Sweet news, a new Miray Ozaki -mini- volume has been scanlated, in which we watch Ai Sugimoto have vaginal and sex with four persons, including her boyfriend and her brother 
Look, I’ll be your usual lost cause Oliver, and borrow the description I wrote two years ago in another Miray Ozaki post 
Please, allow me to quote my friend Zathael, who gave a perfect summary of Ai’s behaviour :
« Ai Sugimoto is one of the cutest and sexiest totally brain-dead women in hentai. She has sex with people other than her boyfriend *all the damn time*, and yet, we forgive her. She doesn’t do it out of malice towards her boyfriend, she does it because she has extremely sensitive nipples, and absolutely *no* common sense. She is so cute and sexy, she could probably have sex with an entire football team, the marching band, *and* the waterboy, and we would still love her. »
The drawings are hot as fuck (her boobs, her beautiful face with eyes becoming slanted during sex, her arched back, her beautiful figure, haaaa), I adore Ai’s nature, so I won’t mind ^^
One thing, though, the censorship has gone seriously bad, this time it’s bluured mosaics, argh!
Release credits are for ElecDrago, Potato and Vilis, from Hennojin, thank you! 
For MORE stuff, Cf. the list of ALL the works by Miray Ozaki on Hentairules)

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