Seikatsu Koujou Keikaku (“Sexual Activity Plan”) [English, 215 pictures], by Sugi G
A kind ehentaier called LaraCroftTombRaider has compiled together the chapters composing the Seikatsu Koujou Keikaku tankoubon into a full volume, and translated 4 additional pages.
I wasn’t sharing all of these chapters before, releases that I missed, or forgot, which makes it even better a discovery for me
To be more accurate, the manga is composed of
– My Care Lady, 3 chapters long, which I was already sharing
– Angelus Beauty, 4 chapters long, but I was only sharing its chapter 1
– Hachi to Mitsu (AKA Bee Honey), 1 chapter long, which I was already sharing
– plus the tankoubon’s own contents, such as bonus pictures, etc, plus the 4 pages translated by LaraCroftTombRaider
At all times, it’s carefree happy sex, with an occasional original outlook. Especially in the first part, My Care Lady, in which to address the issue of declining birth rates across Japan, “care ladies” are dispatched to the homes of single men. Hopefully, they’ll end up with more confidence and decisiveness with the opposite sex. That was nicely thought ^^
The mangaka’s style is, as always, extremely erotic, with multiple highly praisable points of focus, like the women’s generous hips, large breasts and, perhaps my favourite points, their juicy erotic lips.
However, to my regret, I must warn you, there’s always this maddeningly frustrating full whiteout censorship not leaving much to see T____T
Release credits are for Saha and Ozma, Doujin-Moe, Sandwhale, Xarathustra, Salar/Hentaicore, and LaraCroftTombRaider, thank you very much!
By the same artist, to this day, I also share Lewd Dressing (274 pictures), Himitsukichi, Yarimoku Kouen, Heijitsu No Tanoshimikata, 2nDsukebe, Chiisana Heya No Irony, and Keep Yourself A Life.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(134 MB, 215 pictures, English)
I allowed myself to very slightly recompress the images before sharing. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 134 MB instead of 370 MB =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
I see sugi G, I know my boy down there is gonna enjoy it thoroughly
The uncensored version of this is one of the best hentai manga ever made.
That exists somewhere?
DP/MMF ruined this
As long as the tools don’t enter in direct contact, I don’t mind, but it’s a matter of personal tastes, so: sorry for you Billy.
i would rather 370 mb version
You wouldn’t find the difference with the naked eye. But fortunately, it’s not as if it were difficult to find the 370 MB version on the rest of the internet
unfortunately i couldn’t find it