Tag Archives | ninja

Uncensored version of a Dead Or Alive hentai doujin [English, 52 pictures] : Inu Intimacy, by Hellabuna Giant Comics

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments
An excellent uncensored hentai double penetration :)

And here comes the final volume of the Inu serie, by Hellabuna, once again translated, edited and decensored by Linie and Kletian, a thousand thanks to them ! ^_^

Half of it is the usual boring hentai rape, but… OMG ! :shock: The second half features actual happy sex with mutual appreciation, I can hardbly believe my eyes ! :shock:

Around this, there’s a ninja scenario but, forgive me, I didn’t understand anything in this incomprehensible mess, and I preferred focusing on the awesome sex instead anyway ;) Graphically, this is a killer once again, fleshy and busty girls having great sex, I demand more ! :D

(Remember to view the list of ALL Hellabuna’ works on Hentairules) This is a continuation of Incident, Inu Murasaki, and Inu A.O. Preface and Posterior, and  Inu Sequel.

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Maranosuke [English, 209 pictures], by Chiba Dirou

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 17 comments
Tags: ninja, shotacon
A devoted teacher for a devil king. WTF lol

Another hentai UFO for you, dear visitors, a complete hentai manga, all thanks to Saha and an anonymous contributor :)

Summarizing this manga is like a living hell,lol.
Graphically : almost pure shota, 2 big titted girls, one futa (not seen much), tons of vaginal, a bit of anal, or oral and of titfucks, with sex alternating between “usual” penetration style and on rare occasions stuff reminding of John K Peta’s Monzetsu books (extreme dilatation, OMG in the end).
Scenario wise, this is a merry shambles of themes associated without much care for consistency as long as it allowed (a) good laughs and (b) more tons of sex, giving more details would be useless (still, ninjas are hot). Just one warning, the end will leave you frustrated for more…

english hentai

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Pack of 3 interesting hentai works by the artist Nanboku [English]

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 6 comments
Tags: ninja
PHEAR the light saber... penis :D

AriesWarlock, a kind visitor of Hentairules, had suggested I should take a look at the works of an artist called Nanboku.

I noted AriesWarlock’s links.
I came. I looked. I enjoyed
– how would that be, in latin, veni, vidi, diligi ? I last learned latin 16 years ago (“aaaw shit, already”), sorry if my memory might be cloudy :D
But anyway, I downloaded them and they ROCKED, indeed !

And there you are now, since it was very pleasant to read, hoping you’ll enjoy it too, here are these Nanboku works ! These works are : Library Love, There Is A Ninja In My House (the girl greatly resembled Tsubaki from Soul Eater, I thought) and Zeon De Gouf Gouf (dumbest title of a hentai share in 2010, platinum award).
My gratitude goes to the Sob Scans guys, LD, Penelopesays, Morning Star, Ziggy and Tyaeth :)

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Ninjas, Ninjas… Ninjas !, by an unknown artist

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 2 comments

free hentai, yoruichi bleah, rachel ninja gaiden, taki soulcalibur

This doujin is a UFO : it is obviously drawn by an occidental person, but that person makes her best to mimic the japanese manga drawing style. And it happily mixes Yoruichi from Bleach, Rachel from Ninja Gaiden, and Taki from Soul Calibur (AKA miss “FFS stop jumping and rolling and come get your ass kicked, biatch !”). It shows a nice lesbian threesome, with Yoruichi as the leader :)

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