Special Halloween Share #1: Arachne Pack [80 Pictures, English]

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By DeltaOblivion on 4 comments

Free Image HostingHey, Troops! DeltaOblivion here with bad news and a Monster Girl Pack for you to enjoy. 3 Spider-girl or should I say Arachne stories by 3 great artists. And no, I’m sad to say no Comic book Spider-girls, like Mayday here is in it. Actually Arachnes are actually and literally Girl-Spiders and not to be confused with their humanoid Spider-girls counterparts.

 First off the bad news. I will not be using Rapidgator anymore since I can’t find out what the hell is going on that my files are slapped with an “Error 404”; I could contact support, but I have a bad habit of spilling my guts under stress. Meaning that I will not only be able to fix the problem if I get banned to begin with for me breaching the user agreement. Truth be told I only skimmed over the agreement a little and don’t say you guys don’t do it too. Honestly, who has time to read the whole thing without wanting to crush your own skull open? Another bad news, I only have less than 30 days to re-expand my uploaded storage or the files I posted on its download link will die and I’m only 0.81 Euros away to restore it. Sadly I feel that keeping my Uploaded account alive is nothing short of a fleeting chance. Meaning that I will be forced to stop using it too. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, as the saying goes.

Now for the shares. Let’s start with Kumo to Nie by Kousoku Bitch Network. A story about a young boy that has been chosen to be a sacrifice to in order to keep the village he was born into is kept safe. Honestly if that’s all it takes to get sexually assaulted by someone like her, I’d walk into it with open arms. Many thanks to constantly for this alluring story. The second story takes a lighter tone as Monster Girls reveal themselves to the world and no sooner after that, they easily integrated into our society. They integrated so well they even have jobs…as Call-Girls, just like this Arachne. I wonder if I’d get a discount if I were to be a regular customer? X3 Many thanks to Dark Mac on translation and mrwayne from Casa Wayne for the editing and Axalon and CynicW for QC. For the final entry we have Otonari-san wa Hanagumo Konoha by Horitomo, a really sweet vanilla story I don’t want to spoil it for you, but I’ll give you guys a hint: Coffee is a spider’s weakness. Many thanks to MapleScans for this cutie of a work. Enjoy! X3

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Kumo to Nie

Embraced by Arachne

Otonari-san wa Hanagumo Konoha

134.30 MB, 80 Pictures

Mirror 1Mirror 2Mirror 3

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8 years ago

MediaFire? I got 50GB free, and through various actions have been able to boost it to 55…

Oliver (AKA the Admin)

Thing is, you’ll find your account shut down and all your files deleted as soon as someone sends them a complaint that mediafire is used for sharing porn on the internet, and if nobody notifies them you still will only be safe until they notice unusual trafic trends.
Mediafire isn’t a reliable source and using them for hentai puts your legit files at risk, I’d say it’s not worth it :)

8 years ago

Spider Works!!!