Here is a repack with ALL my shares by the hentai artist Hamao :)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments


Turns out, as a kind visitor, Kcz117 told me, that my shares by Hamao are absent from the Hentairules Gigatorrent, for some reason I cannot fathom O_o
This is a pity, Hamao is a loveable artist. Sure, his stories aren’t great shakes in themselves, and yet we finish reading them with a broad smile, feeling better, refreshed… If you know the term WAFF, for “warm and fuzzy feeling”, that’s usually how it feels ;)

As a kind of compensation, if you care, I took and repacked together ALL my shares by Hamao, an artist that I definitely find to my great liking :twisted:

The links, Zip: mirror #1, mirror #2, mirror #3

The works by Hamao that I share are, individually : Candy Drop, Ookami-san To Hitsuji-san, Satisfaction, Lilith, Love Peak (re-edited version), Sunshine Next Door, and A Kiss on The Scarlet Rose.

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9 years ago

Lol, 'kind visitor'. I have been visiting the site since 2010, hopefully I've gone beyond just visitor.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  kcz117

Yeah, but how could I call you ? ^^

There, it's my last day before holidays, give me a title and I'll update my post with it, whatever title you give.

Planetary Overlord, friend, Inflatable Internet Mogul, NyanHentaier works, whatever suits you ;)

9 years ago

ok the depositfile is saying:
This file does not exist, the access to the following file is limited or it has been removed due to infringement of copyright