Halloween Wonderland [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Love Live! series, by Akki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Cute, right? ^_^

This is improbable yuri upon a foundation of even more improbable yuri. How could I not like it? :twisted:

In this share, one of the Love Live! idols, Hanayo Koizumi, is accidentally transported into a parallel universe, in which she finds the same band of girls making her idols group, her own alter-ego having switched place with her actually. The differences would be this is a fantasy world, under shiny magical-looking illuminations, and the girls have become animal-like, with fluffy ears (cat, dog, fox, rabbit, other rodents) and a tail. A true tail. In the real world the girls are in need of a butt plug (yeah.), while here the vacant space is already occupied.
What do you think these fantasy girls will do? Cute group orgy for the win! \o/

Thanks to whoever is behind this release!

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The Great Escape – World À La Carte [English], by Miray Ozaki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Wincest + anal. Just that, this is already fucking too rare. MOAR, I tell you, MOAR!!

☑ Ai Sugimoto
☑ Wincest
☑ Anal sex
☑ Only thin black bar censorship
(while, nowadays, if you want Miray Ozaki stuff, it’s all abominable blur mosaics)
☑ Quality non-commital sex
(as opposed to the negative vibes of netorare/netori I’ve been getting from the Himitsu and Fushidara VS Yokoshima subseries of The Great Escape)
☑ Little bonus, Ai sugimoto letting her hair down for a change ^^

Basically, these are the reasons I went and commissioned from Desudesu the scanlation of this volume of The Great Escape, it’s the best I saw in a pretty long time ^^
I enjoyed it a lot, I can only hope you guys too will have a good time reading it :woot:

I was also a bit intrigued, there were two girls on the cover, there was a lengthy mangaka’s afterword, so I wondered if there wasn’t something special or different. Would you imagine, if Ai had a sister, and she possessed the same inner, ahem, talent? Oh boy. Turns out, no, I was mistaken. The second girl must be from another of Miray Ozaki’s series, Boy Meets Girl, would you agree?
Additionally, I’ll mention we have a few pages with the male MC from Boy Meets Girl having sex with Ai. Good bonus.
–Update: the mystery is unveiled, this is Yuu Sawatari, Ai Sugimoto’s cousin, you can see lots more of her in Houkago Love Mode :)

For MORE stuff, Cf. the list of ALL the works by Miray Ozaki on Hentairules

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Otome Ni Omakasex (“Leave “It” To Miss Otome”) [English], by Giuniu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Damn, her lingerie was so HOT O_o

Huhu, that was a cute hentai share, that one, combining multiple “tricks” in a smoothly flowing story. You have the makings of vanilla, you have comedy, domination fetish, kickass lingerie… I’d say, unless you simply can’t stand it when the woman is in charge and gets off being the leader (hey, to each his own), go for it! :D
Also: I apologize, but I deliberately avoid giving details. Please trust me, it’s better to find out yourselves while reading :)

Dynellen, Taco1942, Progste, Freudia, Manchewable, Constipat8, Amalthea, Crystalium and EcchiNeko, from Team Koinaka, are behind yet another quality release, I am deeply grateful :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Chikyuu Ga Achuachu Dakara Kanojo Ga Chintama O Fuufuu Shite Kureru Hon: grayscale censored version or full-colour decensored version, Tsunagikko, Ue No Okuchi To Shita No Okuchi To, Tsunagikko, and Kigurumix

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Araragi Hakase To Haruka No Hon [English, strongly retouched], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Pokémon series, by Koutarosu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Looking back, her hat is *weird* O_o Originally, it's supposed to be a scarf tied around her hair, right??

Honestly, I share this doujinshi for 2 reasons. First its “spontaneity”, a certain amateurish quality that pleased me greatly, and I don’t care if it clearly lacked professionalism.
And second, for once, I can bring some actual net value added, with a retouching. The doujinshi’s images lacked any form of cleaning or retouching, you could even see what was printed on the other side of the sheets. Frankly, though, I should have done more, I forgot to grayscale the pics (it shows, here and there) and straightening+cropping would have only taken two more minutes, sorry ^^;;
In short: before / after.

As for the contents: Araragi and Haruka meet Ash, sex follows, simple as that. There is no scenario at all, the dialogues are borderline completely retarded (“I’ll make her vagina fall for me” – seriously?? ¬_¬ ), you’re warned, this isn’t an unforgetttable publication. But a good read nonetheless, in my biased eyes :)

Thanks to Spontaneous Discharge for this release! ^_^

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Houkago No Yuutousei [English, 216 pictures], by Sasamori Tomoe

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 15 comments

Hentai norm best norm

In this manga, the girls remain in power all the time: no femdom, just a soft, non-evil, non-nasty situation of domination, they initiate sex, thirst for it (a lot) more than the boys, and they control when and where the boys are allowed inside. In our hentai landscape largely focused on the satisfaction of male ego, this is relatively rare, it’s nice :)

So, here is Houkago No Yuutousei, a fine 216 pictures long tank (with tank scans, if the precision is necessary, this is not a compilation), made of separate stories, all of them with the same fundamental canvas, a lucky boy is the partner of a girl even hornier than him, and they have lots of sex any time the girl wills it (which is: often.) There’ll be tons of paizuri and of vaginal sex, with quite bearable censorship (only a few black bars over entirely otherwise drawn genitalia.)
Sometimes you’ll have love and vanilla, sometimes it’s not as strong, “only” mutual liking and common interests.
What I loved most, perhaps, was this idea that you can’t trust appearances: the girls all look calm and composed, except that, in private, they flip their switch themselves and lo! the were slut is revealed :twisted:

Release credits are for Mysael, PureEnergy, Slobber and Cometravel, for the tankoubon porting, and to AnotsuSagami + Rfgdxm, Red Lantern TL, NecroManCr, AnotsuSagami, Facedesk.net, Facedesk.net, and Quilloasa. Lots of people. Thank you very much! ^___^

By the same artist, under the pen names Sasamori Tomoe and Nanimoshinai, I also share Succubus Stayed Life 1, Succubus Stayed Life 2, Hakka and Kokka.

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Futei Koubi Zuma Honoka ~ Hakkaku Hen (“Cheating Wife Honoka ~ Caught Red-Handed Edition”) [English], by Orutoro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 24 comments

I did my best picking a picture without the horrible censorship

Hentai first: it’s about a housewife welcoming home her fuckbuddy once her husband and son have left, they have tons of sex and then the boy leaves. The censorship is ugly as fuck (blur mosaics all the way), but even despite this, the drawings are very intense, and the woman is seriously hot. Deepthroat oral, vaginal, anal, more vaginal.
In the end, the fuckboy deliberately left clues and the husband understands and confronts his wife.

The scenario, now. In my eyes, it’s less about cheating, or your netorare fetish, than about hypocrisy.
At first sight, oh, sure, it’s soooo easy to go with a “burn the witch, I wish there were two more pages in which the husband clobbers the wife and throws her out in the street” or the like.
But, erm, sorry to mention, sex is a two-persons occupation. If you think the wife should burn, her partner would deserve the same, and a personal torture session before the fiery fun begins, as if he had not left clues, maybe a family (even if fictional) wouldn’t have been destroyed.

(Did my description and hypocrisy calling trigger you? If yes, please take a look at the discussion in the comments of that post ^^ If not, no worries — I’ll try harder next time :twisted: )

Sorry for yet another wall of text :D THanks to Calicko and Webdriver, from Erotranslations.com, for this release :)

By the artist, known as Orutoro and Oltlo, I also share Torokase Orgasm (213 pictures, fully Uncensored).

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Let [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls game, by Shiokonbu (doujinshi circle Laminaria)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

I don't know if this image will make the post attractive to first-time viewers. I can't even explain why, when I saw that image, I thought: THIS ONE goes on top of the page. I simply loved it =)

First time in a super long time I see a Producer with a strikingly different appearance. Here, he’s older, and he has an history, his wife died several years ago, something that gets in the way of the blooming of the romance between him and Kaede, one of the game’s idols. Fear not, this is an hentai doujinshi, not a 90 pages long novel, so, booze helping, we’ll have our sex huhu ^^

It’s good, when vanilla feelings, mutual love with a touching dimension, are served by original, quality and hardcore drawings, with only little censorship. It made the doujinshi much more enjoyable :)
Thanks a lot to ObsoleteZero for this one! ^_^

By the same artist, called Shiokonbu or (it’s his circle) Laminaria, to this day, I also share Bergamo, Sweet Poison, Mitigation – Wars End, Koi No Kazamuki, Étude, Kimi-tachii Senchou To Off-pako Shitain Desu Kaa (uncensored), Hiina Asobi, Ikoku Na Retro, Lily Ties, Unhappy Ladies, Acid Lover and Koi Maguwai.

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