Tag Archives | furry

Makai Syokubutsu Gijie-ru Sensei [English, 193 pictures], by Shiina Kazuki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

From one of the mostly normal chapters lol

Quick-browsing this manga gave me an impression that could be compared to the “Greetings peasants, how goes th- BY THE POPE!!” internet memes.
There are good moments, but also plenty more WTF situations :shock: :lol:

We’re not at John K Peta levels of WTF, but we occasionally came close.
And yet… And yet, I wasn’t horrified as with a John K Peta volume, precisely. I had many “ew” moments, but the manga’s mood made everything different, things were either deliberately comical, or at least impossible to take seriously, it allowed me to enjoy whatever was enjoyable and simply shrug and move on for everything else that wasn’t to my tastes.

And so, we’ve got here a manga with a medium-sized main arc and several single chapters, in which, at best, half of the partners are human. You’ll have monster girls, succubi, an onahole turned tsukumogami, a part turtle, a fully woman believing she’s a man, and I’m probably forgetting some ^^
The girls are in carefree trivial scenarii, sex is always consensual however super weird it is.

And graphically, Jebus spare my soul, that was extreme. Very little censorship. Maximum multi-baton dilatations, tentacles, entire fists (plural form, yes), and more stuff I’m even reluctant to name with hopes it helps me forget them faster.
And yet… the okay bits were pretty nice, still.

Well, see for yourselves, and thanks to Tigoris Translates for that one! ^^

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Amachichi Kemo-ecchi ~ Ringo Sui Sakuhinshuu [English, 78 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

She is supposed to be a flamingo

How about a 78 pages long volume, made of short chapters, in which, every time, a new busty girl can’t get enough dick milk?
No complications, no worries, the two thirds of the volume in full colour, and very little censorship: I’d say, Amachichi Kemo-ecchi ~ Ringo Sui Sakuhinshuu is more than simply pretty decent :D

It’s been released by BSN, thank you! ^^

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Midaraniku Maniacs [English, 207 pictures], by Kojima Video

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

I wasn't going to choose a picture with a full body exposure. Nope. Nope. Nope.

What the. Okay, that was unusual. To make a platinum-grade understatement.

Here is Midaraniku Maniacs, a compilation of chapter-long unrelated stories. In this manga, a few women are plump. Some are fat. The others are incredibly obese. Move away if that is a red flag for you, I shan’t blame you.

Me, I stayed, but not for the drawings – for the stories. Most of the chapters were presented in a pretty amusing way, the mangaka was clearly aiming at making us smile.
I’ll throw just one example, a cute (were she slender) JK enters a bonded train, is immediately chikaned hard with everyone watching and lending a hand, and all the time, the girl fails to resist ecstasy, while telling herself “when in Japan, do as in Japan”. In the end, she manages to flee the train car, and thinks to herself, she was so glad she gathered info on how to behave in Japanese train cars on xvideos.com ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Well, its your call, guys ^^
It’s been released by BSN, thank you!

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Paradise [English, 202 pictures, Uncensored!], by Chiba Toshirou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

If I had chosen the nugget chapter, you guys would have all ran away, and yet, it was an awesome chapter, you'll see :D

In a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, lies Purgatory, a merry brothel in which a fine company of weird people gather to blow some steam off. The border between customers and sex workers is at best blurry and, let me tell you, NOTHING is off the table. All sex practices are consensual, and thus, anything goes.
By “anything”, I don’t mean “anal, double penetration, fisting, stomach bulges”, you will find none of these. However, besides normal humans, you will find monster girls, furries, magical shibari practitioners, a surgeon trading body parts with her partner in a jiffy (hop, head switching! Time to feel what the other sex feels – that, I’d have been interested in experiencing IRL!!), gills implantation for underwater fuck… And you know what, I’m only covering the first 3 chapters with those examples lol :lol:

There’s no scenario to specifically mention, just go with the flow and check it out if I didn’t scare you with the examples I gave above ^^

Graphically, it’s freaking uncensored!! And Chiba Toshirou delivered quality, I’m surprised I managed to like monster girls so much thanks to the mangaka’s touch O_o And when it’s not monster girls, like elves, or normal humans, DAYUM! :twisted:

Well, I hope you’ll love the read, cheers! ^_^

The manga was released by G-Birkin (Klub Kemoner), thank you very much! :jap:

(For more, see the list of Celluloid Acme/Chiba Toshirou’s works on Hentairules.)

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Pack of 2 works by Kiichi [English]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 18 comments

... yeah

… It’s not like I’m completely against potentially worthy experiences, let us say ^^

Like these two releases. They’re featuring a nekomimi working in enjou kousai with lucky customers who suit well her gentle personality. And she is much more on the animal side than “normal” (does the adjective even deserve to apply? :lol: ) nekomimis, she’s covered in thin fur, her mouth is more cat-like, her feet are paw-like…
Normally, I should have lost interest, especially with far too low res images. But the girl was just ADORABLE. Friendly, spontaneous, merry, with cute facial expressions and beautiful smiles…

So, to hell with my usual reservations, those 2 works deserve to be shared and enjoyed by as many people as possible, thank you, the furries! :D

Those two works are called:
Mei-chan No Oshigoto

Release credits are for HAJ3, Midori and Mr Yiff, thank you! :jap:
BTW, if you like the mangaka, he’s got a twitter.

By the same artist, I also share Tsugi No Kata Douzo and Futari No Jikan.

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Rinya Life [English, Uncensored], by Rig-Pa

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Funny that I picked for this illustration the ONLY page in which there is still a bit of a censorship bar ;)

Ah, that, this is rare. I thought it would be nekomimi hentai, as it stars a catgirl (cat ears and tail…). But we jump into furry territory with those few additions: she’s got a cute puff of fur growing on her chest, and a cat-like mouth.
I don’t mind, it’s pretty lightweight, I don’t feel like we’re in the uncanny valley yet ^^

Ahem. Sorry, I digressed a bit. Rinya Life is a cute hentai volume, fully uncensored (woot, right? :twisted: ) in which a casino owner asks his employee and night lover, a nekomimi called Rinya, to take care of deflowering his son who’s now come of age.
And that’s it, what follows is a good sex scene with the teenage son, he does quite well for his first time, and the girl does a fine job too :)

It’s looking great, it’s uncensored, there’s talent pouring out of every new page, I was real glad I could read it, so I hope you too will love it!

It’s been released by Wayward Vagabond and Super Shanko, thank you! :jap:

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Dounen Hakai ~ Ookina Akazukin & Chiisaki Ookami (“Childhood Destruction – Big Red Riding Hood And The Little Wolf”) [English, Uncensored], by Turtle Fish Paint

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Just the right amount of crazy, plus braids and freckles. Amen.

Quoting: “the once enjoyable hunt carried out on ‘Little Red Riding Hood Day’ has turned into a terrifying test of endurance for us wolves:lol:

Here’s a deliciously crazy adaptation of the good old Little Red Riding Hood tale, pornified with great inspiration. I could explain the whole gist to you, but this time, I’m strongly convinced you’d best discover things by yourselves, guys, come on, don’t be afraid to read the speech bubbles ^_____^

Graphically speaking, the girl is splendid: big breasts, freckles, braids, a horny hungry expression on her face, and the drawings are crude, intense, fully decensored, that was sweet :3 Still, the obligatory warning, her partner is a furry, an anthropomorphized male wolf – deal with it at your own convenience.

Enjoy, guys! FOR THE FRECKLES!! :D
And thanks a lot to Fuke and Somebodyelse, from (now late) FukeTranslation, for the original release several years ago, and our dear Belldandy100 for the (I suppose, recent?) decensoring :)

By the same artist… … oh shit, what a mess, hang in there. The Bear Hand circle was first called Turtle.Fish.Paint. Its two members are Hirame, also called Fishine, and Ireading, also called Abi Kamesennin, also called An zheng ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, by the Bear Hand circle/artists, up till now, I also share NieR _ 2BR18, JINX! Come On, Shoot Faster, SoOO Sensou, Trial of The Falsely Accused, Chaldea Mania – Kuro And Shiro, Chaldea Mania – Oni & Ma, Tennen Delivery (“Airhead Delivery) and the buttastic Overtime volume 1 and volume 2.

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