Kekkon Ichinenme No Kozukuri Daisakusen (“Grand First Anniversary Pregnancy Plan”) [English], by Itaba Hiroshi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments

I guess you could call them breeding professionals :D

Me, I didn’t have a problem getting my wife pregnant, we succeeded on every first try. But when I jokingly called myself El Fecondator, she raised her eyes to the ceiling with her usual “why did I choose him already” sigh :lol:
The young newlywed couple starting in the present hentai share didn’t have that chance, they’re doing their best but so far it hasn’t bore fruit. Under a half-serious half-comedy light, we watch the dedication, training and intense baby-making ventures, basically ^^

The art suffers a lot from thick censorship bars, it requires an additional level of focus to still enjoy the bodies, it’s a pity we cannot spontaneously enjoy the art without having to work our brain. Other that that, it’s very good graphically, Itaba Hiroshi’s talent has only improved with the years.
Credits are for Samwais, JBK, Palaxius, Freudia and Cadenza, from Team Koinaka, thank you very much, I’m grateful! :jap:

For more, please Cf. the list of my Itaba Hiroshi shares

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Just an anecdote: this “baby batter” mention on page 19 was super weird, it was fun ^^

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9 years ago

Depositfiles is really pissing me off. It keep on verify verify verify everytime. I tested on another site and it worked, but on your site doesn,t work

9 years ago
Reply to  Uesugi

Yo. Oliver here, trying from another browser on which I don't have my premium cookie.

Are you speaking about their annoying phone number verification thingy ?

That, you can close with the small – no, correction, super nano small – red arrow in the upper right of the window. And then the download proceeds normally.

If that's something else, it's something I didn't have, maybe it's based on geotargetting :/

9 years ago

Il semblerai que le fichier soit corrompu sur rapidgator comme hébergeur . Je ne sais pas qui a rajouter ça mais il y a un virus ou un troyen accrocher au fichier quand on passe par cet hébergeur alors qu il n y a aucun problème pour les autres.

9 years ago
Reply to  Arion

Let me check.

Oh god it's slow without premium.

I'll hop by later when I'm certain the download has finished and I check what it yielded.

9 years ago
Reply to  Arion

OK, so maybe it's your browser that is hijacked by something, but me, I downloaded it from RG as non-premium and I didn't have a trojan or anything, the resulting file is a binary duplicate of the original.

Wait, pourquoi j'ai répondu en anglais ?!?

Pumpkin Head
Pumpkin Head
9 years ago

You have a wife oliver? That’s news to me.

How does she feel about you sharing porn, especially hentai in this case? Since most people seems to be disgusted by hentai.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Pumpkin Head

I don't make a rule to tell everything about my life on the blog, but I never made it a state secret either ^^

So, yeah, I have a wife, we're together since year, errr, 2001 (I'll have to check, argl), I'm also a father (the boys are healthy and well, making my pride).
She approves of my love for hentai, that's time when my sexual drive does not lead me into trying to hump her all over the place, and in her eyes it's all healthy to be open about loving porn, it's as good a hobby as another. She's also a morning person while I'm an evening person, so the time I spend on my hentai shares is not stolen from her, that avoids conflicts or spite. She also likes when I have a funny story to tell from a hentai share, like yesterday, the female manager who, instead of cheating with her male employee, pushes him into a professional regimen, being fit, healthy, while his wife uses Excel or a similar prog to check her rythms… that, she found it fun.

9 years ago

All the moaning and screaming about "Baby Batter" would have probably had me falling off the bed laughing if I was one of that couple. :P

9 years ago

I got to say, I was a little said the wife didn’t get pregnant in the end but I’m mostly happy the story ended with a happy and funny ending, usually story like this end in NTR, rape, or light/hard cheating.

2 years ago

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