Imasara Na Futari (“The Two Of Us”) [English], by Hinazuka Ryo

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

I know this isn't supposed to be like that, but at first I read it as the girl screaming SHOVE! SHOVE! while cumming

Two former lovers, who separated years ago, meet again for a drinking party to celebrate the girl getting married, and…
One last fuck before marriage with someone else, for old time’s sake! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
… You know what, I’m not betting on this marriage’s success, there’s visibly plenty of baggage left to deal with, huhu.

The drawings had a very pleasant face, with fine volumes nicely enhancing the girl’s voluptuous hourglass figure, although the numerous black censorship bars were a bit too much in my opinion.
Just a side note, I allowed myself to retouch a bit the pictures. They needed grayscaling and levelling.

I hope you’ll enjoy the read! And thanks to Castle, Zero and Anonymous, from Castle Translation, for this release :)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

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Into the Silence
Into the Silence
2 years ago

when I see two last page, somehow I am feel that she is not really getting married and just tease him… I think

2 years ago

That is not totally outside the realm of possibility.

2 years ago

@Oliver: may you check the artist/author “Ouji Hiyoko” ? I suspect that Hinazuka Ryo and Ouji Hiyoko is the same person, but I’m not sure. Several of Ouji Hiyoko’s works has been translated into English, by the way.

2 years ago

¿Another history of this author with the same sour ending?. Not, thanks.

2 years ago

Her problem was she had too many clothes on, the man she was with solved that problem in a ravenous way.