Dorei Saimin ~ Sanbiki No Mesubuta [English, 260 pictures, Uncensored!], by Minor Boy

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Coming up with westernized versions of SFXes must require a certain amount of creativity

I had big expectations from the few preview pictures I opened, until reality hit me like a brick wall: that wasn’t going to be a manga I would remember fondly.

Dorei Saimin ~ Sanbiki No Mesubuta is about women working in television, falling prey to an evil mastermind using the almighty power of hypnotism. For him, women certainly don’t need dignity and self-esteem. With an accomplice (who I’ll quote: ““Fujiko-san, welcome… Today is a memorable day, you will cease to be human…:roll: ), he works tirelessly at turning women into his private sows.

The ending was creative at least, but… yeah. I wouldn’t recommend this theme for everyone. Me, I sighed far too often.

Graphically, I’ll mention the manga is fully uncensored (hats off O_o), and there are a few creative and/or worthy panels, although the average quality is rather low in my point of view.

Well, see for yourselves, but you’ve been warned.
Release credits (translating, typesetting, however no idea who made the decensoring) are for Lodhel, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Gakuen No Nie (225 pictures).

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(149 MB, 260 pictures, English)
You may notice I renamed the archive, “Minor” became “Minr” and “Boy” became “By”. My apologies, but I’ve learnt some file hosts are very trigger-happy with suspicious names.

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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1 year ago

Yo Oliver, big fan over here! i love this site! Thank you for the credits, just to be clear the decensoring credit is not mine, idk who made it.

1 month ago

Where are you, Oliver?!
We all miss you dearly!!!
Please be well!!!

1 year ago

I thought this might be the April fools joke, but yeah one word describes this, and that word is fugly.