Doukyo Suru Neneki (“Slime Living Together”) [English, 216 pictures], by Date

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 14 comments

That's the prob, somehow, the good scenes were so good it's hard to just discard the manga and move on

Wow, calling it “disturbing” would be an understatement. But, on the other hand, it won’t be a surprise either: there’s “by Date”, in the title :D

Save two chapters in the end, the entire volume is about a female slime who fell in love with a human, and uses her abilities to let him live a good life. So far so good, right?
She’ll absorb cute human women catching his eye, create a duplica of them that looks like the former original, and let the young man have sex with them whenever he wants. That’s the Date touch: not just “I take a look, I duplicate”, no, the originals are gone (╹◡╹)

The final 2 chapters deal with different topics, mindbreaking (word) an elf, and gender bendering…

Graphically, that looked very hot, the sex was nice and intense, with fairly little censorship, at least I won’t complain for that :)

Well… Make yourselves your own opinion, folks? I won’t judge lol.

Release credits are for an ehentaier caller Articalex (he combined separately released parts, and translated the final chapters), CGrascal, Col. Sanders, and Desudesu, many thanks!

By the same artist, I also share Reincarnation ~ Ubawareta Shoujo No Karada (200 pictures), Denshin Sousa, Ayatsuru Otoko ~ Subete no Onna o Omoidoori ni (“The Man Who Controls Ladies”, parts 1-3, complete), Tanin Ni Naru Kusuri volumes 1-2, Kuzuo No Kuzu Application, Honey Lesson, a pack of 3 works (In The Forest + Konna No Atashi Janai + Overwrite), and Saimin Sharyou Bishoujo JK O Jibun No Mono Ni.

Hentai collectors, one of my past shares has become obsolete, as it’s now part of the presently shared volume, if you want you may safely remove it from your collection:
Doukyo Suru Neneki Zenpen

I’m not sure, do you think I should have also tagged this as yandere, as the slime does nasty things to please the boy even though she knows it makes him ill at ease?

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(151 MB, 216 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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3 years ago

A little too disturbing for me to fap to. If they were just dupliates and the originals could go on with their lives, I’d be ok with it, sort of.
Such a waste.

General Hentai
General Hentai
3 years ago

Truly, WTF Hentai. To be specific, what happens is that Slime-chan absorbs the girls, making perfect duplicates of the original girls, the only difference being that the replacement girls are slimes and they all now love and want to fuck the hell out of the MC. Further, each replacement is completely independent of Slime-chan, unless Slime-chan reconnects with them to pick up their recent memories and personality quirks. It leads to interesting questions about if any of the original girl is still there, as Slime-chan herself can change into the form of any of the girls she’s absorbed, becoming their personality as well in the process. Thus a girl who is a playful prankster will still be a playful prankster, acting completely as that girl would’ve acted prior to being absorbed.

But there seems to be no question: The original girls are gone, eaten by Slime-chan.

It’s not, oh, Slime-chan messed with them and now they’re nice to MC-kun. No, Slime-chan ate them, absorbed them and made a replacement identical to the original, except the replacement is also a slime.

We end with the promise of a continuation, and an ominous note that another slime is out there, one that’s, and weird to say this about a creature we’ve witnessed murder multiple girls, not as nice.

MC is kinda, “Oh, no! I suspected this but…” but quickly “Got laid, that’s all that matters”. So, this manga had an interesting story, sexy girls, but did nothing for me in the hentai way. I prefer my women to be women, not murdering monsters. Your mileage may vary.

3 years ago

This whole volume is a big nope.

3 years ago

This is giving me Saya no Uta vibes. Especially the whole transformation slime thing.

I can say, definitely one of the most unique stories out there :)

I love it!

3 years ago
Reply to  PrinceHeir

Also there’s a continuation right? It says the next volume continues in Summer 2020.

Can’t wait for it to be shared!!

3 years ago

They keep remaking Invasion of the Body Snatchers, now we’ve got a hentai version.

Should’ve stopped after the Donald Sutherland version IMHO.

General Hentai
General Hentai
3 years ago
Reply to  oldbrokenhands

Still love that point where they’re playing Amazing Grace on bagpipes, only to discover that they’re doomed.

3 years ago

I actually enjoyed the slime story as a horror story. It was like a B-Movie where they have to keep changing the lead. It wasn’t a turn on as much as it was like reading a tales from the crypt comic.

I was disappointed that when the MC found it he just went along with it and the story kept going on. I think when he see’s the rape in the ally, the story should have gone into a conclusion. Dragging it out, even with the great artwork made the whole thing pointless.

I was to disgusted by the elves story to even give it a chance.

3 years ago

…plicated hen-tie world fetish. It still so strangely under-ripe creature, though kinky.

3 years ago

I remember reading the first chapter of this when you published it (Doukyo Suru Neneki Zenpen). I wished that there was more and now my wish was granted.

3 years ago

As science fiction goes, this thing is wildly fascinating. All the girls that have been assimilated in this story are all one gestalt. That is, it’s all the main slime running girl A’s personality in girl A’s body. It could switch to being girl B, C, D, etc, but it knows that its job is to be girl A and keep people from thinking girl A is dead or gone. Several of the replacement girls got out of control, but that may have been just to arouse the main character. The main slime took control of them all and the personalities got mixed, but again that may have been just to be weird for the guy.

One of the last chapters implies that there’s multiple gestalts out there. The dude on page 197 was being a prick and ordering around a 2nd slime entity which took over a girl. But then on the next page, the girl suddenly turned on the guy and attacked him. I think the girl was actually a 3rd slime all along and it took over the 2nd slime entity. Then on page 215, the main slime personality and the convenience store girl personality were discussing invading slimes and discussing tactics. Convenience store girl is definitely one of the most intelligent and no-nonsense personalities.

From another point of view, each slime gestalt can be thought of as a phone operating system. Picture the central slime as Android. Humans all have their own OSes, like apps. That bitchy salesgirl at the convenience store is definitely Alexa in my book. The slime assimilated her, copying her body and mind. Then it creates a copy of the victim body and loads Android into the body, then runs the Alexa app of the victim in an emulation. So it pretends to be girl A, but ultimately it is still Android. So the invading slimes are like Pixel and iPhone. That wimpy 2nd slime that got assimilated was definitely a Pixel phone.

I’d swear I read a story where the slime finally decided to assimilate the guy, but I couldn’t swear to it. Maybe when Date is done with this story.

3 years ago

So what we suspected about the fact of the copied females in the first part you uploaded time ago ended up being true.