Koiseyo Megane (“Love Spectacles”) [English], by Hyocorou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments

The power of boobs and glasses in action.

Scenario-wise, there’s not much to say, we watch as love blooms between a highschool girl and the young man that she grew to love. The art, the feelings, are what makes this share extremely worth reading, I think.
In terms of feelings, there is mutual understanding, passion, determination…

In terms of art, ah, how could I describe Hyocorou’s style. I’ll just say it is unique and really pleasant to the eye. If you wonder, the sex is white-hole censored (see, no false promises!), and the girl is a seriously great cutie. A shy, uneasy and yet courageous smile, below a pair of glasses and a haircut bowl. With boobs. That’s how I would describe her! ^^
That was a fine read, when I thought it was over, there was still plenty of sex to come and enjoy, rhaaaa!! :twisted: Thanks a lot, a whole lot, to Tech, Freudia, EdMX and Inkblot, from The Phoenix Syndicate! :)

For MORE, cf. The list of Hyocorou’s shares on HentaiRules!

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Awwww! ^_^

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