Kuzuo No Kuzu Application (“A Shitty Man’s Shitty App”) [English], by Date
The mangaka Date has gotten us used to fucked up stories, in which things go seriously bad, and then, take a turn for the worse. The present share lacks the “what the holy fuck?!?” touch present in most of the other mangaka’s creations, but we’ve still got the bad vibes, it still makes the average vanilla lover – me – feel like scooping out his eyeballs with a rusty spoon in the end.
TL;DR version: an asshole neighbour hypnotizes the wife who moved next door to him, mindbreaks her, superfucks her at her home while the husband is about to come back and have his life wrecked. Take it or leave it, it’s a matter of tastes, as always, but I’ll have warned you.
Graphically at least, it’s OK. I’m too disgusted by the theme to have a fair opinion, sorry, though.
We owe this release to Sailor1980 and Desudesu, thank you!
By the same artist, I also share Reincarnation ~ Ubawareta Shoujo No Karada (200 pictures), Doukyo Suru Neneki (216 pictures), Ayatsuru Otoko ~ Subete no Onna o Omoidoori ni (parts 1-3, complete), Denshin Sousa, Tanin Ni Naru Kusuri volumes 1-2, Honey Lesson, a pack of 3 works (In The Forest + Konna No Atashi Janai + Overwrite), Doukyo Suru Neneki Zenpen and Saimin Sharyou Bishoujo JK O Jibun No Mono Ni.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(10 MB, 20 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
How confusing: the download links are not in the usual order, with information about Depositfiles near the Uploaded link.
Aaaaah, my bad. Depositfiles was taking too long to load, and in the meanwhile I took and pasted the ul.to link first. Sorry about that ^^
what happened to the uploaded.to link? I got years of subscriptions on that left!
Aaaaah, my bad. Depositfiles was taking too long to load, and in the meanwhile I took and pasted the ul.to link first. Sorry about that ^^
Hey Oliver! Do you think you could find a good quality version of Residence by Date?
I found the various chapters, the tank, and episode 1 of the video. Took about 5 minutes on Google. Just how hard did you try?