Hime-sama No Sakusei Skill (“The Princess’ Milking Skills”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Dragon Quest XI game, by Yoshimura Tatsumaki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments

The bunny girl uniform, one of my first hentai crushes

Are there other girls than Martina, in Dragon Quest XI? Not according to hentai :D

In this share… Let’s start with this quotation: “Giving you puff-puffs awakens strong abilities in you, right?” No misunderstandings here, you can ful full Muten Roshi on this.
Basically, all along the 27 pages of this doujinshi in which no time is wasted, we have the Hero playing along Martina’s tune, she always wants more, enjoys offering him her tits and pussy, etcetera. It’s not domination in my eyes, it’s simply we have one person “in charge”, maitaining gentle non-stop control, and it’s Martina :)

Hey, at least this time it’s not rape or mindbreak, isn’t that a net improvement over my past Martina shares? ^_^
The art “clicked” with my tastes, so to say, here’s to hoping it may please a good number of you guys too :)

This doujinshi has been released by Axalon, MrWayne, CellTF, Dark Mac and HaustFalken. Thank you, I’m grateful! :)

By the same artist, to this day, I also share Monzetsu Taigatame ~ Count 3 de Ikasete Ageru (247 pictures), Seikou DoumeiYome No Iroke Ga Tsuyosugiru, Drunk Dancer, its sequel Tadatada Tadareta, Ane-san Nyoubou, a pack of 4 works (Mochihada chapters 1-2-3-8-9 + Now What + Puppet Master + Tokuresen Taboubi) and And The Day Broke.

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Kimi To Retry (“You Will Retry”) [English], by Herio (circle name: Haraheridou)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

The girl in that share has a splendid hourglass figure, a nice butt and adorable face with large lovely eyes: a real looker :twisted:
And the share’s story does her justice, to spare you details you’ll have to discover yourselves, this is vanilla and heart-warming WAFF :)

I fear it doesn’t help much, but when a story touched me, I tend to avoid giving away its details, as telling in advance kills the joy, sorry about that ^^
Thanks a LOT, for that one, to Ingloo, from Scans For Humanity! :jap:

–Excellent news!! The present share has become obsolete, it’s now part of the 287 pages long and simply AWESOME volume called Yamitsuki Pheromone, check it out!! ^_^

C9-19 Kami-sama To Suiminkan (“Assaulting The Sleeping Goddess”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Danmachi series, by Crazy9

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

That ass! DAYUM!!

I would need a “vanilla of sorts” additional tag for stories like that :D It started creepy, a random anon peeking every day on Hestia from Danmachi (you can check its manga and anime adaptations, even Google would gain from adopting Hestia) providing quality paizuri and oral sex to Bell-kun, and then using magic to temporarily possess Bell-kun’s body and finally initiate “true” sex between the two. But the nasty flew away, only the vanilla remained, as Hestia was marveled to find her dreams finally came true, while Bell, despite “waking up” in the middle of sex, was quick to accept and adapt. So… It’a win for everyone, I guess =)

Side note : ready to die ? Okay ? Click this link :twisted:

Good job, creepy stalker, you deserve a tap on the shoulder /gg
As for the visual aspect, frankly this is more than fapworthy. Hestia has always been a babe and Crazy9’s art style does her much deserved justice. Her unholy body proportions are respected, her beautiful face and the details are here, and there’s only tiny bits of censorship so it’s not a problem either. Niiiiiiiice :twisted:

BTW, I don’t get why some people are calling Hestia an oppai loli. Oppai, certainly, but loli? Come on, she’s fully developed in all areas, tall enough, hips/waist strong ratio, the worst you could say against her is that her supposedly millenary age doesn’t reflect on her spontaneous simple-minded behaviour.

Biribiri, Axalon, PureEnergy, Rotoscopic, with CellTF as their commissioner, are the kind souls to whom we owe this release, thank you very much! ^_^

For more: check The list of ALL the Crazy9/Ichitaka shares on Hentairules!

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Uwaki Na Kotori [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Idolm@ster series, by Ruiketsuan

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Somehow, this obsession some men have about being an alpha male is frightening. Do they lack self-confidence to that extent?

It’s one of those stories where you keep a cringed smile on your face and hope it ends. But the drawings are so hot it’s worth it.
Long story short, in the Idolm@ster, the producer has been dumped. Which leads to consolation sex, Kotori kinda liking him and wanting to console him. However it ended in disappointment, as, dark side of the hentai oblige, P-kun has a small dick and is an extreme premature shooter. Which leads to Kotori almost accidentally bedding a stud, being raptured by his dick, and ending up feeling nothing but contempt for P-kun.
I was seriously surprised, what, it’s *only* netori, not netorare? What has hentai come to?!?

Graphically on the other hand, if you want quality anal pounding, you’ve come knocking at the right door, enjoy my friends, enjoy! =)
Doujin-Moe is the commissioner of this release, thank you! :jap:

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Kikuushi No Seikatsu 4 [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Granblue Fantasy series, by Nanase Mizuho

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment


Tweyen and her captain spend the night having sex. A few more pages in the end show the captain with Korwa, another girl.
End of the scenario :D

Graphically, on the other hand, this is quite fapworthy, which doesn’t come as a surprise, the drawing pen is held by Nanase Mizuho :twisted:
Enough said, just check it out if you haven’t read it yet, and thanks to whoever has released it :)

For more, please see The list of Nanase Mizuho’s works on HentaiRules!

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Senpai No Inai Tokuiten [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Fate Grand Order game, by Ijimaya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments

One of those days, I'll manage to insert this "Lord Knows I'd Smash" pics. Even the name, Mash, calls for a terrible pun.

Mash, the meganekko in the Fate Grand Order game (errr… there aren’t others with glasses, right?), is stolen from the master she used to love through a combination of initial blackmail, and then, as climaxes pile up over time, of sexual ecstasy.
I thought it would culminate with netorare, but, no, netori only. (just in case.)

The story is what it is (I don’t care much for this fetish, but to each his own, right!), however I must loudly praise the art style, it isn’t overloaded with tons of details, it’s relatively simple, and yet every thing counted and was “efficient”, if you see the idea. Each panel packed quite a punch, with a good work on, well, everything. I’m not calling it a masterpiece, but at the very least a work very well done in all regards – in my eyes. The censorship, multiple thin black lines, didn’t hide too much either in most pages. It was good :)

Thanks to Doujin-Moe for this release!

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Pack of 2 works [English] works by Suihei Sen

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

A heart-shaped vanilla, THANKS to the whiteout censorship?!? First time I'm grateful for censorship like that O_o

I gathered here two works by Suihei Sen. Their titles are:
Amatoro Oppai
Pai Shota Milk

Now, those two works were nice. With a highly polished art style, we have two stories in which male teenagers (a bit old to be still shotas, but a bit young to be called full fledged men, IDK if I’m even making sense anymore at this point) help women with their lactation problem, and since it feels good, why not go all the way, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As I wrote, the art style shows lots of skill and talent, it was serious eye candy. Two reasons to still bitch and whine if you want them, the whiteout censorship that oddly didn’t bother me too much this time, and the shockingly low number of paizuri pages, like, two, three pages in total? That’s a fine opportunity missed :D

Come on, take a look, it’s a good read, worth a shime with the happy endings ^_^
Those volumes were released by Zappi, Axalon, Lynx, Danky, Kaleb, Crystalium, Shin, CellTF, NightTerror6 and Selcouth, from Red Lantern TL. They’re already behind my previous Suihei Sen share, my sincere gratitude goes to them :)

By the same artist, called Suihei Sen and Umi No Sachi, I also share Teryouri To Koigokoro, Shiofuki Kanrinin Masato-kun, Gensen Oppai Kakenagashi, Senpai Ni Shika Miserarenai, Chuu Kono Hon Wa Chou Amayakashite Kureru Onee-San To Ichaicha Shika Shimasen and Oppai No Jikan.

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