Pack of 5 works by Katsura Airi [English, 524 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

Man, I absolutely adored the drawing style. The story type, on the other hand...

Here is a repack with five Karami Zakari (“Entanglement“) volumes, by Katsura Airi. 524 pages, no less.

Namely, in reading order, those volumes are called:
Karami Zakari vol. 1
Karami Zakari vol. 2
Karami Zakari vol. 3
Karami Zakari Bangaihen 1 – Takashi to Iida
Karami Zakari Bangaihen 2 – Takeuchi Senpai To Bushitsu

There’s cuck fetish with godlike art, here’s for the short warning. A longer version follows.

This is almost a cliché, a male MC with a too passive personality, and his best male friend, although a decent person at heart, is also an unconsciously virile and more charismatic guy. Then the two boys and girls move on with life after a huge group sex time, have their own partners and adventures… And in the end, there we go, the male MC has developed a complete and self-assumed fetish for being cucked.
That, those were the Karami Zakari volumes 1-2-3.

Then, there are side stories in the two Bangaihen volumes focusing on the virile friend, shown banging girls left and right, including the first two girls, at least those two were free of cuck fetish, although it came with a severely depressing view on life, but I digress.

And graphically? The Bangaihen volumes had gross blur mosaics censorship, the 3 other volumes had only thin black bar censorship hardly hiding the good bits, and, overall, the art was godlike. Well done, very varied in terms of positions and angles, hats fucking off for that.

Maybe you’ll like it, who am I to tell.
Release credits are for Sureok1 and Friggo, thank you guys! :jap:

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Complete pictures galleries:
Karami Zakarivol. 1vol. 2vol. 3
Karami Zakari Bangaihenvol. 1 – Takashi to Iidavol. 2 – Takeuchi Senpai To Bushitsu

Download the Free Hentai Mangas in a Zip file
(388 MB, 524 pictures, English)

The occasional rant about excessive file sizes: originally it would have been 703 MB in total, with images over 6000 and 4000 px high in two volumes. So far, only 2 persons told me they had monitors with that kind of crazy picture height. For everyone else, I deem it as needlessly big. I allowed myself to shrink the images to 3000 px before sharing, this is very high resolution already. And with that, the archive’s size fell to 388 MB, 315 MB smaller :)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 388 MB to 158 MB. Originally, the images were, respectively, 2000, 6213 (shrunk to 3000), 3106 (shrunk to 3000), 4349 (shrunk to 3000) and 3107 (shrunk to 3000) pixels high.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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Billy Mays
Billy Mays
3 years ago

Missing complete shit tag.

3 years ago
Reply to  Billy Mays


3 years ago
Reply to  Billy Mays

it’s tagged as “facepalm” btw

3 years ago


General Hentai
General Hentai
3 years ago

It’s a tale of 2 stories:

Karami Zakari: I, Cuck

Karami Zakari Bangaihen: I, Alpha Stud

Bangaihen is the more identifiable of the 2 stories with 2 volumes/chapters: Alpha is having great sex with Riho and Iida from the main story, and they plan to do another 3-some, but Riho has to cancel. Alpha is surprised when Iida shows up by herself the next day. They go on a marathon session, intercut with scene’s from Cuck’s Beta school day.

Part 2 has Alpha seducing the baseball manager senpai he likes. They start going out, he takes her to a love hotel where they go at it. At some point they’re joined by Riho and Iida for a wild 4-some with Alpha exclaiming “This is the best!”

At which point he wakes up, alone. But not for long. He goes downstairs in his luxury High rise pad, and there are 3 gorgeous naked women waiting for him, one of whom had blown him while he had morning wood and was still asleep, and he tells the girl who blew him that he was dreaming of his school days. The 3 ladies are all raring to go, and they do, with him exclaiming again, “This is the best!”

So, Alpha is a rich adult, still plenty young, the implication being that he made it as a pro baseball player, still living the Alpha life. He’s not with the girl he liked in high school, but 3 strangers. Now Oliver calls this an extremely depressing view of life. I disagree. Alpha’s still young and thinking with the head between his legs. He still has plenty of time to mature and enter a permanent relationship. He looks to be in his 20s and he’s living the life. If he’s still like this in his 40s or 50s, then the soulless nature of his life can be affirmed. But it’s too early to write him off yet. There’s still hope for this guy. And even if just stays a player all his life, he’s still better than Cuck, who is completely hopeless.

To me, however the most interesting aspect of things is Iida, the quiet girl who is also having a wild sex life. She hardly says anything, appears meek as can be, yet is the poster child for the saying that it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. Looking on this as mostly her story, not the Cuck’s makes this much more bearable.

Which doesn’t mean the facepalm tag isn’t appropriate.

3 years ago

I enjoyed the art and it really was the thing that kept me going and finishing the story.

Ida is the definition of a dead fish. I don’t even think she talked a lot other than agreeing with Niiyama.

For some reason, the art reminds me of Inomaru’s art (without the blushing).

As long as you shut down your brain and focus on the art. You are going to have some good time!

Bangaihen was actually the better story. The Senpai girl was hotter than the two tbh.

That guy
That guy
3 years ago

This was so so so much garbage, good drawings but this trash do not deserve to be in this site, shame.