Hime-sama No Sakusei Skill (“The Princess’ Milking Skills”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Dragon Quest XI game, by Yoshimura Tatsumaki
Are there other girls than Martina, in Dragon Quest XI? Not according to hentai
In this share… Let’s start with this quotation: “Giving you puff-puffs awakens strong abilities in you, right?” No misunderstandings here, you can ful full Muten Roshi on this.
Basically, all along the 27 pages of this doujinshi in which no time is wasted, we have the Hero playing along Martina’s tune, she always wants more, enjoys offering him her tits and pussy, etcetera. It’s not domination in my eyes, it’s simply we have one person “in charge”, maitaining gentle non-stop control, and it’s Martina
Hey, at least this time it’s not rape or mindbreak, isn’t that a net improvement over my past Martina shares? ^_^
The art “clicked” with my tastes, so to say, here’s to hoping it may please a good number of you guys too
This doujinshi has been released by Axalon, MrWayne, CellTF, Dark Mac and HaustFalken. Thank you, I’m grateful!
By the same artist, to this day, I also share Monzetsu Taigatame ~ Count 3 de Ikasete Ageru (247 pictures), Seikou Doumei, Yome No Iroke Ga Tsuyosugiru, Drunk Dancer, its sequel Tadatada Tadareta, Ane-san Nyoubou, a pack of 4 works (Mochihada chapters 1-2-3-8-9 + Now What + Puppet Master + Tokuresen Taboubi) and And The Day Broke.