Pack of 2 Uncensored works by YD (circle Orangemaru) [English]
YD is definitely one of the most skilled full color hentai artists I know of, so let’s make today a good day, here are 2 doujinshi by YD, in full colour, and fully decensored
Those two shares are:
– Mousou Diary (“Fantasy Diary”), a parody of the Idolm@ster Shiny Colors series, in which a manly producer sees through the scolding of Madoka Higuchi, a tsundere idol, and
– Yaou (“Night King”), a parody of the Fate/Grand Order game in which the Master has (1) happy sex during the day with Artoria Pendragon (oh god her body suit was so sexy) (2) domination sex at night with Artoria Alter
(I shared the still-censored version of Yaou back in 2018, good bye now ^^)
You’ll have great art (no, I mean it, world-class talent), in full color, without any single trace of censorship, with easygoing uncomplicated scenarii. I hope you’ll love it, because me, oh boy, I sure did
Release credits are for Pzykosis666, Anon, CellTF and Coffedrug, thank you very much!!
If you wish to support the artist and Japanese doesn’t scare you, it’s possible to purchase the books, here and there.
By the same artist… *cough* – This time it’s a bit more complicated. There are two artists in the OrangeMaru circle: JP06 and YD. YD made Summer Lesson (Uncensored version), Chaldea Maid (Uncensored version), Chaldea Maid #Mash (Uncensored version, but with not-so-great scanlation and image quality), Chaldea Maid #Mash (censored version, but with much better image and scanlation quality), XX Rom (Uncensored version), Hidden Quest + OrangeMaru Special 08 (Uncensored version), Hasamiuchi and Jidou Kouryaku (“Auto Capture”), while JP06 made Cosplay Kanojo #Mash, Cosplay Kanojo #Nero, Damegami Chuuihou and the morally taxing Yogosareta Mitsuboshi.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Complete pictures galleries:
Mousou Diary – Yaou
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(42 MB, 54 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 42 MB instead of 316 MB =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Hello there
The post you're currently reading has been written, and scheduled, in advance.
I'll be on holidays with my wife and kids, deep in the woods, taking a (hopefully well deserved) breather. It will feel good
As I won't be available, I won't be able to fix stuff, I can only hope this share isn't broken or anything. But who am I kidding, I always let something slip, so if you're with a post in which I screwed up something, you're fucked, deal with it
(That said, I'll bet I won't screw up *that* much. I'll see when I get back ^^)
Take care of yourselves while I'm away guys, I hope you have a fine summer, and I'll be back in the early days of August ^__^
A right jab of good color, followed by a left hook of hot sex.