Tag Archives | femdom

Hentai Family Game [English, 148 pictures], by Denboro Kakariya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Just your typical morning breakfast scene in Hentai Japan

Anyone to hand me over some bleach, so that I can rinse my eyes?

Hentai Family Game‘s singular purpose is to display family corruption, to show a family of four in which every member happily embraced perversity and threw moral values down the gutter.
Everybody’s got dead eyes, enjoys fucked up sex, etcetera.

It’s like Tenjiku Ronin’s La Bête Obscène, without the talent, and with a hell lot more censorship.

If that’s your fetish, what can I say, happy you found something for ya. Me, I will try to wipe the memory of this manga from my memory.
Still, thanks to whoever has released it, it WILL please some people, which deserves gratitude.

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Noryoku Gakuen Gekokujo ~ Boku Ga Gakuen O Seisu Made [English, 236 pictures], by EBA

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Always better without censorship bars :)

–Update: and now, thanks to VanDerGraf, the manga has been decensored! :jap:

Good writing can make anything tolerable (an example I like, without good writing, an artistic work like La Bête Obscène would be an unforgivable stain on this world’s record). Like here: because the mangaka took the time and spared no effort, finally, a manga about raping and mindbreaking women has become acceptable.

I won’t pretend I loved it, but I didn’t absolutely detest it, it’s very strong praise from me already ^^;;

To sum it up, it’s like a corrupted hentai version of My Hero Academia. Artist’s choice (I mean, must it make sense? no.), we’re in a misandrist and hypocritical world in which superpowers exist but men have drawn the short straw, by design they only have shitty powers… And it’s also a shitty world in which the powerful enjoy abusing the weak, which means men are betrayed and tortured all the time by systematically evil women.

Come one exception, the Saviour: the male MC. On the day he’s had enough (after his daily flogging session by his sisters, yeah), he discovers he possesses a unique trait: when he rapes a virgin woman, he obtains a copy of her powers. The rest of the manga shows him accumulating abilities, learning to combine them until he’s the Saitama of hentai mindbreak, to get back at all those women and rule supreme over the school, and, next term perhaps, over the world! ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
(Sorry, I ended up giggling, it’s showing in my shit summary :lol: )

Graphically, well, it’s meaty and plump girls first raped, then enjoying being fucked, the EBA usual. Like it or not, me, I’m done writing this too long already summary, cheers! ^^;;
It’s been released by Kaigen, Potato, VanDerGraf and Eclipsoul, from Hennojin, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Datsu Imouto Sengen (“Sister Removal Declaration”, 196 pictures), Sister Island (198 pictures), Hitozuma Ga Ero Sugite Shigoto Ni Naranai! (194 pictures), Imouto Kansatsu Nikki (210 pictures), Forbidden Fruit ~ Kindan no Kajitsu (180 pictures), La Paix Corpo No Yuuutsu (201 pages) and Aspiring Sex Slave (187 pictures)

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Saikyou Hikikomori Onzoushi No Torokeru Konkatsu Harem (“The Top-Tier Hikki Heir’s Hubby-Hunting Harem”) [English, 215 pictures], by Igarashi Shouno

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

She was my favourite, after the girl with glasses :3

It’s not so often we have a quality harem manga, finely serving its purpose from beginning to end :)

Here’s a full-volume story, in which the rich heir of a wealthy conglomerate has to spend 3 months with the daughters of the owners of other conglomerates, just so he may choose a wife among them.
The male is “blasé“, bored with life, until this day every woman opened his legs before him just because of the circumstances of his birth. However, now, he’ll be with fellow rich heirs, and those ladies share a condition with him, massive lust, world-class endurance, you can see where this is going ;)

The drawings are pretty good, detailed and pleasantly crude, with only easy to ignore censorship, and there are many girls with different physiques, they’re not all out of the same mould. It’s vaginal sex with a tiny bit of anal, happy and uncomplicated from beginning to end, there’s one one “weird” chapter with femdom/domination.

I hope you’ll love the share! :)
We owe this one to Wataboutumi and ShotG, thank you!

By the same artist, under the names Isorashi and Igarashi Shouno, I also share Ooo-zuki Na Boku No Yome Ga Onna Kyoushi Na Ke (201 pictures), Itazura Temancho (“Finger-bang Mischief”, 194 pictures), Sex Omiai, Marriage China, Doki Doki Kateihoumou, Chiharu No Fuwari, Koisuru Hot Pants and the uncensored version of Bath Secret (extremely good graphically, boring incest scenario).

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Reincarnation ~ Ubawareta Shoujo No Karada [English, 200 pictures], by Date

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

She was the best girl. Twintails, and not fucked up.

The first 115 pictures make the second half of the manga (in which, in an heroic fantasy world, rapist shapeshifting ogres do their thing) look like a pure vanilla manga.
Imagine a grim Japan, in which a monstrous rapist and a sadistic drug manufacturer, full of hatred for women, are reincarnated as women, and come to remember their past identity once they reach highschool age. Of course they’ll enjoy betraying every girl who used to trust their past selves, betrayal, mindbreak, drugging, raping, manipulating, all of that is like a second nature to them. After which they’ll turn to the cop who ended their criminal spree, who happens to be the father of one of them. And it’s not even ending here O_o

I’ll give you that, both the first and second halves were creative. Indeed. And drawn quite well, with minimal amounts of censorship. True.
But, damn, that was messed up, even by Date standards :shock:

Release credits are for DebrisScans, Sensualaoi, Melodycque, Soomeguywith, Virdas, 09Eragera09, No Hentai No Life, thank you!

By the same artist, I also share Doukyo Suru Neneki (216 pictures), Denshin Sousa, Ayatsuru Otoko ~ Subete no Onna o Omoidoori ni (parts 1-3, complete), Tanin Ni Naru Kusuri volumes 1-2, Kuzuo No Kuzu Application, Honey Lesson, a pack of 3 works (In The Forest + Konna No Atashi Janai + Overwrite), Doukyo Suru Neneki Zenpen and Saimin Sharyou Bishoujo JK O Jibun No Mono Ni.

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Kumo Onna [English], by Kokuryuugan

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Look more closely. There IS a censorship bar ;)

The multiplicity of the pen names doesn’t help, so, here’s for the reminder, Kokuryuugan = Bakunyu Fullnerson = Magoroku. Meaning: the chances were high that was going to be fucked up :D

In this share, it’s femdom, and at least it’s originally presented. The female MC is a female security chief catching male shoplifters, she’s using that leverage to stop them from refusing to have sex with her, and in the end… Huhu, I won’t make a spoiler, but… there was a trick, all along :lol: :twisted:

I’ve never been a femdom fan, the sheer face on men in those mangas disgusts me, but I can praise the artist’s drawing style, it’s looking good enough when you’ve discarded the “yikes” parts. And, for femdom, it could have been worse, the male MC has only endured psychological domination, a footjob, and sitting on his face.

I had the impression that was a Cgrascal release, for a spell, and yet, no, it’s a MrBubbles release, thank you! :jap:

Also, don’t miss The list of my shares by Bakunyu Fullnerson / Magoroku / Kokuryuugan!

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Futago Yuugi (“Twin Play”) [English, 57 pictures], by Mitsuba Minoru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments

Holy shit that comeback in the second half

Deception has always been a major part of warfare. Let’s take the case of twin sisters, the elder one is a responsible, charming, meek girl, while the younger is sloppy and naughty. Enter the male MC, a highschooler in love with the elder one, oblivious to the invisible liking of the little sister.

Deception rather than open warfare: the little sister dresses up as the older and finally becomes fuckbuddies, feelings even bloom in the end.
However, warfare is a bitch, and deception may be trumped by deceit. You will NOT see the second half coming, I was metaphorically blown off my chair :shock:
(I’m not saying more than that, spoilers are evil, but at least, heed that advice: if you and I share similar tastes, please do enjoy the first chapter as it is already, don’t wait for the second half.)

Anonymous and Panatical, from Panatical Translations, are behind this… surprising release. Thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Himigoto Escalate, Hina Asobi and Ibunka Ran Kouryuu Zenpen + Kouhen.

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Haha Wa Buzama Ni Koshi O Furu ~ Gogo No Seibo-Tachi [English, 189 pictures], by Sink

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

The best part in sharing this manga is right now: I'm finally fucking done with it. Worst 15 minutes of the day.

After reading a manga like that, I feel like rincing my brain with disinfectant and shoving a 3000 watts UV light up my butthole for final safety: just to be sure I won’t have to read it again. Urgh, I feel unclean.

In this manga’s universe, nobody is clean, pure, everybody’s come corrupted from the start. Normal-looking characters will suddenly make weird faces with scary eyes (examples available on pages 11 and 100) and a lost expression, offering themselves for degrading sex, etcetera.

And so, in the manga’s main arc (almost two thirds of the pages) we watch a two MILF sisters, one with a son and daughter, the other with just a son, and basically corruption runs triumphant, women bask in self laughing and yearn for more sexual abuse to drown themselves in pleasure, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, if you like that stuff, it’s totally OK with me. But in my eyes, it stank to death.

Thanks to Dynellen and Doujin-Moe for this release! :jap:
By the same artist, I also share Yaribeya No Oyako (189 pictures), Mama Dorei (200 pictures) and Chief’s Job.

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