Gokujou Seikatsu [English, 210 pictures], by Bai Asuka
The way I picture it, this manga is the final hallucination an intoxicated homeless guy is having while he’s dying in some rainy gutter. Not going down alone, dreaming of taking what’s good with him, corrupting what could have avoided the taint. His life may have been a failure, he may not be worth anything, but he’s dreaming of corrupting others who would have live happily if they hadn’t crossed his path.
Ahem. Putting a cap on my bile sac. In Gokujou Seikatsu, an ugly middle-aged loser, living a sad life with his wife and daughter not even talking to him, finds renewed interest in life when he rapes his newly married female neighbour, blackmails her, mindbreaks her, and in the end he gives up on his job and rapes+mindbreak his wife and daughter, living the life and happy with what’s become of him (╹◡╹)
Somehow, I was fascinated, because:
– (1) the manga was bad, not lame kind of bad, but over-achiever kind of bad. Whatever could have failed, failed. If the mangaka, Bai Asuka, had told himself from the get go “I’ll write a story that sucks super hard”, he wouldn’t have managed to write Gokujou Seikatsu, you see the idea? And, also, I was fascinated because
– (2) against all odds, in the midst of the ahegao, the facepalm sequences, and the dozen scat pages (huge warning issued), to my surprise, many panels were exceptionally well drawn. I’d have expected the art to suck all along, but, no, not at all
Sorry for the wall of text. Proceed with caution, going by probabilities, you’re going to hate it lol.
Release credits are for Fated Circle, commissioned by DeYeti, thanks are an order!
By the same artist, I also share Boku No Kaasan Wa Yuujin No Mesuinu (205 pictures), Ochitsuma (201 pictures), Madoromi Toromi (276 pictures), Hametorare (252 pictures), Kaigo Dorei (208 pictures), Mama Koubi (219 pictures), Shokurei (229 pictures), Swap Slave (212 pictures), Youbo (243 pictures) and Sinful Mother volume 1 and volume 2.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(199 MB, 210 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
For certain authors you know you’re going to get shit, it’s just a question of degree.
Warning duly noted. In which case, I take this advice with regard to this work:
Luckily enough I recently discovered the whole small world of revenge fics and this one had quite a nice one, too. Sadly this author doesn’t seem to do any decent stuff, so at least my blacklist is doing quite the good job lately.
@Noctis could you elaborate on ‘the small world of revenge fics’? I mean, if its what I think it is (that someone is revenger lol).
Meaning simply that some people, like me, write fics about these ntr stories and basically fix them, meaning the MC all get some type of revenge against the antagonists and sometimes even the cheating wives/girlfriends/family members. Dunno what you thought of, but I’m sure it’s not what I meant.
Thx for the answer! I was thinking that maybe you know some good stuff about what you just wrote (I was thinking about hentai about the reverse-ntr or just how you described it). Wonder if there are even any good works like that.
There are quite the number of revenge fics on various sites on the net, there’s ntravenger on hentairead that wrote like 600+ fics but most are short and on other sites like archiveofourown or watta or fanfiction net have many more full rewrites/remakes/aftermaths for many cursed ntr works.
I had written 2 by now, one very long and one very short, been writing some other works but taking it very slowly nowadays.
Frankly I wonder if the author does not have mental problems
Complete shit is an apropos tag for this one. This was a class on proper colon cleansing and a series of examples on how to void (pun intended) the warranty on your ass.
As for the dude, he looked like the love child of Jack Webb and a goblin.
Another time and place, substitute the word: “apropos” with “absolute”, and like is sometimes said on “Jeopardy”;
I cannot unsee your accurate description: Just the facts, ma’am. The BARE facts.
This is one that had potential. And then wasted it (pun, but unintentional). MC is a salaryman drone, stuck in a sexless marriage with a teen daughter who hates and disses him. He’s leading a robotic life, until he stumbles upon the happy young couple next door. Soon after, the MC is coming home early one day, the happy young wife rushes to make the elevator, and as she starts to open the door, he snaps, screaming at her, “Why are you so happy?!?!?” He pushes her into her apartment and power rapes her. Again, and again. After which he regains his senses. Here’s where the opportunity dies. Instead of apologizing profusely to the young wife (Miho: He won’t even know her name until she abandons her husband on his orders near the end), and a potential for exploring redemption and the awakened sexuality of the wife, we get him talking a picture of her and him blackmailing her with it.
At this point we travel that familiar road for the powerless NTR fans this targeted at: The MC breaking all manner of taboos, essentially telling society to go fuck itself, with the end being he quits his job, mind breaks his wife and daughter, knocks all 3 up, making a living posting porn from his harem on the internet.
Of course, I say opportunity missed, but with Bai Asuka behind this, there was zero chance of that opportunity existing.
burn this with fire, 0/10 👎🏻
Tired of people shitting on this author, tbh. I like every single thing that they’ve released. It’s fantasy, not real life. Get over it.
why is everyone shitting on the author, they are dealing with areas of the psyche modern society doesn’t have much experience with I think thy did a great job, except the whole incest part would of been a better ending if the masochist and sadist ended up together, while the husband took over the other guys family kind of a swapping situation