Do S Jyoshiryoku [English, 220 pictures], by Hasebe Soutsu
👍🏻 The girls are super hot
👍🏻 The drawing style is original, expressive with relatively few traits, this is asthetically pleasing (although there was a certain creepy something about the sunken psycho eyes, that reminded me of Toga Himiko, the My Hero Academia female villain)
👍🏻 there’s beautiful vanilla, with reciprocated feelings, in the first two chapters, the rest of the sex is super weird but not technically rape I suppose O_o
💀 the boys are hard masochists who welcome all forms of domination, especially pegging, which is the main topic of the manga
Okay, now that everyone has run away I don’t need to make more of an effort to describe the manga, me too it made me want to run away
(And yet, I’m still sharing it. I don’t need to enjoy something to recognize it’s full of talent and well done, I believe it will please its happy, although small, audience. Enjoy, you sick fucks )
Release credits are for Vilis, from Hennojin, thanks!
By the same artist, known as AC Hasebe and Hasebe Soutsu, I also share Anata Wa Soko De Mitenasai (213 pictures) and Mijika Na Ana To Sao ~ Shasei Shitara Iiko Iiko (211 pictures).
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(129 MB, 220 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
My personal bet: 50 downloads in total, all mirrors aggregated. But I don’t care, that will be 50 extremely glad people, so it’s all good lol.
“Look around, realize that i’m alone, proceed to download” XDDDD
Enjoy it to your heart’s content, you sick fuck, lol.
Opened the picture gallery to see what it entailed, expecting the worst kind of heresy…
And i was not disapointed, i speedbrowsed chapter two and at chapter three stopped cold, closed it, and started praying to our benevolent god-emperor for the strenght to stand fast against so much heresy.
Slaanesh/10, now i need to go immolate myself clean
I wouldn’t mind reading hentai manga with sexy looking bondage gear like this without pegging and all that shit. Can’t I have bondage with vanilla?
Shit-eating grins and leather, it’s like biker Oktoberfest all over again.
Did you win your bet?
Not at all, the manga was an absolute hit, much more popular than your usual tankoubon, I simply don’t get it O_o