Tag Archives | time freeze

Jikan Teishi Now [English, 200 pictures, Upscaled version], by Ootori Ryuuji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Pretty had to make a static image look dynamic, even more with time stop

As I frequently say, I’m kinda glad superpowers don’t actually exist. If I had some, I strongly suspect I’d end up a villain.
Time stopping might be cursed, in that regard. Perhaps a LOT more than other superpowers, in everyday life, it’s perfectly easy to use it for evil, while it would be actually super hard to manage to use it for good, wouldn’t you agree?

Anyway, here we are with an entire 200 pages long volume, about boys using timestop to dip their willies into nearby girls, with the help of two witches that are up to no good, to make it short :D

The images were in far too small resolution to allow the art to be, in my opinion, enjoyable. I allowed myself to upscale a bit the images, from originally 1200 px high, to 1600 px. I didn’t dare enlarge them further, I had the impression artefacts were starting to be visible.

I hope you’ll enjoy this read, thanks a lot to an ehentaier called Paofannu! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Eroge Master No Ore Ga Sanjigen Kouryaku Ni Honki O Dashita Ken (205 pictures).

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Kono Smapho Appli De Sex Wa Risouka Sareru! [English, 61 pictures, Uncensored and in full colour], by Kozakura Kumaneko

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Yeah, that felt like a young Ishikei all over again. Which is promising!

This volume here is a collection of short stories. In most of them, a highschooler uses a magical hypnotism phone app to convince girls they love his dick, to make their breasts grow, to freeze time and play tricks on them (surprise, you’re double penetrated!), etcetera. The rest are unrelated single stories requiring the same amount of brain power, as in: none at all ^^;;

The art looked pretty nice (it reminded me of Ishikei’s early career), it was original, and the girls were on the thick side. I won’t pretend I will forever remember this volume, but it made for a decent read, and perhaps more for some of you guys :)

It’s a Weedlayer release, thanks!

By the same artist, I also share Yuuhi Kage, Chihiro Gakkou Ni Ike and Daite! Daite! Daite!

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Time Emperor Tokikawa [English], by Tanenashi Miya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 13 comments

You enjoy ruining a life, you can't complain if someone enjoys ruining your pussy

This present share relies on the time stop trick, with those obligatory variations for porn:
– whatever is in direct contact with the person stopping time recovers motion sensibility (or else you’d be under the impression you’re trying to fuck a block of marble)
– What you performed upon the suspended subjects is retained, and released all of a sudden once the flow of time resumes
It “should” imply that women’s genitals will suddenly erupt in flames from all the accumulated friction, for unknown reasons, though, but fortunately the mangaka didn’t go that way :lol:

With that out of the way, we’re watching how a bullied highschool student takes revenge on the bitch in chief who orchestrated his suffering. This is morally questionable, perhaps, but to hell with that, fuck bullies into hell, they deserve to be free game :twisted:

By the same artist, I also share Gal Ga Dorei Ni Ochiru Made.

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Forbidden Fruit ~ Kindan no Kajitsu [English, 180 pictures], by Eba

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Hoooo, it's heart-shaped :3

Well, that was kinda nice ^^

Here’s a complete tank by a mangaka whose art I’m fond of when stories themselves don’t suck, Eba. The volume is made of single chapters, showing (mostly) very young MILFs having sex with men other than their husband (if that triggers you, don’t hurt yourselves, DO skip the manga entirely, I urge you), for various unimportant reasons.
Every time, the sex is taken as something light without consequences or worries, a pleasant interlude for which sequels are to be expected – and that’s it, happy-go-lucky sex, with bearable amounts of white bar censorship =)

Graphically… what can I say, that’s Eba :D Save the chapter with two teenage gyarus, every woman is pleasantly meaty, with large breasts, large hips, and everything that comes with the MILF requirement :twisted: Occasionally, there’ll be bonuses like thick eyebrows for instance, yummy!

We owe this release to Doujin-Moe, many thanks! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Datsu Imouto Sengen (“Sister Removal Declaration”, 196 pictures), Sister Island (198 pictures), Noryoku Gakuen Gekokujo ~ Boku Ga Gakuen O Seisu Made (236 pictures), Imouto Kansatsu Nikki (210 pictures), Hitozuma Ga Ero Sugite Shigoto Ni Naranai! (194 pictures), La Paix Corpo No Yuuutsu (201 pages) and Aspiring Sex Slave (187 pictures)

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Lovemare Ge [English, 242 pictures], by Akatsuki Myuuto

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

I chose this pic for 2 reasons. The female MC deserved some exposure. And... DID YOU NOTICE THAT FOREHEAD HEIGHT?!? :D

Woot! Here is the sequel to Lovemare Jou! :woot:

In Lovemare, an openly perverted but good-natured guy gives shelter to a weird simpleton girl (and her ram) claiming to have magical powers, and, not a surprise, she HAS those powers. She makes the world similar to the numerous hentai mangas he drew, one after the other.

And thus, chapter after chapter, our male main character finds himself surrounded by a planet-sized harem, he’s the only male left, or women find it natural to greet him with free pussy, or he can freeze time, or they’ve become his cute imoutos, etcetera. His almost unique focus is his highschool female classmates, plus a few outside girls during a chapter.
And then, finally, around the end, plot makes a comeback, giving the manga’s close a cute touching side, all things considered.

Graphically speaking, that was fucking AWESOME. True, the mangaka is a bit “generous” when drawing backs on the boy and girls (they’re impossibly long, look at the male MC on page 104, that was the best :lol: ), but it’s just a detail, compared to the tons and tons of splendidly drawn vaginal sex, the cute girls with cute faces and beautiful slender hourglass figures, with very, very little censorship :twisted:

Enjoy, my dear pervs, enjoy! ^_^
And my great thanks go to Anon, Axalon, Job Truniht, Darkhellsing and Biribiri :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Beautiful Girls Club (“Bisyoujo Club”) volumes 1-2 (Tank version, 442 pictures), Lingua Franca (252 pictures, Uncensored), Isekai Harem Paradise Jou + Ge (407 pictures), Dorei Usagi To Anthony (uncensored, 243 pictures), Lovemare Jou (250 pictures), Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo (213 pictures), Innocent ~ Shoujo Memoria ~ (202 pictures), Shoujo X3 the hentai anime – episode 1, and Moratorium Shounen X Shoujo.

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Jikan O Tomerussu [English], by Shimanto Shisakugata

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

Petite, cute, and highly sexual, what more to ask? ^^

Hah. That one’s a good story, I didn’t see the ending come :D
In this release, we have a falsely responsible-looking highschooler male MC, and the girl’s who’s attached to him is a cute pettanko, but also a total airhead, and gullible at that. He tricks her into thinking she managed to freeze time, suddenly she uses him for sex… and I stop my summary here, see the rest for yourselves ^^

The censorship is bearable, the girl is adorable, it was a good read IMO :)
Thanks to Hentai_Doctor and Aclouthunkier for this one! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Yoyogi Mademoiselle.

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Stopwatcher [English, 202 pictures], by Bang-You

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Should I have it, I'm not saying I would use a time freeze ability for evil deeds, but, still, every day of my life I would be filthy rich and my balls would be empty

Fair warning: this post’s tags include “vanilla, happy sex with love, happy sex”, but that’s just for one chapter. The rest of the manga is based on time stopping used to rape total babes, plus two other chapters, one with blackmail/rape/netori and the other one with consenting adulterous chikan.

Regarding the time stopping, Bang-You has applied a great idea to the shebang, that women feel what is done to them once time stops, at a normal 1x speed. Meaning you bang a time-frozen girl during ten minutes, she will feel every one of your thrusts for the next ten minutes after you restore the flow of time. That allows interesting combinations , if you use it multiple times in a row, no? :3

I’ll give my morality a leave of absence, the drawings were absolutely fabulous (very little censorship! Thick eyebrows! Great-looking girls! Vaginal plus anal!!) and, well, it’s embarrassing, but if I had time stopping abilities I don’t trust myself to not do things like that…. And you?

Release credits are for NaxusNL, Tracesnull and Rinflue, thank you very much! :jap:

By the same artist, known as Bang-You, Manguri Cannon and Nagaredamaya, I also share UrAnus, Uranus-san Vs Toumei Ningen, Shidoukan Future, Shidoukan Crouching + Shidoukan Outdoor, Yoruneko-san No Shunkou Raijuu Ikaryaku, Bang You Collection Vol 3, Degeneration and Lunar Eclipse.

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