Saimin Sharyou Bishoujo JK O Jibun No Mono Ni (apparently, a part of the name can be translated to “Hypnotic Train”) [English], by Date

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

After all, maybe it's like that in Japanese trains. How would I know. I have never been there.

You don’t see me sharing many works by Date on Hentairules. Reason is : they’re too bizarre, too weird. Skinsuits, body invasion parasitism, mindbreak… That’s beyond fucked up, and even with the consideration I want to show to the people who have tastes different from mine, reading them in detail and sharing them on my blog would be too much of an effort.

That new release was surprisingly tame, it’s only a salaryman creating an hypnotizing device and using it in a train car to have sex with women and bend a highschool female student to his sexual whims. Almost vanilla, by Date standards ! :lol: :roll:

By the same artist, I also share Reincarnation ~ Ubawareta Shoujo No Karada (200 pictures), Doukyo Suru Neneki (216 pictures), Ayatsuru Otoko ~ Subete no Onna o Omoidoori ni (parts 1-3, complete), Denshin SousaTanin Ni Naru Kusuri volumes 1-2, Kuzuo No Kuzu Application, Honey Lesson, a pack of 3 works (In The Forest + Konna No Atashi Janai + Overwrite) and Doukyo Suru Neneki Zenpen.

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10 years ago

I find it hilarious that "Train" is a tag.

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
10 years ago
Reply to  Surferdude

With so many hentai works that feature trains, we shouldn't be surprised at all.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago

I don't know, why is it funny that train is a tag, Surferdude ?

I imagine its addition made sense, as Kurzwaltz said, there are plenty of works with hentai taking place in a train, and it's always a very specific kind of sex.
Well, I think. Maybe there was another reasoning or a joke that's escaping me ^^

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
10 years ago

Maybe the tag confuses him, thinking that maybe it's the train itself that's doing all the sex. :P

10 years ago

FYI, the part that means "hypnotic train" is saimin sharyou, although it's a bit hard to deduce "train" out of 車両 without context.
The rest (美少女JKを自分のものに) is the subtitle. Basically "hypnotic train: your very own beautiful highschool girl".

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  fapfapfap

Clarifications are always appreciated, thank you :)