Gitei Otoshi – Trap – Younger Brother-In-Law Pack [140 Pictures, English] by Cannabis

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By DeltaOblivion on 9 comments
in Categories: English Translated, Incest

Free Image HostingHey Troops! Delta’s back with another Trap Pack. Honestly this one I forgot I even had it, so Kudos to sanzo1 for throwing ideas in my “Elf Brothel” Share. Here’s Cannabis Trap Qua-trilogy: Gitei Otoshi.

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Before I get into the story, can I ask y’all a very important question? Are YOU “NORMAL”? Am I “NORMAL”? Is ANYBODY in this world anywhere remotely close to the word “NORMAL”? The answer is quite simple: NO ONE’S NORMAL!!! We all have our quips, pips, fetishes, way of doing things that sets us apart from everyone else. By day, we act as should, but at home, well only you know now, do you? To me NORMAL is BORING!!! And boring is a 4-letter word in our dictionary, right? To me “NORMAL” means be another face in the crowd, never stand out, never deviate from every day predetermined life. It makes me annoyingly sick that nobody wants to stand out, to never choose the way of life one o’ so desire; to deviate from predetermined fate into true fateful encounters. That’s how I got here being a Guest Member of HentaiRules. So take chances, take risks and throw away the “NORMAL” way of life out the window and be daring as a wise man once said: “If you look, you will not want to jump!”. I agree with this. If what you are doing feels wrong, then quit while you still have a head (I know its actually “Quit while you’re still ahead”, but in this day in age you actually lose your head and shockingly, somehow you will literally lose it) so don’t get reckless with your luck. Walk the path your heart longs for and never stray from it as long it is the right one.

Anyhoo, let’s get this show started! We have a man, he marries the woman of his dream and his life is perfect in every sense of the way. Except for the brother-in-law that literally hates his guts. I know most of you have been there too. Except for me, I’m not married; hell I’m so pathetic I never had a girlfriend in my entire pitiful existence, but thank God I got laid starting the millennium; but sadly I never got lucky again. But I know how to be an In-law. I downright despise my sister-in-laws. None of my brothers know how to pick them. 2 of my brothers are divorced while the other 2 are being oppressed by women that believe they deserve everything. Well enough about me; this guy tries to buddy-up with his brother-in-law, only to find him wearing a girl’s school uniform. He actually pranks old farts thinking he’s a high-school girl looking for some perverted fun through video-chat. They are half right though, only to be crossed as he reveals to the he’s a guy as he laughs at their pissed-off faces. The way he flirted towards the old farts actually flipped his sister’s husband switch as he notice his hard-on; he snaps a pic and plans to blackmail him and…that’s where the fun starts. XD Many thanks and kudos to the folks at Short Wharf team that are part of Little White Butterflies for translating this special story. Enjoy!

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PS: Next up is tank followed by a special announcement from yours truly that will prove beneficial for 2 (possibly 3) of you. So stay tune and remember to SMILE!!! XD

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8 years ago

First thx for posting one of my recommendations.^^
I can relate to your post. I get the impression that a lot people just despise the genre because homosexuality isn’t really accepted in a lot of places. Butt, everybody likes yuri.
Some fear they will turn gay, after reading trap stuff ;). Some guys also fear anything anal related (only if his ass is involved^^).
A lucky friend of mine has a really nice girlfriend that occasionally gives him a
prostata orgasm. A lot of people don’t know what they are missing. I can personally say it’s a very different nonetheless pleasant orgasm. But it can take a while to get there.

As you said screw the normies. Anybody can do what they want. We all only live ones, so enjoy yourself folks.

Oliver (AKA the Admin)
Reply to  sanzo01

Perhaps they just don’t feel aroused at this and move on without wasting a single useless second, too. You musn’t be too hard on us normies :D

8 years ago

that is also ok, you can’t like everything. But a lot of people at least took their time to rate it. They just see the tags and give it one or two stars. It’s like downvoting a video that you haven’t even tried to watch or you know beforehand that you don’t like it. If they would move on without wasting a single second that would be nice.

8 years ago
Reply to  sanzo01

So true! Honestly I started accepting the “Not-Norrmal” deal as I closely studied my favorite villain in order to create an antagonist for my projects: The Joker. Honestly if you listen closely to all of his insane philosophy and ideas; ideas no one wants to listen since he is a psycho, you’ll see in the most unexpected way…his words and philosophy makes sense to a certain point of view. Truth be told I found an unlimited number of ways to create bad guys using Joker as a base as long as I don’t make a copyright infringement.

8 years ago
Reply to  DeltaOblivion

I like not being normal. On the Internet (where nobody knows you really are a cat) I can be innormal without consequences, and I sure as hell can give out rants such as this.

On subject: I am male, and I like traps very much. The only thing I remembered from OreGaIru (had to google the title) is Totsuka Saika’s name, for example. But for some reason I dislike yaoi with traps just as much. Kissing a trap? Yes. Even jerking him off? Yes. Fucking a trap from either end? No. I love futas, I can enjoy male on futa/futa on male, but as soon as the futa in question gains balls/loses vagina, a tiny rat in my proverbial attic hits a switch, and instantly ruins my mood.

So I saw the description, remembered the previous trap share, and moved on to comments.=)

By the way, Delta, do you by any chance have a trap pictures pack ready for posting?=)

8 years ago

I’m normal, it’s everyone else in the world that’s weird. And as the only normal person on Earth, I’m outnumbered over 7 billion to 1, so I try to act slightly weird to avoid being chased out of town by an angry mob of pitchfork and torch weilding townsfolk.

Oliver (AKA the Admin)
Reply to  HentaiAddict


8 years ago

Elf Brothel was pretty trap-tastic, and this looks promising. Scenario looks idk but artwork alone might be worthwhile.