Gyoryuushima No Okite ~Jikyuu 1500 Yen [English], by Mizone

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 15 comments

Don't focus too much on the little details :D

Well well well. Not the usual stuff ^^;;
We have here a male human obsessed with the idea of having sex with a mermaid. More accurately, a nereid, if it even makes any difference. Eventually, it happens. Happy ending, he’s promised to the a harem king. Hey, why not ^^;;

The drawings are good and original, with very little censorship. However, huge warning, the girl in this share IS a monster girl. Her body isn’t only woman, it’s fish-like, mermaid-like, with fin and scales. I am ready to bet only a very small number of you guys are able to fap to it – and, yes, this is a challenge lol :twisted:

Thanks to Metaphrastes for this release :jap:

By the same artist, to this day, I also share Zasshoku Yuusha Daiisshou chapter 1 (uncensored), Risou No Kanojo, Itoshi No Charlotte, Shokubutsu No Sodatekata + After (ā€œHow To Raise Plantsā€ ā€“ sex with a plant: deal with it), Kindan No Shohousen Kouhen Part 2 (a total WTF, lol), Onigashima No Iinazuke, Ayakashi No Omotenashi and Jitsuroku Koumori Onnna-Tachi No Hanshokuki (ā€œThe Secret Mating Habits of the Batgirlā€).

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(23 MB, 20 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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8 years ago

I actually saw the Monster Girl Encyclopedia at the bookstore, $30 hardcover, totally gonna buy it.

8 years ago
Reply to  KCZ117

As expected of the interweb, cut off the part that made the image readable. Here’s the actual link:

8 years ago
Reply to  KCZ117

And for those of you too lazy to bother, a Nereid is basically the succubus of the sea.

8 years ago

This is actually the second chapter of the 1500 Yen Job series. The first also deals with nereids and has also been translated.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anony-mouse

Yep [Mizone] Jikyuu 1500 yen!! Gyogyou o Tetsudau Kantan na Oshigoto desu. (Dansei nomi Bashou) Zenpen | Earn 1500 Yen! Help wanted at fishery! Easy Job! (Only male applicants please) (Part One) [English] [The ButterFly Khan] [Decensored]

John D.
John D.
8 years ago

I feel that the “Lucky Bastard” tag (and meme) should be relevant here……even if it’s an understatement.

Glad to see that Mizone is continuing with this type of monster girl. :)

8 years ago
Reply to  John D.

Where is MHM when you need him? =3=

8 years ago
Reply to  John D.

Lucky Bastard?
This dude had the determination to brave typhoons at sea for years, and now that he finally got what he deserved, you put the credit on luck? Really?

8 years ago

Oliver clearly underestimates the monster girls fanbase

8 years ago

“I am ready to bet only a very small number of you guys are able to fap to it”

It’s *Mizone*. Mizone could draw a manga about a guy having sex with a totally normal fish and I would still fa… I’ll just shut up now.

8 years ago

This guy may be too stupid to breed, let alone live. After the chief takes off all her clothes, explains that they breed with humans, tells him that he’s now her husband, and then spreads herself for two full pages while explaining that she’s in heat, he responds with “How can I be of use?”

Dude. Clearly she wants you to solve all their Sudoku puzzles. And then kill yourself, you moron.

John D.
John D.
8 years ago
Reply to  Pavlov

I think it was more him trying to show self-restraint (considering having sex with them was his only mission this entire time) and letting her give the okay first before he went full-throttle like he did in the next page.

8 years ago
Reply to  John D.

Well, if for no other reason that Page 19:

8 years ago

i missed the Isopod Girl, Guu-tanā™„

7 years ago

Hmm, suddenly I’m developing a unagi fetish.