Happy birthday Hentairules, turning 15 is pretty neat in my eyes ^_^
December 17th, 2006: hentairules.net started. A slightly bit over 15 years ago now
A nice ride, wouldn’t you say? ^^
I’m taking it easy with the hentai shares recently (trying to find balance with all the stuff in my life is an open challenge, without horns tooting to tell it’s done and it’s working now), but I have strictly zero dot zero plans on taking a break, don’t worry To be honest, hentairules is a moral support clutch I absolute need, heh.
It’s also the reflection of something I love deeply, there’s so much about hentai, it’s got all the good sides of one aspect of art (sometimes poor, sometimes sublime), with the highly valuable bonus that you can fap to it, which is always nice. Spending time reading hentai, preparing shares, talking with pervs who have the same passion, it’s a highly worthy way of wasting time
… and, who knows, hopefully, I still entertain the hope that even nowadays, sometimes, a few people will discover hentai thanks to my picks, rather than from a random prank linking them to Shindol’s Emergence or some maximum hardcore stuff that would traumatize them and deter them from reading more.
As always, thank you so much to everyone involved in the hentai scene. Lurkers, scanlators, commissioners, it’s the interaction of everyone with everyone that’s making it so fun and, well, “human”, so cozy to dwell in.
Cheers, guys!
15 years, It’s been a lovely ride . . . .
Sometimes, that’s all that needs to be said to mark such an auspicious occasion.
Find something to do that you love and it will never be work. Thanks Oliver for all you’ve done to spread hentai joy in our lives. We will always be grateful.
Thanks for the shares, Oliver! Have been a visitor at this site since at least 2013. At this point, it’s almost ritual to visit Hentairules once in a while, and it’s great that it’s around!
Many congrats, Oliver. I still remember you posting as Sabin over in ABPEA, over 20 years ago. My my my, how time flies!
think I’ve been around since like 2010-11’ish. how old are you now out of curiosity?? I recommend watching the Don’t Look Up movie that just came out, the co-writer is a real stand up independent journalist and it’s really fitting to your climate change posts you make here. we really had it all.
still not, ever in a day, life is.
Oh! you’re already old (^_^). Happy anniversary
Woooow, happy birthday!
As they say, time flies like an arrow, and fruit like a banana^^
Woah, impressive. Am glad to be part of the ride.
Happy Birthday! It’s half way through the adolescence age group. Thank you Oliver and the other temp helpers for keeping this operation running for 15 years!
Happy bday ! I never ever left a comment before (not a community person). But I really wanted to thank you Oliver, for everything yoûve done so far and everything you’ll do !
(Et je ne sais même pas pourquoi j’ecris ce commentaire en Anglais alors que je suis Français…)
Mon cher, vous êtes un grand Monsieur !
It’s been a weird, wonderful, and sometimes downright scary (April Fools 2017, DepositFiles, Gesundheit) relationship with this site.
Happy birthday!!
Huzzah! Thank you Oliver!
I been visiting this place for more than 10 years at this point, and thanks to you Oliver i discovered so many great pieces (freaking Portball is still one of my favorites) and artists i would have never by myself (Thomas, Yamatogawa and Gunma Kisaragi)
Happy new year and happy 15° anniversary!
Gratz! I’ve been coming here on and off for the past 10 years or so and I can’t thank you enough Oliver. I’ve discovered so many great artists here!
Cheers to the next 15!
Woah, don’t remember when I joined but I’m sure it was almost 10 years ago, still have a good one! This site has been a clutch for me too, it always relaxed me and it will keep doing that just fine, cheers for the journey till now and hope the road’s still long for all of us!
frick I’m getting old
Happy birthday!!
Happy 15 Years in Hentairules!
Glad this site has persisted all these years! Hope we get a new updated Gigatorrent someday
Here’s to another 5 years for sure!
reporterd for jailbait status.
Happy Birthday! I’m now waiting for the naked, nympho MILF to pop out of the cake.😁
Cheers for all postings over al these years. Can’t say I caught them all but off and on I go backwards in time and find some interesting reads
Congragulation oliver san, i have come to know your fare shares of hentais when i was in highschool and now i’m in the middle of MA! I never commented on any of your posts throught these years, but being here and reading and enjoying and of course, fapping to these great ero art was and is one of the delights of my life. Keep up the good work buddy and i hope to see you and your posts for years to come.
Happy birthday
Woahh didn’t know it’s was 15 years ago heh, I knew this site a bit later tho which is was in 2010.I kinda forgot on what hentai manga that I was download the first time here. So yeah congratulations to keep this site alive for these long and hopefully so for the future. Keep the culture work Oliver
Damn, impressive. Thanks for stiking to it, it’s been a good support for me a number of times too. I hope this can keep going for a long time, coming back here to see you post is always a pleasure.
I don’t know when I first came here, but it was probably over 10 years ago, I can hardly believe it.
Time surely flies, wow!Congratulations and that stay better and nicely for more 15 years, Oliver!