Sotsugyou Reward (“Graduation Reward”) [English], by Gosaiji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

What a girl. WHAT A GIRL!

Ah, man. 2021 is still young, I know, but I’m making that forecast already, that Sotsugyou Reward will be one of the wholesome hentai releases we’ll definitely remember for this year :)

It’s a simple story, in itself, a male teenager is becoming a shut-in, his female childhood friend strikes a deal with him, if he manages to come to school, every day, she’ll please him (everything, save vaginal), and actual sex will reward actual highschool graduation.
But… ah, well, everything is in the details, the naughty, superior, caring, tender expressions of the girl, in the boy’s intellectual growing…
And, come the second half (the story is 2 chapters long), with actual sex come actual feelings, words touching hearts… That was delightful, beautiful warm and fuzzy feelings :)

Graphically, it was pretty nice too, a bit heavy with the thick black bars, but still acceptable, and I could re-read the manga 5 times and still not get bored of watching every trait of the girl’s refined body features :twisted:
I retouched a bit the images, to bring a small value added.

This is a Burei Translations release, many, many thanks!! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Boku Ga Yorokobu 3B No Housoku, Hatsugao and Shujuu Reversi.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(23 MB, 43 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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4 years ago

Ah, the old classic: if she lets you come inside her, it means she loves you. I didn’t expect her not to say it!

4 years ago

Clearly Shinomiya saved Takase from ending up as a Hikikomori, plus probably spared his family from the potential embarassment of that, primarily because she liked him. Now that he’s graduated, There Can Be Only One thing to do … as soon as possible, make her your waifu, Takase.

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4 years ago

Scent of a Wanker.

4 years ago

mmmm… pudding♡

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
4 years ago

A new Yoru Yahagi doujin has just been translated, so there’s stiff competition on the wholesome WAFF prize. :D

General Hentai
General Hentai
4 years ago

And like that, the Hikikomori issue in Japan vanished, never to be seen again.