Tag Archives | Sonico

Pack of 2 Full Metal Daemon hentai doujinshi [English], by Tsukiyo No Koneko

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 7 comments
Tanned girls, I love you =)

Let us delicately skip the subject of the scenario of these two doujinshi (what scenario ?) : two tanned teen girls with big tits have lots of happy sex :)

There you are, it’s a sufficent summary, for the rest it’s entirely up to you and your tastes :D
Thanks a lot to the Chocolate Scans duo, BluMeino and ACF :)

Those two works are:
– Full Sexual Daemon Kageaki Maid Chapter
– Seikou Akki Kageaki Muramasa Donburi Hen

By the same artist, I also share a Supersonico full-color doujin

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Maid Bride [English, 238 pictures, Complete], by Kizuki Aruchu (aka Udon-Ya), with the chapters 1-5 uncensored

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 32 comments

OMG, just OMG

OMG, just OMG :D

Here is is, the COMPLETE version of the manga I was expecting the most in this year 2010 ! Maid Bride, entirely translated, thank you, thank you so much to YQII /bow

The drawings are awesome, with fine details, bursting with talent, with anal, vaginal, passionate blowjobs, small tits, big tits, faces lost in love or failing to resist pleasure… The scenarii are very funny, with tons of tsundere, jokes, original male and female characters… The chapters 1-5 are in an uncensored version thanks to Emerald Light… What else could I say, frankly, to convince you this manga is pure gold ? :twisted:

(For more, please refer to The Updated List of Udon-Ya’s Works on HentaiRules)

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Super Sonico hentai doujinshi [English, Full Color] Supersoniko No Saikyou Support Center [English, Full Color], by Tsukiyo No Koneko (AKA Moon Night Kitten) – This time, this is not a rewrite, this is the REAL translation !

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 7 comments
This time it's a real translation -_-

First, I owe you, dear visitors, an apology : I didn’t notice the version of Supersonico… that I shared 3 months ago was a rewrite, and when it was reported, I totally forgot about it.

Sorry -_-

But today, this time, this is the REAL translated version I’m sharing, all thanks to 4dawgz :twisted:

Summary : Sonico, a really hot rose-haired girl with big tits and a wet t-shirt, is offering nice titfucks and having happy groupsex.
A few words about the origin : that girl, Sonico, is an oddity, she’s the mascot of the “Nitro Super Sonic concert event”, an annual promotional concert help by Nitroplus, a company that produces eroge. Here’s a helpful link for more details, kindly provided by Zathael :)

I added a few other illustrations of this girl, some of them are tasty :3

By the same artist, I also share 2 other doujinshi

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