawings are OK. I regret, on second thought, not having ran them through some retouching before sharing the manga, a simple combination of faint Shadows/Highlights (to “resurrect” grey pixels & areas almost invisible making us work our brains hard) and a levels correction (to darken the shit’s that’s dull grey instead of black and thus lacks impact) would have done wonders.

By the same artist, under the Arino Hiroshi and Studio Big-X names, I also share Mousou Theater 60Kaguya-sama Wa Ecchi Saretai, Mousou Theater 56, Mousou Theater 42, Mousou Theater 48, Lens No Uragawa, Happy Christmas, a pack of 5 works (Mousou Theater volumes 28, 31, 35, 37 and 43) and Mousou Theater 22.

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Misaka x Misaki [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Toaru Kagaku No Railgun series, by Inanaki Shiki (also using the “Studio A” group name)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Oh, that mature expression, on her face! HNNNG!

Here’s one of those Railgun doujinshi that MHM loves to commission from Tigoris Translates, thank you as always ^_^

In that one, it’s the typical Misaki (blonde, brazen attitude) VS Misaka (tsundere petite brunette) competing for Touma’s dick, somehow. The drawings have an amateurish side (for instance, the faces aren’t really like their inspiration originals) that may displease people, possibly, but that’s precisely what doujinshi are originally, fan-made productions and not perfect professional work ^^

By the same artist, I also share Houkago Ni Irohasu To, Wedding Irohasu, Iyarashii Houshi-bu No Kanojo-tachi, Kanojo To Aoki Nikuyoku No Enjin, Aru Hi No Hotetta Onnanoko-tachi, Kara No Utsuwa Kouhen and Sanrenkyuu Wa Asa Made Nama Yukinon.

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Mikomisa To Fukou Na Otoko [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Toaru Kagaku No Railgun series, by Puyocha

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Tsundere biribiri. No wonder she's popular in hentai. But Shokuhou is better.

I forgot to share that one at the time of its release, sorry for the (ahem) slight delay ^^

So, here is one of those Railgun doujinshi in which Touma has to choose between slutty daring Shokuhou and tsundere horny Biribiri, whoever of the two makes him cum the most has won. Icing on the hentai cake, it starts with an orgy scene between Shokuhou and a group of guys.
MHM, who commissioned Herreis and Vilis, from Hennojin Scanlations, is behind this release, thank you! ^_^

By the same artist, I also share Kimi Iro Omoi and Russian Chaku Ero Pet Club.

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Misaki Full Color [English, Full color], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Toaru Kagaku No Railgun series, by Homu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

A weird position angle, right? ^^

Zero complications here: Shokuhou and Touma, from the Toaru Majutsu No Index and/or Railgun universes, have sex, feeling mutually good, and there are no second thoughts or questions asked.
In my opinion, to be frank, the art was very average. But at least it was in full-color, and the very bright quality of the images, the abundance of warm and light colors, gave a pleasant impact-free mood, it wasn’t bad…

As for all those recent Shokuhou releases, we have to thank for this our dear MHM and Tigoris! :jap:

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