Just like my previous full-color pack, I collected the full-color releases I saw and found shareable as time passed, until there were enough to make it a repack 
I wouldn’t have shared one of them separately, as a standalone release : either it was too short to be worth it (meaning : an impossible-to-reduce-below-a-certain-level time spent preparing a share, on close to nothing, just a few pics ? No way), or the art was not great enough, or lastly the story was too fucked up. However, repacking all of these works together, then at last there’s much more goodness than needed to make it worthwhile for uploading ^^
There’s a bit of everything in this pack : awesome shorts, half-long ones with minor bugging stuff (typically, the censorship of the plain-to-death alibi of a scenario), and a longer one (interesting in itself, but seriously fucking up my brain.) Pick whichever one you like, and enjoy ! ^_^
To give you a detailed list, these works are :
– Sonico Tweet, by AtsuAtsu MuchiMuchi,
– Mikichu, by Hisasi,
– Little Sister School Swimsuit Onsen, by Ichio,
– Nettori Netorare 1-3, by Makouchin,
– My Mother Comes Night Crawling, by Shizuki Shinra,
– Awahime DL Version, by Shouchuu Mac,
– Snow Blind, by Tsuyuki,
– Homuhomu Eromagica, by TwinBox.
Credits and thanks are due to Desu, Afro Thunda, Biribiri, Raikoh, Yoroshii, Gurumao and Altereggo from Team Vanilla, and Catharsis and Noradic from Sharpie Translations
By Shouchuu MAC, also known as Hozumi Kenji, I also share NTR Shinkon Ryokou, D-Mode, CtoU, Ignition Sunburn, Nouryou Mahou Shoujo No Ichiban Shibori, Usagi and Marriage Blue.

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