(When life gives you harem girls, make a hentaiburger.)
My heartfelt thanks go to Loplop, he is the one who contacted me with this tankoubon repack he had personally made, for you all to enjoy, great job man ! 
More precisely, Loplop gathered the 4 long stories that make the complete Boy Meets Harem tank : Southern Harem, Mountain Snow Harem, Tropical Harem 1-2, and Deatte Harem. He then added the tank-specific images, and ran level corrections especially in Deatte Harem (I just added 1 thing, the credits pictures that were missing). And that makes the present share 
As for the story… For no explainable reason (other than “Because hentai !” of course :razz: ), we’ve got a male hero who attracts women all around, and, bam!, harem sex. Needless to mention in details how good he is at sex or how inexhaustible his stamina and semen supply are. Be they modern dark-skinned amazonesses, office ladies, housewives, plane attendants, teachers or schoolgirls, no woman can resist the call to join a harem. Oh well

Save the last chapter, done by Biribiri and Afro Thunda, the rest of the manga has been translated by BlackRussian and LustyLady00, from The Lusty Lady Project. Thanks a lot for all the work 
Do you want more harem? Check the list of Tachibana Omina’s shares! ^^

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