Rakuen E Youkoso [English], a Rakuen Tsuihou hentai doujinshi, by Abgrund

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Why do girls always need to wear skimpy weird clothes ? Oh, yeah, excuse me, I forgot it was Japan.

I have grown accustomed to the anime/manga scenarii in which humans have their adventures in a virtual world. Here, that’s new to me, the canvas in Rakuen Tsuihou is about the opposite, the heroine is leaving a colony where humans live their lives with their spirit digitalized in a virtual universe, so that she may go through a mission in a corporeal body. Let’s keep it short : instead of a mission, she wants to experience sex ;)
To my glad lack of surprise, coming from the artist Abgrund, this is happy sex with love, and drawn with talent, although I’ve read Abgrund works drawn with much more care (and time ?) for the details. On the other hand, that gorgeous cover is awesome :twisted:

Credits are for CovertOpBoobs and LazarusLP, from Lazarus H, thank you ! :jap:

For LOTS more, please see The list of Abgrund / Saikawa Yusa’s works on Hentairules!

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Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
10 years ago

>> although I’ve read Abgrund works drawn with much more care (and time ?) for the details
So true. This doujin takes 5 pages before you notice Saikawa Yusa's art style.