Batsu Game De Yankee Onna Ni Kokuttemita Volume 2 [English], by Fueta Kishi
This Batsu Game… series has its facepalm moments. In average, from page 2 to antepenultimate page. For details please see the volume 1, but at least basically I’ll say it’s about a girl hiding her gullibility behind violence, too dumb to realize she’s led by the tip of the nose, into having secretly broadcast sex.
The theme, this time: nanobikini and raw creampie sex.
It (mostly) looks good, but, boy, did I facepalm hard (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Anyway. Credits are for Doujin-moe, thank you, and if YOU liked it, sorry I annoyed you with my rants.
For more goodness, Cf. The list of ALL Fueta Kishi’s works on Hentairules!
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Engaging sex and crappy motives. For now I’ll just hope that this ends with her finding out what’s been going on and kicking the holy hell out of all three of the boys.
I wonder what is going to happen once they find out she is pregnant.
I’m only guessing here but I’m betting that the scumbag boyfriend will end up having to marry the girl, but he’ll escape a serious beating because she’ll discover that she likes being submissive. The blonde bully will discover that he likes being NTRed, while both delinquents get the hell beat out of them. See, it’s karma: each guy is punished in some way for what they did, while she ends up happily married with a baby.
I don’t know. The feel from the boyfriend was different this time than it was in the last chapter. There was way more scumbag to him and less of a victim vibe. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if this takes a dark turn. That or if the blonde bully winds up manning up and turning things around by taking responsibility for the baby.
Personally, I don’t see how it could take a bad turn.
The boy feels nothing for the girl, he’s all about manipulating her.
How could the terrifying discovery he’s going to be a father transform him into a caring, responsible adult? Black magic?
I only foresee dark perspectives.
But, please o hentai god, let what I wrote be BS, let a good ending come.
Originally he was forced to get with said girl because the bully originally thought he (the ‘victim’) would get his ass kicked however that wasn’t the case.
Man and I thought thumb screws were exquisite torture.
Just bring back Fukuyama-san as promised instead of this stuff and the elves . . .
I should re-check, but I think Fueta Kishi wrote in a poscript that he was done with Fukuyama-san, unfortunately.
But please Loplop, DO prove me wrong, I would be extremely glad to hear it
In the postscript of Fukuyama-san Soushuuhen Ichi, He alluded to there would be more. I do remember seeing it some where else, I’ll have to find it & post it up in the next day or so.
Here’s what I got:
– before the last volume:
– last Fukuyama volume published:
Just like some of us that still demanding for more “Mousou Diary (Delusion Diary)” from Tsukino Jyogi.
Man, that is old.
come on.. where is the small repack for all kishi’s work.. we need it pls