Archive | Incest

Kuro Gal-chan Wa Kimi Dake O Miteru (“This Tanned Gyaru Only Has Eyes For You”) [English, 201 pictures], by Toba Yuga

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

Examination time!

Eleven adorable gyarus with attractive caramel skin, either teens or young adults, have easygoing sex with caring partners.
Basically, this is it ^^

Here we are, with a pleasant 201 pages long manga, full of nice girls having great sex, in simple setups in which there’s always happy sex, very well drawn and with very easy to ignore censorship. Although there wasn’t sex with strong and official mutual love, I still tagged it as “vanilla”: there was plenty of sex with mutual care for the partner and plenty of cuteness, it was obvious those weren’t mere flings, in my book that was enough :)

Anonymous and Shiromaru#5048 from ShiromaruTL are behind this release, thank you very much! ^_^

By the same artist, whose name I’ve seen written as “Toba Yuuga” and “Toba Yuga”, I also share Yuki Ga Tokeru Made, Tsukiyo No Hatago and Yokushitsu Ni Nureru Boshiai.

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Nureane ~ Batsuichi No Ane To Sex O Shita Natsu No Yoru [English, 122 pictures], by Tsusauto (circle HGT Labo)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Jebus, I could cum inside a hot sister like that until I'm just shriveled dried up mummy

Four years after she married and left the family home and her brother behind, a divorced sister comes back, more beautiful than ever.

We all know where this is going :3

I’ll leave the specifics of this story for you to discover, and simply comment the drawings were fucking GOOD :twisted:
Admittedly, the genitalia were far too censored, but the mangaka took note of the obligations he/she had to comply with, and used every trick in the book to make it more tolerable. Angles, body fluids, point of interest, etc.
All in all, what remains is plenty of steaming hot wincest with a wonderfully meaty, tanned and busty sister. Wow :twisted:

We owe this excellent release to The Tit Translator and hlTK, thank you very much! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Jichikai No Hitozuma Wa Totemo Ecchi Deshita part 1 and part 2.

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Saimin Kanojo Soushuuhen (“hypnotic Girlfriend Omnibus”) volumes 1-2 [English, 392 pictures], by Ichiyo Moka

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

And of course the sister was borderline tsundere.

Settled adult me looks at “hypnotism phone app” hentai stories with a stern face… But I must be honest, I know teenage me would have busted so many nuts a day at the mere thought of using an app like that. So. Many. Nuts.
So I can’t be too judgemental, allright :lol:

In terms of story: a highschool boy not courageous enough to get girls the normal way uses an hypno app to relieve himself with the school’s most popular girl, and later on his sister and another classmate. Incidentally, that awakens the girls to sexuality, once the hypnosis wears off they don’t remember anything, however they’re now more and more often and easily aroused.

Graphically… This is okay. Essentially, vaginal sex. There are plenty of full color pics, with lesser art, while most of the images are in grayscale. The censorship is almost tolerable (so many bars, and they’re too thick damnit), the art does the job without being great. What’s the expression, not great, not terrible? ^^
But I’m unfair. There’s one aspect that was really good, the close-ups on the women’s face. They made lewd expressions, which was nice.

Release credits rae for Crying Cat Translations, Melty Scans, Mintvoid/Lance, and FFFox, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist (Ichiyo Moka is the name of the main mangaka in the doujin circle Chocolate Latte), I also share the short colour work called Mizugi no Shoukaku-san wa Ikaga, it’s a small part of a large full colour pack, here.

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Haha To Ko No Kanbi Na Choukyou Kouza [English, 204 pictures], by Onikubo Hirohisa

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

A brief moment of peace in which the story forgot to suck

With Onikubo Hirohisa, you can know in advance what you’ll get.
It’s like… It’s driven hentai, the mangaka isn’t only here to depic porn, women have to be treated like shit, men have to be treated like shit, and trust has to be destroyed, because yay! corruption or something.

Graphically, this is also the typical Onikubo Hirohisa. If you can put aside the worst panels with too much abuse for you to bear (or if you like it, of course, and then bless you you lucky freak, you’re going to enjoy that fap session!), there’s actual praiseworthy skill, and the amount of censorship could hardly be lower.
I gave up after something like 60 pages, so, erm… deal with it, see for yourselves :D

Thanks to whoever is behind this release, thanks remain an order!

By the same artist, I also share Tsukurareta Shisen (175 pictures), Trick-Ster (185 pictures), Hakudaku No Yami (190 pictures), Ingoku No Kyotou ~ Kemono-tachi No Kyouen (212 pictures), Seijuu Kyoushi ~ Boshi Haramase No Niku Wana (212 pictures) and a short works collection (A Collection of Young Ladies + Day or Revival + Distorted Portrait).

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Ane Taiken Jogakuryou (“Older Sister Experience – The Girls’ Dormitory”) [English, 313 pictures], by Michiking

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Hmmm... I think I can fap to this. Yeah :D

For “reasons” (that only make sense when you’re drunk or inside the hentai world), a young man working at all-girl’s academy is turned into a younger version of himself. And suddenly, who would have thought, it turns out every frigging girl is a billion percent into young boy dick ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Sure, there’s a plot, with hypnotism, a sort of keikaku (loosely following up on Ane Taiken Shuukan, a story in Seikatsu Shuukan). But, really, it’s essentially a 225 pages long all-you-can-fuck buffet, full throttle harem. Graphically, most of the time, it looks awesome: if you seek fap materials, you’ll find them here.

Still, I must issue an age warning, run away if you can’t tolerate shota, it’s a pity. And yet, Michiking’s drawings are so GODLIKE, I would call that a small price to pay. Unfortunately, there’s more, some of the girls look young (understatement, some look the loli part) despite theoretically being of highschool age. It’s just two of many girls, but, still, eh.

Well, see for yourselves, right? Awesome harem art is awesome nonetheless :D
Release credits are for Yuzuru Katsuragi and Dopeswaggu, thank you very much!! :jap:

There’s a lot more for you, see The list of Michiking’s works on Hentairules!

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Kuro No Innyuu (“Black Eros Tits”) [English, 176 pictures, Compilation version], by Kloah

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Hah! Got your nose! - Hah! Got your penis!

First of all the obligatory clarification, this isn’t a tank, this is a compilation of releases from various scanlation origins, all of which are comprised in the Kuro No Innyuu tank, whose cover, backcover and such bonus pictures were taken. Allright? In other words, this is a compilation.

Here we are with a volume for bakunyuu lovers (<3 big breasts), and I know plenty of them are dwelling around, so I’m glad to announce there will be tons of meaty paizuri to watch :D

The manga starts with 75 full-colour pics arranged in small mini-stories, featuring brains-free happy sex, until the main story arc begins, featuring a busty braided glasses girl bullied by evil female classmates, until she finds a boy she likes, learns to overcome her sense of self-hatred, and emerges victorious in love and life with that boy in the end. We meet again two of the women we saw in the full-colour intro, as a bonus ^^

Graphically, that was more than okay, meaty teenage girls with dream tits, the small white bars censorship was quite tolerable, my only gripe would be that, although boys are supposed to be of the same age as their partners, they look like total shotas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, there are some chapters in which the drawing quality is really sub-par (and: why?!? For instance, the main arc starting page 81 is drawn very well until page 134, but between pages 134 and 152 it’s drawn like shit, and then the drawing quality is back to normal, I mean, WTF?!?), deal with it.

I hope you’ll like the read!
My thanks go to several people, namely: Shirororon and BananaApricot from WhiteXmas Translations, Cucumis Sativus and Somebodyelse from Second Hand Scans, Carnes344 and Vaasi from Vaasi Translations, Gurumao, Blurk and Afro Thunda from Team Vanilla, and Cgrascal.

By Kloah (AKA Gate Of XIII), I also share Oppai Ni Kiite, 91 02pai and BUSTYcher + BUSTudent + BUSTriangle.

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Ureshii Kyuujitsu (“Milfy Holiday”) [English, 164 pictures], by Fujisawa Tatsurou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Ancient Asian wisdom

How about, for a change, MILFs? Here’s a manga solely dedicated to women between 30 and 50, by a rule of thumb.
Basically, all along those 164 pictures, MILFs are getting dicked by young men, be they the young man next door, their son, their cousin, or just a vague relation. Save a few annoying short exceptions, it’s mutually consensual happy sex, without a single complication in sight.

To be frank I feel the manga was sub-par when it came to art quality, I would grade the visual aspect as “mediocre” at best, but that’s purely subjective. But, hey, I’ve seen worse, still :lol:

Release credits are for Crook, Tempi, ManBearSuccubus and Anon, from Culture Commissions, thank you for this!
And I hope a good enough number of you guys will enjoy the read :)

By the same artist, I also share Kaa-san Asa Made Daku Yo (171 pictures) and Urete… Hoshii (161 pictures.)

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