Souguu! Anazoness Oyako (Encounter with the Mother and Daughter Amazons!) [English] by Kuroiwa Menou

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By DeltaOblivion on 7 comments

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When I posted Wild Tea Break, I was actually testing my luck and as I mentioned in my Yawaraka-Sensei post, when it comes to my luck, I’m a pessimist. But to much my surprised, it was well received with 3.79 out of 5 stars and over 3,681 download (not counting mega since I can’t see how many have been downloaded there). And for that I thank you with this new share.

It was a typical day for a certain boy just walking by the countryside just minding his own business, that is until a girl jumped out of the bushes being attack by a woman that look that can kill a bear with her own hands. Any fool would just run, but the boy decided chivalry is more important than his life and tries to defend the girl only to get clotheslined by the woman and kicked in the back by the girl KOing him instantly. Later he wakes up to see that they were mother and daughter training in wrestling. Long story short: he somehow ends up training with them…IN SEX! XD

Fore MORE, cf. The list of ALL Kuroiwa Menou’s Works on Hentairules!

A coworker of mine said to me once upon a time that strong women will end up breaking me in half rather than to spend time in bed with me. She might be right, but stranger things have happened. Many thanks to desudesu for translating and Anonymous for the commission. Enjoy!

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10 years ago

Wonder if just like in "Chokujou Hime to Hinjaku Ouji (A Straightforward Princess and a Feeble Prince)" the mother decides at the end to turn Tooru (lucky bastard) into a "REAL" man? :p

10 years ago

38 mb, 25 pictures

10 years ago
Reply to  Anony-mouse

a recompressed version would be nice…

10 years ago


10 years ago

What a great share!

Menou (despite having some anatomycal issues) is one of my favorite artists and I also have a thing for strong, muscular women -You don't know how hard is to find good doujins about it!

Thank you so much for this!

10 years ago

WOW!!! "You can't win against or loose to cocks. You can only love them." You know mom and daughter are going to drain him dry and make him a real man!!!:p

10 years ago

For those who care, this is chapter 9 from Eclipse.