Tag Archives | ninja

Bokunchi No Mikage-san [English, now fully Uncensored !, 184 pictures], by DrP

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 19 comments

Me fapsta

Our dear JBRandom has decensored a new complete tank, isn’t that great ? ^_^
And so, for your pleasure, here is the uncensored version of Bokunchi No Mikage-san, I hope you’ll enjoy it, and thank you, thank you so much, JBRandom ! :)

I really like “persistant hentai universes”, when the chapters are related to each other, and there are multiple characters that all belong to the same time and space, and interact with each other from a chapter to another. Artists like Fuuga do it… and Dr.P, on a lesser scale, does it too, yay ! ^_^ That was a pleasant experience, this manga !

We meet plenty of lovable characters, and among them, two female ninjas living with normal humans and adding even more spice to their daily and sexual lives, and to the lives of the other couples… Graphically, I felt the art was poor compared to the other works by DrP, at least there were still plenty of adorable moments. The girls (highschool girls, a teacher, two kunoichi) have small breasts, the boys have baby faces and are the loving respectable type… Well, you get the idea ^^

Credits for this good manga are for YQII and Afro Thunda (from AfthScans)… and, now, JBRandom ! Thank you VERY much :)

By Dr.P, I also share the uncensored versions of Ren Ai Stampede (189 pictures), Shinryaku Teki Renai Shugi (201 pictures) and of Whenever You Touch Me (201 pictures), and Drunk Teacher (also uncensored). Just in case, let’s not confuse Dr.P with DP !

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Please Be Patient With Me [English], by Henkuma

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Tags: comedy, ninja

This is a sort of natural selection. On the one hand the invisible silent killers. On the other hand, extraordinary sex partners becoming marriage materials.

I’m now getting a rather clear picture of why ninjas are so deadly. The weak or clumsy male shinobi die an early death, while the weak or clumsy female shinobis end up either as sex slaves – or as future wives, as in the present story :D
Eventually, the only shinobi still in activity are the invisible killers. Everything makes sense now :lol:

Well, in Please Be Patient With Me, we can enjoy the comical blunders of an incredibly clumsy female ninja, who ends up having sex with an innocent boy, and everything ends well. I’ll let you discover the rest and enjoy the great drawings, as the preview pics should show :)
Thank you very much to Desu, Donkey_Kong and Flammz, it was a good read :)

Update : did you notice this totally screwed up detail ? ^^

By the same artist, I also share Gift, My Lovely Angel Ayase-tan, Minna Wa Yoitai, Answer Me ! Endure It !, Honttou Ni Hentai Desu Ne, Chijo-sama No Jijou and Her Secret.

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Senran Kagura hentai doujinshi [English] : Enran Kagura, by Studio Tiamat

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments
Tags: ninja
I'm not so much of an ass person, but in the present case, I'd definitely go for the ass.

That’s a surprisingly cute share Cgrascal is bringing us (thank you !), in this Senran Kagura parody.

A highschool girl who is actually a ninja goes out with a boy and, with time, they become lovers. Her smiles, her way of blushing while being bold, her trusting eyes («You’re getting a girl’s first time ? You need to look her in the eye, or it’s no good…»), her nice breasts, there were plenty of things to love here :)

For MORE, cf. The list of Tanabe / Studio Tiamat’s Works on Hentairules

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Honey Dip [English, 181 pictures, Complete, fully Uncensored, and re-edited], by Kon-Kit

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 16 comments

Let us enjoy ! The other works by Kon-Kit are mostly disappointing, so it might be a last chance to really enjoy...

Quotation from a chapter: « In my cock’s name, I will annihilate you! »

And here it is, the COMPLETE and mostly highly enjoyable Honey Dip, by Kon-Kit, a volume full of original ideas and good sex !
Update : and now, thanks to Nemui, Futafan and Doppelganger, the manga is fully uncensored ! ^_^
I can’t say there are only great parts, there’s also a fair deal of hentai rape (and also a wrestling match with an octopus), but, overall, yes, it was great !

There are HILARIOUS ideas, like an angry snake god cursing a penis (with unfathomable circumstances), or the most creative way of cheating during exams ever, horny as hell RPG heroes, a sexy crotch gun (daddyyyyy~~~~~), or creative ninja techniques… :lol:
That also inspired me a bonus picture :)
My gratitude goes to Nemui, Afro Thunda, Sling, Masamune, Yoroshii, Nemui, Futafan, Doppelganger and Kusanyagi, thank you very much ! ^_^

New update : Doppelganger reedited the last 4 chapters ! To make yourself an idea, I suggest you compare THIS and THAT. (Or this and that).

I share MORE great stuff by Kon-Kit, cf. The list of his works!

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Aural Ecstasy #1

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By HurpDurp on 77 comments

Hey guys! Sorry I didn’t post anything last week! My computer accidentally blew its whole self up, so I upgraded my 8GB of RAM to 32GB because FUCK YEAR NEWEGG BLACK NOVEMBER SALES.

Also, I bought a 128GB Kingston SSD that was on sale at Staples on Black Friday. If you don’t know what Black Friday is, it sort of marks the first official day of Christmas shopping. A bunch of shit is on sale and people kill each other to get stuff. This year, places started doing the sales on Thanksgiving or were doing them all month long (such as was the case with Newegg).

Booting is still slow as fuck, but at least I’m not freezing up when opening the new post page anymore :3 The boot issue should be fixed when I install the SSD, which I’m holding off on until after Monday in case a better one is on sale on Cyber Monday (tomorrow). Plus, I’m probably gonna do a clean install of Windows 8 upgrade DVD I (also, but not this weekend) got at Staples.

Now to actually talk about the audios: This has 5 audios on it, one of which is hypnoshit and includes both an erotic and non-erotic version.


About the title: Some guy (Dillinger) suggested I name the posts that (or alternatively “Aural Amusement”). He spelled “Ecstasy” wrong tho. If you don’t like it, like the other one better or have another suggestion, let me know! Oh, and request some new audios plox! I’m actually almost out! D:

Next week I’ll (hopefully) have 3 things! I would’ve done it this weekend, but I don’t feel like uploading them right now (it’s almost 5 and I’m tired as fuckl) :( But for now scroll down to see a succubus rape a shota for 16 minutes or whatever Oliver shared!

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COMPLETE version of The Way Of The Ninja [English], by Royal Koyanagi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 27 comments

Ten months ago, I was sharing The Way Of The Ninja, part one.
Today, browsing my downloads folder, I find “The Way Of The Ninja (complete)”.

For bloody heaven’s sake, I can’t believe I have completely forgotten when the second half was released, I don’t even dare search for the info, I’m ashamed ^^;; :jap:

Oh well, with my apologies, here is for you, my dear fellow pervs, the COMPLETE version of The Way Of The Ninja, by Royal Koyanagi, featuring ninjas, sex fighting, tanned skin, juicy lips (HMMM !), extremely well drawn sex, happy sex with love, and massive orgies of heaven :twisted:
Enjoy ! ^_^
And thanks a lot to Kizlan and Stecaz for the great release ! :)

For MORE, Cf. The list of Royal Koyanagi’s Works on Hentairules

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