Onigashima No Iinazuke [English], by Mizone

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

YAY for interracial sex! :D

Wehasband and Izur, thank you very much for this, bring us a pleasant share, about a human teenage boy in an arranged marriage with a female oni.
They’re in love and all, all is good, let’s just enjoy the sight of them together ^^

The drawings are rather nice, full of energy, done with skill, and coming with only slight thin bar censorship. I hope you can bear with the girl’s horns, this is quite good-looking :twisted:

By the same artist, to this day, I also share Zasshoku Yuusha Daiisshou chapter 1 (uncensored), Risou No Kanojo, Itoshi No Charlotte, Shokubutsu No Sodatekata + After (“How To Raise Plants” – sex with a plant: deal with it), Kindan No Shohousen Kouhen Part 2 (a total WTF, lol), Gyoryuushima No Okite ~Jikyuu 1500 Yen, Ayakashi No Omotenashi and Jitsuroku Koumori Onnna-Tachi No Hanshokuki (“The Secret Mating Habits of the Batgirl”).

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8 years ago

Hey Oliver, Shindol’s “Henshin -emergence-” tank is out! I’ve checked and it needs some re-translation loving on the beggining and ending of each chapter. Also, it has 4 extra pages at the end. Do you somebody who could re-touch the translations? Speaking of unfinished translations, how’s the Distance “Joshi Luck” translations going?

8 years ago
Reply to  GP1301

Sorry, Do you know somebody who could re-touch the translations?
Stupid typing. I feel like Wade (Lordminion777) right now.

8 years ago

P.S.: The Onigashima no Iinazuke has some chapters translated. Anyone you know is translating it?

8 years ago

WOW!!! That was great. I just wish it was all in color.

8 years ago

This is Chapter 01 of “Onigashima no Iinazuke”. The other chapters translated thus far are:

02. Imouto to Hajimeru Kuromajutsu Gishiki (My Little Sister and her First Black Magic Ritual) (http://exhentai.org/g/748599/402d80426e/)
03. Hito no Ashi yori Hebi no Ashi Miyo (Watch Out Where You Put Your Own Snake) (http://exhentai.org/g/940388/618ba8fd0b/)
04. Jitsuroku! Koumori Onnna-tachi no Hanshokuki (The Secret Mating Habits of the Batgirl) (see link above)
06. Yagi no Oyome-san!? (A Goat Bride!?) [Decensored] (http://exhentai.org/g/798386/a689c72f76/)
08. Noroi no Shika Senbei (The Cursed Deer Cracker) [Decensored] (http://exhentai.org/g/845116/d1eda1f3be/)
09. Kitsune no Yomeiri (A Fox Wedding) (http://exhentai.org/g/835663/477094d22b/)

That leaves only chapters 05, 07, 10 and 11 to be translated to English.

8 years ago

Hey Oliver! Long time fan here, it’s cool to see that you still update the site. Thank you for posting some of the greatest doujins ever!