Mama Tomo Harem chapter 2, + the chapters 1-2 in another Zip, [English], by Maimu-Maimu
That’s probably the effect of summer, the volume of hentai releases is at a yearly low. I’m taking that as an opportunity to browse my old downloads folders for the things I liked and should have shared, but that I completely forgot about like an irresponsible dumbass. Such as the second chapter of Mama Tomo Harem: the chapter 1 was in 2017, the chapter 2 was 5 months ago, I don’t think I risk much in sharing it so “early”
In case you forgot, this story is the tale of a young man whose life is crumbling because he can’t get over his phobia of women. The neighbourhood MILFs, moved, decide to lend a hand, because, you see, there’s a trick: if the women are seen as mothers, there is no phobia at all. Hence this admirable (although broken, when you think of it) keikaku: let’s have the young man have sex with every MILF around, until his fear of women is cured.
There was no need to cure him from a fear of MILFs so the whole therapy is pointless, but does it really matters, his mother complex is satisfied, while the MILFs enjoy a great sexual partner and feel better in their lives, that’s got to count ^___^
And in terms of art, it’s pretty nice MILF action even despite the annoying whiteout censorship. See for yourselves
It’s a Fated Circle release, many thanks! ^_^
By the same artist, called Maimu-Maimu, Maimu Maimu, and also Box Representation In A Cat, I also share Aniyome Bitch Life (199 pictures, retouched), Kanojo No Mama To Deaikei De (201 pictures), Kokuritsu Hitozuma Gakuen (204 pictures), Kyouko Sensei To Boku No Himitsu (“Kyouko-sensei and My Secret”, 124 pictures), Delivery Mama – Midara No Ore No Gibo-san (90 pictures), The Teacher For Making Kids, Beast + You Can Not hentai and Mgirl.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
I share 2 zips. First: the chapter 2. Second: the chapters 1-2 repacked together, everything available in English to this day.
The chapter 2
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(18 MB, 30 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
The chapters 1-2,
Everything available in English to this day
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(47 MB, 60 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
WARNING: Reading this without turning off brain, may result in permanent damage.
Still without the censorship, this would have been kinda decent.
That is one screwed up motherfucker. No pun intended.
I felt sympathy for him in the first chapter, but here the guy’s fallen LOWER than where he started, it’s bad, yeah
I say no more about this.