Colorized and Uncensored version of H SAS 2 [English], by Hellabuna Giant Comics

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

My thoughts went with the second girl, the redhead. Yum :D

Four years ago, I was sharing the grayscale version of H SAS 2. Well, look at us today, as I’m lucky enough to share now a quality colorized version of it ! ^_^
I’ll insist, this is a quality colorization, no pixels or details were harmed in the process, it made the girls look really nice :)
Although, odd as it may be, save the penises, the little bits we were seeing of the male partners were left in grayscale (but did they matter anyway :3 )

As for this volume, these are two girls from the God Eater thingy, and it’s pure fap’n’go =)
The original credits are for Kletian and Lynie, and the colorization was made by Ft0803021 (kudos to Zathael for telling me about it), thank you :)

(And there’s the list of ALL Hellabuna Giant Comics’ works on Hentairules)

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10 years ago

It looks like this was colorized by someone on the e-hentai website that goes by the username ft0803021. They have colorized a LOT of Hellabuna doujins and uploaded them there.

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

Aaah, I remember seeing links to some of it in my mailbox like a month ago !! That had completely escaped from my memory !!

A reason I forgot about these, was that these links pointed to incomplete versions, so I discarded them as not worth reading *yet*

Here, it looks like one of them was completed, at last :D

Thanks Zathael :)

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
10 years ago

Because they didn't color the guy, it looks like they're humping a marble statue. LOL

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago

Rule 34, my friend, rule 34 :D

10 years ago

I love it when the stories are done in color!!!! No white out or black lines. Just two hotties with big boobs wanting to please their man:p