Tag Archives | ninja

Oideyo! Kunoichi No Sato (“Come On In! The Village Of Kunoichi”) [English, complete with its 4 parts, 120 pictures], by Ichiren Takushou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments


Here’s a 120 pictures long manga, made of four parts that were released separately over time, by different scanlators.
With a pleasant storyline: a young man visits his grandparents in their faraway country village… and they explain this is actually a hidden ninja (kunoichi) village. We’re in the hentai world, so, precisions follow, it’s an all-female ninja village, and only a male of the leader’s family is allowed to breed new village members, a male just like our main character, for instance.

Following, over a hundred pages of sex with plenty of hot girls who all look like they’re 20, with aroused faces and slutty ninja gear, with, as icing on the suspiciously creamy cake, love blooming with one of the girls :)
So, yeah, it’s harem, with bits of vanilla, rare bits of comedy (the chapter 3 and its competitive shinobi cockfighting championship, WTF :lol: ), served with bountiful, generous art, enjoy! :twisted:

Release credits are for Biribiri, Loocool2 and Starfox; Jumi, Lynx, Chip, Danky, A-Psy and Darklein, from RedLantern; Anonymous and Constantly; and finally, for the 4th volume, Apricot Jam. Thank you very much, all of you, I’m grateful! :)

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Oshinobi Sensei [English, Upscaled], by Hirama Hirokazu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

How is that supposed to be a jutsu. HOW?

FYI, I upscaled the images of this release, from their original 1024 px high (fucking too small: that made us miss on all the delicious juiciness), to 1600 px (still small, but larger than that and it started looking bad, upscaling is not magic, artefacts appear and I can’t correct them Harry Potter style, I went with the typical unsharp mask.)

We’ve got a pretty pleasant release here, about a highschooler whose family has always been protected by a lineage of ninjas, and the ninja currently following him is a big-breasted adorable cutie. You can safely infer the rest, and I’ll let you attempt to guess which ninjutsu techniques will be put to use ;)

Thanks a lot to Raknnkar and Supershanko, from Raknnkarscans, it was a fine release, I’m glad I can share it with everyone :)

By the same artist, I also share Osananajimi No Otoshikata, Kamisama No Bangohan and Nurenatsu.

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Chigoku No Guillotine Seisai [English], by Nachisuke

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Looks like she'll have to try yet another time to assassinate the guy

When you’re in a job where the punishment for failure is large scale rape, whether you want it or not, you end up a masochist, apparently ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s one of those stories that only work in the hentai world, a female ninja is caught, the punishment is heavily sexual, plenty of pounding later she’s loving it, comes back for more, etcetera.

I’ll let you be the judge for the scenario, but in terms of art, it was original and pretty well done, just for that I deem it shareworthy ^^
It’s been brought to us by Renne, Amalgam and Benito, from Shuten Doujin Translations, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Yandere-san ni Ame ga Furu.

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Tachippana! [199 Pictures, English/Japanese] by Momoya Tachibana

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By DeltaOblivion on 11 comments

Free Image HostingHey, Troops! DeltaOblivion with the share that started my love with Traps. Sadly it’s only half translated and this tank has been out since 2009. Up to today only 7 out of 13 of its chapters are translated: 5 Traps Stories and 2 Traditional Yaoi Stories. The name of this tank is: Tachippana by Momoya Tachibana.

Free Image HostingFree Image HostingFree Image Hosting

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Kunoichi Midara, a decent 3D hentai video featuring a female ninja, doing absolutely typical Japanese female ninja things :D

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment
in Categories: Movies
Tags: 3D, ninja

Why do female ninjas wear fishnets, if not to arouse everyone, eh ? HAH! CASE SOLVED ! - but what about the male kunoichis in Naruto, then ?

I felt like sharing something moving. 3D HENTAI TIME Y’ALL!! ^__^
(Yeah, lately I find it preferable to JAV. Matter of tastes fluctuating with time, you know the idea. Hey, if things go on, I’ll be soon sharing amateur porn or videos of blondes with big breasts and long hair.)

This time this is a female ninja. Our Kunoichi doesn’t fight, but her breasts are moving in a very pleasant way and her fishnet thighhighs are nice :twisted:
Don’t get your hopes too high, this is badly mosaics-censored, sigh!

Download links :
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

Pack of 2 newly Decensored hentai works by the artist Todd Special [English]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments
Tags: comedy, ninja

Yoruichi, the BEST Black woman in hentai. Hats off, and hands busy.

I gathered here two freshly decensored works by Todd Special. They’re not what you would call “recent”, I originally shared them seven years ago ^^
But, well, once decensored, they’re either good, or TOTAL DOPE :3
(And it also provided material for a bonus picture, from this to THAT ^^;;)

Decensoring credits are for TheDuckyKing, thank you so much ^_^
And additional credits are for good old Saha, and the late Doujin-World group (incredibly, although dead since 2009, their website is still online O_o)

(For MORE, cf. The list of ALL the shares by Todd Special on Hentairules)
(and, yeah, I know, nearly everything is dead in that list of works T__T
I should do a big links fixing campaign on the blog, and ask around if some people are interested in helping fix the links ? And hire somebody to replace Hurp with helping fixing redirection pages ^^;;)

Those two works, two Bleach parodies, featuring the superb sort-of female ninja Yoruichi, her bold character, her large breasts and her adorable black skin, are :
My Sweet Drunker : Keisuke and a half-drunk Yoruichi have sex. The drawings are average, the scans are terrible, sigh.
Yukemuri NyanNyan Jiken : Yoruichi having sex with Keisuke, and then with Ichigo and Renji (oral, vaginal, DP). And that second one was A TOTAL FUCKFEST, A COMEDY SUCCESS, AND A GLORIOUS GRAPHICAL VICTORY. No less.

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Itachi No Nikukyuu Taizen + Itachi No Nikukyuu Taizen Extend [English], two Naruto hentai doujinshi, by Arcon

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 12 comments

WTF Sasuke, aren't you supposed to be fighting evil or committing evil while planning your vengeance ? Stuff like that ?

What ?!? Sasuke, the angry brooding emo ninja from the Naruto series, seems to be living with a cat and a nekomimi, and mating with the latter… That’s about everything I managed to understand to this super weird setup O_o
Seriously, could someone enlighten me about what the heck is going on here ? I read from times to times new chapter releases of Naruto, when I’m curious to see where the series is heading to, so I think I should have a basical understanding of the series, but, here, this nekomimi thingy, I don’t see what it’s coming from :shock:

Update : thanks for the helpful comments, guys ! Turns out the nekomimi was a gender bended Itachi. I should do drugs, it wouldn’t feel so weird maybe.

On the other hand, the drawings are good. They’re not professional work, fit for industrial-level publishing — but, precisely for this reason, it’s pleasing for the eye, it’s got unique talent, abilities and originality on display, and it was eye-pleasing, kinda reminding me of the old works by Manga Super (Nekoi Mie)…
Oh well, see for yourselves ^^ Credits are for Reimstein, SectTrack, Laruffi, Mik*I, Lolotax, YellowHezard, OmegaSuperm3, Assde, Mikoi and WistVernzou, thank you !

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