Tag Archives | femdom

Hard S [English, 193 pictures], by Kurono Masakado

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 4 comments
It's bad, so it's good ? Uh oh.

Just like in december 2009, one year ago, Saha released a lot of translated hentai, all thanks to a kind person named SL-Gundam – really, man, thank you very much for the BIG effort it means, I’m grateful :)

However, just like last year, I can’t say I loved it all, that said without the intention to hurt or to bitch ^^ I’ve got vanilla tastes and I crave for a good scenario, while, in the present share, there is, in 60-70% of the scenes, forced unhappy sex led by fuckers. There are kinda rough deflorations, a few fisting panels, lots of double penetrations ( ♥ ).
I’m still sharing it, because, first, the drawings are definitely above average, with a very strong intensity, and, when the sex is happy (let’s say it’s 30% of the sex scenes), this is very good ! And, second, to my big surprize, it appeared there WAS a VALID scenario, actually running through 169 pictures o_O
The moral of the story migt be that it’s allright to get gangraped, as long as if it’s for a good cause in the end – plus, it feels good !

By the same artist, I also share Junk S [English, 185 pictures] and Siren [English, 180 pictures]

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Like The Wind [English], by Kuroiwa Menou

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 24 comments
Tags: femdom

Woosh ! Is it the wind ? Is it Google Chrome ? No, this is a hentai mango !

Like The Wind is a nice story, brought to us thanks to LD and Klorofulun, showing us the beginning of love (starting with sex, d’oh) between two young adults, a male cherry and a tad older more experienced woman in a moto rider suit (hawt !).

There’s oral, titty and vaginal sex, female ejacs, tenderness, and that’s that. Hope you guys like it ! :)

Oh well, just a sarcastic note. During a few pages, the male hero, smaller than the woman, grabs her by behind and lifts her holding her by the thighs, to fuck her in the air. Have YOU ever tried this position ? It’s DAMN exhausting even with a lightweight partner, I can’t even do it, I’m jealous of muscular guys ¬_¬

Fore MORE, cf. The list of ALL Kuroiwa Menou’s Works on Hentairules!

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Oshioki Onee-Chan [English], by Azuma Tesshin

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 8 comments
I too want to be punished like that

Here’s another law of hentai : all men caught watching porn or masturbating by a woman will be punished, the woman considering that giving a memorable sexual experience is a punition :roll:

I liked a lot the drawings, especially the face of the elder-sister, giving in to her perveseness :)

(For more works by Azuma Tesshin, please see the list of all his shares on Hentairules)

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The Tears of Love And Love Juice [English], by Itou Ei

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 5 comments

Another English-translated short work here (released by hentai-enishi and translated by AGL), the two chapters of a larger manga. When the release group completes it I’ll post the rest of the chapters ! The title isn’t very poetic, isn’t it ? :p

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May Not Miss Pervert Fall In Love [ENGLISH, 205 pictures], by Saki Urara

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 3 comments

Here comes another nice English manga, in English : May Not Miss Pervert Fall In Love, by Saki Urara

(By Saki Urara, I also share Hatsukoi wa Uragiranai, check it out !)

Half of the manga is about the hard-to-build and hard-to-maintain love between a normal guy, student, and a completely perverted girl of the same age. Normally, if a cute girl jumps at your cock, you’d be pleased, wouldn’t you ? Not with that kind of girl, she’s too extreme :D For instance, to give you an idea, she declares her love to a boy she has never spoken to in a very spcial way : unzipping his flyer and masturbating him in a crowded train, not caring if people would see it :lol: And in way, that’s touching : this must be REALLY hard for a complete pervert woman to start a normal relation with a man and convince him she’s a girl worth loving and living with :o
The other part of the manga is made of great short stories.

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