Tag Archives | femdom

Houkago Strawberry Dildo [English, 212 pictures, Complete], by Yurikawa

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 15 comments
That might be the most beautiful blowjob picture I've seen in several months !

Half of the manga is happy sex with love or with mutual liking, with a carefree merry spirit, right down my alley :D

For the other half of the manga, however, there’s a faint femdom/crossdressing/dafuck note, sometimes it’s very funny, sometimes I’m afraid a few of you will find it a bit unsettling.

I ought to develop the “unsettling” half, I don’t want you to regret spending time and bandwidth and regretting later. It’s that the dominant ones are the ladies (THAT part applies to the whole manga, but it’s much stronger in the femdom/dafuck half), and that the males look that weak and even sometimes girlish, they’re crossdressed and a bit femdom’ed.

All in all, I really liked this manga, so thanks a LOT to Conan (4dawgz) and Schmidt for this massive release, and for all the time and effort they spent into it ! :)

Out of one of the chapters, in which a fashionista with bleached hair reveals her natural megane dark-haired side, I made a bonus picture, my first hentai gaijin 4-koma :D
If that doesn’t ring the slightest bell to you, you ought to read that explanation – it’s a BIG popular meme, even japanese hentai artists occasionally take inspiration from this (for instance). The very first gaijin 4-koma I saw, that made me laugh hard, was this one (and, ironically, this precise one isn’t in 4 panels ^^;;) I also recommend you, once again, the Omake Theater, while I have the chance to.

UPDATE : I had completely forgotten one of the chapters was available in an UNCENSORED version, the bikini megane chapter, starting page 98, sorry ! I replaced that chapter with its uncensored version.


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Rapiere [English, 229 pages, crushing my childhood illusions on the Musketeers], by Takaoka Motofumi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 43 comments
LOLWUT sauce, awesome ^_^

Let’s plug an alternator onto the grave of Alexandre Dumas, read aloud a description of Rapière, by Takaoka Motofumi, and enjoy plenty of free electricity while the late writer will be turning in his grave at relativistic speed :D

Allright, ready ?
Brace yourselves : d’Artagnan is a young, fresh and weak girl brimming with enthusiasm (erm, actually, surprises awaits you), enjoying her time around Athos onee-sama (hot cold brune), Aramis-sempai (icy blonde) and Porthos-sempai (tanned redhead lolwut). The evil Cardinal Richelieu is a bishie and Milady is a blonde in short leather with an eyepatch, whilte Constance is a sex slave. And the quarrel with Buckingham won’t be about jewels. No, seriously, WUT ?!? :shock: :D :lol: It’s funny, some elements are respected (the personality differences between Athos, Porthos and Aramis, in some regards like in the book, some bits of the original book’s story), while all the rest is just plain crazy ^^;;

This was really pleasant to read, I’m marvelled at the jewels hentai mangas can offer us, not just porn, but so much more ^_^
Thanks a LOT to Brolen and Hollow49, that manga made my day ! :)

There’s much more, Cf. Takaoka Motufumi’s Works on hentairules

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A Kiss On The Scarlet Rose [English], by Hamao

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments
Femdom me, please ! :D

A girl gets upset for a petty reason, so she decides to go and femdomize a boy on whom she’s got (obviously) a crush.

Femdom sex follows (nothing extreme like pegging, only teasing and delaying the moment of male ejaculation), and a second half with non-femdom actual happy sex with liking comes next:)

Don’t bother with a scenario, try to bear with “white neat shape” censorship (nothing is blurred, nothing outside of the exact genitalia is missing : this is much better than white hole censorship, but it’s still damn annoying), this story is nice, the faces are intense, and the heroine is a hottie as I love them :)
Translation credits are for – hold your horses lol – MathSucks :D

By the same artist, I also share Ticket To Ride, Shirotsumekusa No Koibumi, Candy Drop, Ookami-san To Hitsuji-san, Satisfaction, Lilith, Sister Typhoon, Love Peak (re-edited version) and Sunshine Next Door.
Save for Ticket To Ride and Shirotsumekusa No Koibumi, those works are also available as a huge pack.

english hentai  english hentai  english hentai

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Hanazono Infinite [English], by Inomaru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 18 comments
Predators attacking in group

The manager of a models agency (please note : it’s not a manager in the western perspective, a manager can be lower than a lackey, as in the present case) is being femdom’ed smoothly, until all the female models are satisfied.

Yeah, summarized like that it looks a bit plain, but, hey, it IS plain :D At least, even boring, this is happy sex, fear no netorare or mind break stuff.
Graphically, it’s pretty good, not the very best by Inomaru but close enough, and there’s a sensible “pencil-drawn feeling” that I like very much :)
Thanks a lot to Cgrascal for this one !

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I Hate My Big Sister (“Onee-chan Nanka Daikira”) [English], by Jingrock

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments
Tags: comedy, femdom

A dick eater sister ? No, it's not yet a vagina dentata ^^

Elder sisters sometimes have strange methods to help their younger brothers graduating from being a crybaby, into being a Male. She could have been a military instructor :o
Thanks to Yoroshii for that release :)

(For more works by Jingrock, Cf. The list of Jingrock’s works on Hentairules…)

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Gohoushi no Katachi [English], by Kanaisei Jitenshasougyou

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
Ouch ! ^^;;

<– It’s that panel that made me decide to share this story ^^;;

There’s not much to say about this share (and besides, I don’t even know who to thank, could you help perhaps ?), there’s soft femdom, happy sex, maids, average drawings (I doubt it will make thousands of downloads, to be frank), and that’s that, for the rest, see for yourselves :)

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