15-Nengo No Onna (“The Girl From 15 Years Ago”) [English, Uncensored], by Zonda

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

To quote Ronald: I'm lovin' it!

An ehentaier called Comoop released this Zonda manga, it was a nice read, in my eyes :)

Some of you will rant this is adultery, personally, eh, it’s hentai, I don’t mind. As for the story, that, too was original: a former teacher meets again a woman who used to be in love in him when she was in highschool, but now she’s married and lost all inhibitions about sex. She’s not taking “no” for an answer anymore ^^

We’ve got the usual great Zonda art, fully uncensored to make it better. Maybe you’ll forgive that the male MC isn’t a splendid young stud this time ;)
Thanks a lot to Team Oasis (they translate from Japanese to French… and holy cow, they’re still up and running after all these years, nice!!), Comoop, Ykharyus and Exlium! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Fellatio Kenkyuubu (219 pictures, Uncensored, awesome), Hitozuma X Netorare (209 pictures), Boku No Kanojo O Netotte Kudasai (191 pictures, pure facepalm cringe), Personal Training, Triangle (Uncensored version!), Senpai To Micchaku Shitai Desu, Keiyaku, Yakusoku, Raikou Ga Anata No Hajimete O Choudai Shimasu, Bosei Honnou, Imekura Kanmusu Takao-san to Shota Teitoku and the comedy-driven Ran-man.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(13 MB, 21 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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General Hentai
General Hentai
3 years ago

Even fat old ugly bastards have people who love them. Or in this case, lust for them. Especially when the person in question really isn’t a bastard, but a decent guy who has no intention of doing anything. But fate walks in, aka a student from 15-years earlier whose confession he’d correctly and properly rejected.

So, yeah, adultery. But it’s of the hentai “I’m married just to explain why I’m in the present situation where we can bang our brains out” variety. Take it for what it is or not. It’s brainless completely consensual sex between a 30something hottie and an older fat guy, who shows he still has it where it counts, with the gal being the aggressive one at first, but the older guy giving back as good he gets it in the end (read it, and you’ll understand that was also a pun).

3 years ago

The rewards of unrelenting pressure.

3 years ago

Probably this might be an appropriate way to sum up what happened here:
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